BBC News 24: Craig Murray on British marines captured by Iran
Chris | 28.03.2007 22:47 | Other Press | Terror War | Sheffield | World
Craig Murray, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, was on BBC News 24 this evening speaking about the British marines captured by Iran, attached is a video clip of this, the very start is missing, but it illustrates the points he has been making in his blog about this dispute.
In the attached clip Craig Murray says:
Those red lines going out to sea have just been invented by the British Government.
They are not internationally recognised, they are not the subject of any international treaty.
So, the British Government, I'm perfectly prepared to believe, the coordinates of where it happened, but there's no way of telling if those are Iranian or Iraqi waters because they are disputed.
If you measure the precise coordinate it is actually closer to Iranian land than it is to Iraqi land, which is an interesting fact.
I really don't think it helps for us to be saying this was clearly Iraqi water when everyone knows this is subject to an international maritime dispute, it will just put the Iranian backs up further.
Previous articles on Indymedia about Craig Murray include the video and audio recording of a talk he gave in Sheffield in October 2006, Legality, Morality and the War on Terror.
Craig Murray's site is at
29.03.2007 19:26
The blue line is touching Iran and the green line Iraq

And in addition on Moon Of Alabama's blog there are several illustrations that the position from the MoD is actually closer to Iran than Iraq:

One image from this blog is reproduced above, the full sized version is here:

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