Ungdomshuset evicted - Protests everywhere!
Modkraft | 01.03.2007 16:29 | Culture | Free Spaces | Repression
The demonstration is moving down Nørrebrogade. The police has blocked the street in the direction of the city. (some sources talk about 1500 people)
Shortly after the announcement police-vans are ready to block the street leading from the square in both directions. The demonstration will then be trapped. At the same time the square is completely filled with demonstrators - there is even people standing down the streets (The square is pretty big compared to others in Copenhagen - There can probably be up to 2000 people if not more - It is also completely closed up by apartment buildings with no cover at all)
A smaller group of policemen have by megaphones annouced that the demonstration at Blågårds Plads isn't allowed and people are to leave. At the same time a demonstration from Christiania has just arrived at the square
A demonstration is moving down through Gothersgade. The demonstration is coming from Christiania where activists have made happenings/actions several times during the day. The demonstration contain around 500 people and is headed for Blågårds Plads where a larger demonstration is starting at 17.00. A big amount of demonstrators have already gathered at the square.
Solidarity demonstrations are being prepared in several places. For example Germany.
»The eviction went completely as planned and therefor I don't think, that it is very pleasent to see the media make it into some violent fight«. says minister of justice Lene Espersen to the danish newspaper Politiken. She thinks that both the media, activists and citizens should stay calm
The Reclaim The Streets-demonstration has now arrived at Blågårds Plads on Nørrebro.
Around 200 demonstrators are moving down through Vester Voldgade in the inner city towards Nørrebro. They are coming from the Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen) and were a part of the Reclaim The Streets-demonstration
Demonstrations protesting the eviction are being planned in Aalborg and other major cities at 17.00
At around 14.00 the spokesperson for the police tells the newspaper Politiken that around 90 persons have been arrested during the day.
The police is still checking people by Dronning Louises Bridge on Nørrebro. People, the police find suspicious has to document that they have a reason for being on Nørrebro to enter that part of town
A demonstration protesting the eviction is moving from Christiania at 16.00 to Blågårds Plads where there has already been called for a protest-demonstration at 17.00
The Reclaim The Streets demonstration is now at Storkespringvandet on Strøget (the main walking street) in inner city
The Mourning Group is arranging a Torch Demonstration tonight at 22.00
The Reclaim The Streets demonstration is now with around 300 people who are running towards Strøget (main walking street)'
It is rumoured that VUC (adult education centers) in Hvidovre and on Amager (suburbs) the students have stopped their work in protest of the eviction
The announced Reclaim the streets demonstration that left Israels Plads at 14.00 has just blocked the traffic lights by Nørreport Station (the biggest trainstation in copenhagen). There is around 100 activists who are sitting on the road awaiting the arrival of the police
According to an anonymous engine-driver with DSB city trains, all of them have been told by the police to notify them if they see people looking like activists on the trains. The engine-driver contacted Modkraft.dk becuase he didn't consider it a fair demand.
30 activists from »Feminister for flere fristeder« has blocked Amagerbrogade (main street on Amager), where they have been making noise and speeches to support Ungdomshuset.
At 14.00 there is a reclaim the streets demonstration from israels plads
In Stengade on Nørrebro the concertplace Stengade 30 has set up a tent from where they hand out tea, coffee and juice. They have put up a sign saying: "Police! You have a choice"
According to newspapers, Ruth Evensen, the leader of the "buyer" of Ungdomshuset, faderhuset, is going to look at Ungdomshuset later today to decide if the building should be demolish. The police is preparing for a longer stay since they are setting mobile toilets up for the cops on jagtvej.
On Dronning Louises bridge (access point from inner copenhagen to nörrebro)reports say the police has extended their control of access to also include cars. Furthermore people walking and biking is stopped, body-searched and denied access to the area without further explanation. When Modkrafts photographer tried to get back to Modkraft he was denied access despite his ability to provide a valid media-id card. When the photographer insisted on his right to walk through he was asked to leave. The policeman refused to reveal his name. This is clearly against the law which gives the media the right to pass a police controlpoint unless it is a riot situation. Furthermore the police is always obligied to reveal name and number on demand to the media if they are denied access. The responsible policeman on the spot can be required but as the photographer was asked to leave immediately he chose to do so.
Demand for emergency meeting in the city council of Copenhagen
Sources inform us that activists on their way to Copenhagen from Jutland is stopped by the police. This has happened for both activists on trains and in personal cars.
It is said by witnesses that the police is now stopping and body-searching people walking or on bike on their way over Dronning louises bridge towards Nørrebro. On Nørrebros Runddel it is said that it is now relatively calm but that the area is still being heavily controlled by the police
The police has blocked Dronning Louises Bro for all trafic towards Nørrebro. Trafic is still possible towards the city to some extend. Also the public trafic has been disturbed by the riots. In many places activists have been met by furious and aggresive drivers when they have blocked the traffic. Latest at a blockade near Åboulevarden (close to jagtvej)where several drivers threw things at the demonstrators
At forum subwaystation the police has just cleared a blockade of containers by chasing away 30 activists
The police has entered "Folkets Hus" (alternative house governed by the users themselves) by Folkets Park on Nørrebro. Despite the police wasn't in poccesion of any allowance to enter the house 8 combatuniformed cops entered the house. They however disappeared again when all doors in the house were locked
Following is an eyewitness report from a journalist on DR (main danish tv channel):
»About 20 meters from McDonalds on runddelen activists had build barricades across the streets. At around 9.25 the police is driving through the street with 3-4 armored vans to clear the barricades. One of the vans directly hit a demonstrator who falls and stays lying with his legs under the car. After this he is arrested - it is unknown what happened to him. The police didn't succeed in clearing the street. Shortly afterwards the barricades were rebuild and containers and garbage were set on fire«. Witnesses in the area say there is around 1500 activists out in protest again the eviction
15 activists have been arrested in Folkets Park on Nørrebro.
There are burning containers blocking Torvegade at Christiania
Police is getting ready to clear barricades on Nørrebrogade
There are events/happenings different places. Activists have spread out. Before the eviction it was said that there would be events everywhere. Among others "Feminists for more "fristeder"" have made blockades 12 different places in town
9.49 Around 100 to 150 activists are trying to build barricades across Nørrebrogade. The Police is removing the barricades by driving into them with their cars. The activists there are angry and frustrated
Nørrebros Runddel has been cleared for activists. There is reasonable peaceful but there are a lot of activists in the neighbourhood. The athmosphere is tense. So far there has been made around 20 arrests according to Modkrafts reporters
The police is arresting persons on Runddelen. Activists and the police are pushing against each other
The Police is clearing Nørrebros Runddel (a few meters from Ungdomshuset) and is starting to arrest people who refuse to move.
Spokespersons for Ungdomshusets maintain, that the plan when evicted is that the supporters of the house are going to show up in the local areas. Tomorrow there is a protest demonstration at 17.00 from Blågårds Plads and the day after there is a day of different happenings
Around 100 of Ungdomshusets supporters are trying to break through the barricades the police have made on Jagtvej by Runddelen
There are around 25 of different kind of bigger police vans. And the gathering of people has now officially been asked to leave.
Assistens Kirkegården (the graveyard/park across from Ungdomshuset) is cleared by the police
According to sources from Ungdomshusets the police has entered the house around 7.00
It has happened very quickly. It's guessed that it has taken the police around 5 minutes to enter the house through a container on the side of the house from where they have entered through a vindow or the wall and also by deploying cops on the roof.
From Ungdomshuset it is said that: "As long as there isn't a Ungdomshus, there is a fight for a Ungdomshus"
Two ambulances have left Ungdomshuset.
(New information: From Ungdomshuset it is said that the police wasn't that fast this morning as it has earlier been explained to the media. According to sources, that were by the house this morning, it took several attempts before the police succeeded in entering the building. A crane had to lift a container up to the house several times before the police could enter the house. It started a 7.00 this morning but at 8.00 there was still coming loud sounds out from the house which can mean that the police didn't have full controle over the building yet.)
01.03.2007 17:29
The big demonstration has according to sources been split in at least 3 groups. The group nearest Ungdomshuset contains around 200 activists who has apparently been trapped by the police.
Demonstrators have spread around the neighbourhood. Several groups are wandering around diff. streets
Armored police vans are also driving around the areas and have been attacked in different locations by activists. A street is reported blocked with police dogs
The police has split the demonstration in two on Nørrebrogade next Assistens kirkegård (cementary/park along the street running up to Jagtvej and Ungdomshuset). Cops have put themselves between the two parts.
In megaphones the police is asking the demonstrators to stand still and they are saying they are going to give the one part a new destination and way there.
Fireworks are being thrown at the police
The demonstration from Blågårds Plads has developed into fighting. Sources by the demonstration is saying, that the demonstrators have thrown paint and bottles on the street. The newspaper "Politiken" writes that the police has thrown tear gas
Several thousand demonstrators are moving towards Jagtvej and Ungdomshuset on Nørrebrogade
London demo?
01.03.2007 17:40
Embassy of Denmark 55 Sloane Street London, SW1?
Tomorrow, Friday 2nd?
Meet in Hyde Park at Hyde Park Corner at 2pm for a picnic first?
Protest London Danish Embassy Friday 2nd March
01.03.2007 19:39
FRIDAY 2nd March
2pm Hyde Park Corner, just inside the Park
Royal Danish Embassy in London, Great Britain
55 Sloane Street
London SW1X 9SR
Great Britain
Phone: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0200
Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0270

01.03.2007 21:59
The parade has by policevans been forced to turn away from jagtvej which they had arrived at from Ågade and they have now turned towards the city again. It is unknown where the demonstration will ned.
A larger number of police is now visible by the demonstration
The "mourning parade" is getting closer to Jagtvej by Ranzausgade. The demonstration is filling up the entire road and contains around 1000 people according to a source in the demonstration
The parade has grown on it way towards Nørrebro. A source which earlier states the numbers to 200 is now saying 700. The demonstration is moving on Åboulevarden.
Around a couple of hundred people have gathered for a "mourning parade" which have just left the Townhall Square (Rådhuspladsen). A lot of demonstrators have torches and there are 3 cuffins in the parade. The demonstration is moving towards Nørrebro.
There isn't much visible police around the demonstration which is also declared non-violent.
On Nørrebro the police is still clearing the barricades that keep being rebuild around the area. Right now the police is removing bikes from the trafficlight by Blågårdsgade and Nørrebrogade.
Guests at the bar Café Blågårds Apotek on Blågårds Plads is reporting, that the police is still forcing the guests to stay in the cafe. Some minutes ago a couple of officers entered the bar and dragged a couple of random guests out - apparently for no reason at all
The police is removing burning cars and containers in streets next to Torvegade on Christianshavn (Cristiania area)
A larger policeforce has arrived to Christianshavn where there are several fires on the streets
TV2 (major danish tv channel) reports that representatives from the right wing fundamentalistic sect Faderhuset has visited and inspected Ungdomshuset today. The leader Ruth Evensen is now to decide if the building should be demolish. She expresses to DR: I think it's scary that it can happen in Denmark.
Street fighting is still happening around Nørrebro. Not as intensive now but in small mobile groups around the neighbourhood. They are making fires and throw rocks at the policecars when they appear. When the police try to catch the groups they withdraw and start new actions in new places.
It is not only flammable material that has been used for building barricades. Also bikes has been put on the streets to prevent the police from moving freely.
According to DR 5 people have been detained for 27 days.
Torvegade is blocked by prinsessegade. There are burning cars by Christiania.
Solidarity demonstration for Ungdomshuset in Aalborg (Jutland)
According to DR a 18 year old woman and a 36 year old man has been detained for among other things violence towards the police
The police reports that so far 160 persons are arrested in total
Flames are still appearing several places on Nørrebro. Right now there is action in the area around Sankt Hansgade and Ravnsborggade (close to Blågårdsplads). It is small groups that creates small bonfires and use fireworks
The police has left several of the places where there has been fires earlier. New fires are created in several of these places
On Blågårds Plads the guests at Café Blågårds Apotek has been forced to stay inside by the police. Guests trying to leave have been ordered back inside. In this area there is large amounts of tear gas in the air. The guests are complaining about the effects from this
The fighting on Nørrebro seem to die out. The police has in several places begun to clear up after bonfires and barricades with bulldozers.
There is however burning barricades at several places - among others on Blågårdsgade (next to the square) where there might be starting fighting again.
There is also new fires at Jagtvej og Nørrebrogade. There is however not a large amount of people these places
Cars have in several locations been dragged out on the roads.
Policevans are now gathering in streets next to Nørrebrogade around Griffenfeldsgade.
The police's request to leave the streets have to be understood as a curfew a representative from Ungdomshuset says
The police is announcing from speakers that throwned stones will be answered with tear gas. Ungdomshuset has on it's webpage a guide to how to protect yourself if exposed to tear gas
There is now developing new fighting Nørrebrogade by Blågårdsgade. The police has let their dogs out from the vans and look ready to release them. They are trying to force the demonstrators down Blågårdsgade with tear gas.
Policecars are now driving around requesting people to leave the streets by refering to the constitution. They are saying that the area will be cleared.
Trashcans Blågårdsgade has been set on fire and dragged down to Nørrebrogade, where they are used to creating a barricade
There is street fighting around Griffenfeldsgade and Nørrebrogade. The police is using tear gas in both places
Activists have created barricades on Nørrebrogade next to Griffenfeldsgade. Rocks are being thrown at the police. Demonstrators under pressure from the police is fleeing down Griffenfeldsgade.
A couple of hundred meters further down demonstrators have also gathered around smaller barricades with fires.
There are burning barricades on Stengade. There is however only very few people. They have apparently left the street. Three armored policevans have just arrived.
There are also burning barricades on Nørrebrogade between Kapelvej and Stengade.
Demonstrators seem to be spread around the area. And sources are reporting that the police is chasing small groups of demonstrators towards Nørre Alle. They are also gathering what is left behind by the demonstrators.
On Nørrebrogade the police's armored vans are again blocking the road towards the city and the access to Blågårdsgade.
Activists have after fleeing the main demonstration build barricades on Fælledvej. They have attacked the police with bottles and stones
Afther this they have been pushed up towards Sankt Hans Torv, where they have continued down Nørre Allè.
Sources by Ungdomshuset report that a couple of hundred demonstrators have gathered in front of the police here. Everything is peaceful.
Demonstrators from the demonstration has been trapped on Nørrebrogade a couple of hundred meters toward the city
And the last update for yesterday night
02.03.2007 08:15
A house in Blågårdsgade has been occupied. The area is filled with police forces so it is unlikely that it will last for long.
On the other hand the police is still busy with fighting and barricades in other areas of this part of town. There is right now fire in Bragesgade, on Blågårds Plads and on Nørrebrogade. Police protected from tear gas with masks has just now chased a group of demonstrators away who kept adding materiale to the barricade fire by Blågårdsgade
The parade has reached Folkets Park, where the demonstrators have got the opportunity of putting flowers next to the cuffins.
The demonstrators are slowly leaving but a source informs us that this might lead to more activity
The building of barricades and setting containers on fire has started again on Nørrebrogade by Blågårdsgade - for 6-7 ... maybe 8. time tonight.
Modkraft.dk is now closing up it's live coverage of the activities after the eviction.
However as extra information it can be said that it is not only in Aalborg but also in Århus, where 200 people showed up, that there has been demonstrations in favor of Ungdomshuset.
There are still burning cars in several places on Christianshavn
Fires are started and rocks are being picked up around Folkets Park where the organisers have cancelled the rest of the demonstration, according to Politiken.dk.
Police blocking every street is apparently deciding where the parade is going. It has now gone down Griffenfeldsgade and is approaching Folkets Park which in advance was chosen as the final destination for the demonstration.