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London lecture: 9/11 official story, fact or fiction?

Tony Gosling | 24.05.2007 13:11 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Terror War | London

Friday 8th June 2007 - Separating Facts from Fiction - Why the Official Account of 9/11 is contradicted by genuine Scientific Research ...with Gordon Ross and Calum Douglas

Separating Facts from Fiction - Why the Official Account of 9/11 is contradicted by genuine Scientific Research

...with Gordon Ross and Calum Douglas

7.00pm on Friday 8th June at The Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1 (nearest tube Warren St or Great Portland St).

Admission Free

We would to like warmly to invite you all to an evening with Gordon Ross, M.Eng and Calum Douglas.

Gordon Ross holds two Engineering degrees and is author of several published scientific papers. Calum Douglas is an Engineering undergraduate from Oxford Brookes University and senior researcher at Pilots for 911 Truth.

Mr Ross has been researching the collapse of the WTC towers and Mr Douglas provided exclusive date from the Flight Data Recorder of Flight 77 alleged to have impacted the Pentagon on 9/11.

The pair will give an authoritative presentation of their research to a public
audience in central London on the 8th of June. Their intended audience will be made up of both sceptics and interested parties who want to hear more.

We invite you to join us, whether it is to challenge their analysis or to find out more about the debate over the science of 9/11, which the mainstream media has failed to address. 9/11 has been used as a pretext for the unending "war on terror", the illegal invasion of Iraq, and the continuing assault on our traditional freedoms in the UK. All concerned citizens need to take an interest in getting to the truth of the tragic events of 9/11.

Feel welcome to come along and join us for what should be a challenging and entertaining event; our aim is not to preach to our choir but to challenge all sections of society to think again about how well the official story of 9/11 stands up to scrutiny under the cold eye of science.

Tony Gosling
- Homepage:


Futher info

24.05.2007 19:38

There is a new Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth campaign and their web site is here:

And there is brand new version of 9/11 Revisited out and it includes some footage of Richard Gage's presentation:

See also this recent paper by Steven Jones:

Revisiting 9/11/2001 --Applying the Scientific Method



Hide the following 11 comments

Please cite their peer reviewed papers

24.05.2007 15:06

Could you please cite the papers on the collapse of the world trade centre that they have had published in peer reviewed structural engineering journals.

Otherwise stop with the pseudo-scientific flim flamming. They aren't qualified to "present evidence" to the public if they can't present it to their peers.

Where's the beef?

Don't make me laugh

24.05.2007 17:32

Gordon Ross may have two engineering degrees, but he's not actually a civil or structural engineer - so there's an obvious warning sign. But moreover, his "paper" on the collapse has more holes in it than a NuLabour manifesto!

This is just more conspiraloon nonsense from people hoping to make you part with your wits and hard cash. Dont't be fooled!


No go on make him laugh !

24.05.2007 20:04

The dude is obviously down with the official version the Society of the Spectacle version the Spectacle now runs it's own War on Terror and of course the terror. The show goes on and Architect is in the front row in front of his goggle box.



25.05.2007 01:32

No holes in the NIST report?
No holes in the Kean omission report?

Ha now you're making me laugh.!

Anyone who still believes the Official Conspiracy yarn needs psychiatric help!

Ha Ha Ha!


Oh aye

25.05.2007 17:24

So people don't believe the NIST report. Let's look at some examples of those who do:

Royal Institute of British Architects
Institute of Civil Engineers
Institute of Structural Engineers
Sheffield University Fire and Structures Testing Unit
American Institute of Architects

and so on.

Just a minute, here's two exceptions: Edinburgh University and Ove Arup. Oops, nope, they said that fire alone would have caused the collapse, even without the aircraft impact.

If only the "Truth" movement could produce something more than a professor of divinity, a dental technician who believes in magic energy beams, and a discredited physics professor who believes that Jesus visited the ancient Mayans they might get somewhere......


Anyhow ...

26.05.2007 16:43

Of course, the most damning fact is that the unelected Regime of War Criminals, Profiteers, Fascists, and LIARS has been completely incapable of supporting its own Conspiracy Theory with evidence. Even their FBI Director at the time admits there is no hard evidence linking 'al Qaeda' to the crime.

There was a time, not long ago, when daring to question the official account of 9/11 was risky business. One was almost guaranteed to be attacked as a "crazy person" or a "traitor" or a "terrorist sympathizer." Times have changed. At this point, less than 20% of the population believes they were given the full truth regarding 9/11. Logically one might ask: "Why is that?"

It wasn't for lack of trying that the government failed in its propaganda campaign. It wasn't for lack of "helping hands" in the mainstream media. (Though even that support has begun to fall apart.) No, it was one thing and one thing only that caused hundreds of millions of American citizens to openly question the official account of 9/11; the evidence.

In short, the evidence that we have been shamelessly lied to regarding the events of 9/11 is irrefutable. There is an enormous body of circumstantial evidence, there is an enormous body of physical evidence, and there is an enormous body of historical evidence. Perhaps most damning (at this point) is the ongoing cover up itself. -The deliberate attempt to obstruct an open discussion of the facts. Evidence of that grows by the hour, but not to worry...

If you want to see how the investigation into the attacks of 9/11 was obstructed at every turn; simply watch 9/11 Press for Truth.

If you want to learn the history of government sponsored "false flag" terrorism, simply watch Terrorstorm.

If you want to see the evidence of controlled demolition (all of which has been completely ignored by the mainstream media and government talking heads) check out September 11 Revisited, or this segment of 911 Mysteries, or this segment from Rise of the Police State.

If you want to know what an absolute fraud the "investigation" we finally got was, you can get started with just a handful of issues. Like:

1. One of the most damning pieces of physical evidence regarding the events of 9/11 (the collapse of WTC 7) wasn't even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report. How could any report claiming to provide "the fullest possible account" of the events of 9/11 ignore the unexpected free-fall collapse of a 47 story office tower? Is it because, to this day, nobody can explain how it fell? Is it because it wasn't struck by any planes or burned with any jet fuel (the magic formula that supposedly brought down the twin towers?) Is it because pools of molten metal remained in its basement for weeks and partially evaporated steel beams were found in its wreckage? (It is physically impossible for burning office materials and diesel fuel to liquefy structural steel; let alone evaporate it into a gas.) How did "The Commission" deal with these smoking gun issues that clearly contradict the official account? Simple; they ignored them.

2. How about those towers? You know, the two 110 story buildings constructed with an outer shell of perimeter columns and an ENORMOUS inner array of core columns that supported the buildings' vertical loads. Of those towers, the commission report claimed "exterior walls bore most of the weight of the building. The interior core of the buildings was a hollow steel shaft." This is an inexcusable inaccuracy that any "investigator" with an Internet connection and 5 minutes can easily prove wrong. And it should be noted; any claim or "theory" of how the towers collapsed based on this erroneous "hollow shaft" model is fatally flawed. Who in their right mind can take an "official report" like this seriously? If they got something this simple wrong, what else did they miss?

3. Lets not forget "The Commission" said there was "no credible evidence that any person in the United States gave the hijackers substantial financial assistance. Similarly, we have seen no evidence that any foreign government-or foreign government official-supplied any funding." Hmm, interesting. How about the Pakistani ISI chief who wired $100,000 to the alleged "lead hijacker" Mohamed Atta? Indian intelligence has verified this. And there has been no evidence to refute it. Is that worth looking into? -And how about Sibel Edmonds? Why was she ignored and then gagged under the veil of "National Security." Better yet, how about we just have her testify in open hearings about "money trails" and where they lead to in our government?

And if all this isn't enough, maybe the few remaining skeptics would like to hear from some Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials who question the validity of the 9/11 Commission Report. No problem. Start here.

-So it's true. Times have changed and the people (for good reason) no longer believe the lies they've been fed about 9/11. We've woken up to the level of corruption in our government and the official lie (by all practical means of determination) is in critical condition and not expected to recover.

This can only mean one thing. An Independent investigation into the attacks of 9/11 WILL BE conducted. And this time, it isn't going to be handful of citizens asking questions and demanding answers; it's going to be 80% of the country. And this time, you won't so easily ignore and whitewash the sensitive issues, because an educated citizenry is not so easily fooled. And this time, those who have stonewalled, lied, manipulated, covered up and acted in a criminally negligent manner will be held accountable for their actions.

To those in power who've forgotten the reality of their position in government, YOU SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Once again, you're on notice to stop ignoring our demands for a new investigation. This issue isn't going to go away, and your refusal to address it will cost you dearly.

And to those of you with something to hide; perhaps now would be a good time to "lawyer up" and "cut a deal." The game is over.
J. Plummer 3.23.07

Many of the author's points are supported by evidence linked to within the original story. Here's the link: /the_911_lie_is_in_critical_condition.html

Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11
by Bill Christison
August 14, 2006

However horrendous the crimes of two of the world’s great liars and terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon, it is imperative that we not let the deeds of Ehud Olmert and George W. Bush distract us from another recent event.

The U.S. alliance with Israel and the power of the lobby that lets Israel so easily influence U.S. foreign policy have been major factors in allowing the monstrous slaughter of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon. What is happening in these lands may also encourage Olmert and Bush to start new hostilities in Syria and heavy, possibly nuclear, bombings in Iran -- and this entire mess of neocon pottage may lead to a new World War and clashes of civilizations and religious fundamentalisms that these two wretched politicians seem quite literally to want to impose on the rest of us. It’s a tough case to make that anything else going on in the world -- anywhere -- could possibly be of equal importance.

But on July 29 and 30, and then again on August 1, something else happened that increasing numbers of people believe is of equal importance. On these dates C-SPAN rebroadcast a panel discussion, held originally in late June, sponsored by an organization called the American Scholars’ Symposium to discuss what really happened on September 11, 2001. Held in Los Angeles, the meeting lasted two days, and the C-SPAN rebroadcast covered one almost two-hour wrap-up session. The meeting was attended by 1,200 people interested in hearing something other than the official story of 9/11. The TV audience was evidently large enough to spur C-SPAN to broadcast the panel discussion five separate times in four days.

Even a month late, this is a lot of airtime for stories that many people call conspiracy theories -- and for which many others use nastier descriptions. It is possible that the head of C-SPAN, Brian Lamb, so strongly disbelieves the conspiracy theories that he felt giving them ample publicity would discredit them further. It is equally possible, however, that Lamb, who seems honestly to believe in presenting various sides of most issues as fairly as he can (although not always giving every side equal time), tried to do exactly that on the many legitimate questions raised about what actually happened on September 11. In any event, C-SPAN has made a major effort to bring information on the principal theories about 9/11 to the mainstream U.S. media. Lamb cannot be blamed for the coincidence that recent heavy military activity in Gaza and Lebanon is nearly drowning out his efforts.

Let’s address the real issues here. Why is it important that we not let the so-called conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 be drowned out? After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the “official story” put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false. I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. The items below highlight the major questions surrounding 9/11 but do not constitute a detailed recounting of the evidence available.

ONE: An airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon. Hard physical evidence supports this conclusion; among other things, the hole in the Pentagon was considerably smaller than an airliner would create. The building was thus presumably hit by something smaller, possibly a missile, or a drone or, less possibly, a smaller manned aircraft. Absolutely no information is available on what happened to the original aircraft (American Airlines Flight 77), the crew, the “hijackers,” and the passengers. The “official story,” as it appeared in The 9/11 Commission Report simply says, “At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour. All on board, as well as many civilians and military personnel in the building, were killed.” This allows readers to assume that pieces of the aircraft and some bodies of passengers were found in the rubble of the crash, but information so far released by the government does not show that such evidence was in fact found. The story put out by the Pentagon is that the plane and its passengers were incinerated; yet video footage of offices in the Pentagon situated at the edge of the hole clearly shows office furniture undamaged. The size of the hole in the Pentagon wall still remains as valid evidence and so far seems irrefutable.

TWO: The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them. A plane did not hit Building 7 of the Center, which also collapsed. All three were most probably destroyed by controlled demolition charges placed in the buildings before 9/11. A substantial volume of evidence shows that typical residues and byproducts from such demolition charges were present in the three buildings after they collapsed. The quality of the research done on this subject is quite impressive.

If the judgments made on Points ONE and TWO above are correct, they raise many “Who done it” questions and strongly suggest that some unnamed persons or groups either inside or with ties to the government were actively creating a “Pearl Harbor” event, most likely to gain public support for the aggressive foreign policies that followed -- policies that would, first, “transform” the entire Middle East, and second, expand U.S. global domination.

These first two points provide the strongest evidence available that the “official story” of 9/11 is not true. If the government could prove this evidence false, and its own story on these points correct, all the other data and speculation supporting the conspiracy theories would be undermined. It has provided no such proof and no answers to growing questions.

Other, less important points supporting the theories include the following.

THREE: For at least one hour and 45 minutes after the hijacking of the first aircraft was known, U.S. air defense authorities failed to take meaningful action. This strikes some “conspiracy theorists” as valid evidence that the U.S. Air Force was deliberately restrained from acting. Maybe so, but my own skepticism tells me that the inefficiency of U.S. defense forces is likely to be just as plausible an explanation.

FOUR: Some of the theorists believe that the 19 named hijackers were not actually the hijackers. One claim is that the names of the hijackers were not on the manifests of any of the four aircraft.

FIVE: None of the 19 hijackers’ bodies were ever autopsied (since they were allegedly totally destroyed in the crashes, including even the people in the Pennsylvania crash).

SIX: At least five of the alleged hijackers (or persons with identical names) have since turned up alive in the Middle East. Nonetheless, the FBI has never bothered to re-investigate or revise the list of hijackers. Does this suggest that the FBI knows that no one in the administration is interested in reopening any further investigations?

SEVEN: Numerous pilots have allegedly told the theorists that none of the 19 hijackers could have flown the airliners well enough to hit the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon with as much accuracy as was displayed. The debate on this issue simply raises more doubt about the government’s charge that the people it has named as hijackers are the real hijackers.

EIGHT: No one, except possibly government investigators who are not talking, has seen the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Some of the conspiracy theorists suggest that it was deliberately destroyed before it hit the ground; others suggest that the plane actually landed in Cleveland and that passengers then were whisked away to some unknown destination. What happened to them at that point is simply a large question mark that makes it more difficult to believe this particular scenario.

NINE: Machinations in the U.S. stock market in the days before 9/11 suggest that some inside players in the market knew or suspected that United and American Airlines stock would soon drop. Two of the four of the aircraft involved in 9/11 were, or course, United planes and the other two were American Airlines planes.

It should be reemphasized that these items do not make up a complete list of all the charges made by the theorists, but they are a good sample. Anyone interested in perhaps the best summary of these charges should watch the video “Loose Change.”

To repeat, points ONE and TWO above are the most important. If something other than an airliner actually did hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and if the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center actually were dropped to the ground by controlled demolitions rather than by anything connected to the hijackings, the untrue stories peddled by The 9/11 Commission Report are clearly susceptible of being turned into major political issues.

A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University poll taken from July 6 to 24, 2006 concluded that “more than a third [36 percent] of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them, so that the United States could go to war in the Middle East.” The poll also found that “16 percent of Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real reason the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.”

A poll done by the Zogby polling organization two months earlier, between May 12 and 16, 2006, and using questions worded somewhat differently, suggested even more strongly that the issue could become a “big one” if aggressively publicized. This poll concluded that 42 percent of Americans believed there had indeed been a cover-up of the true events of 9/11, and an additional 10 percent of Americans were “unsure.” The co-author of the poll, W. David Kubiak, stated that, “despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash, and 9/11 Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still can’t even muster 50 percent popular support.”

Whichever of these polls is closer to the truth, it would seem that there is considerable support for making a major political issue of the subject.

This should be worked on at two different levels. At the first level, the objective should be long-term, centered on making a maximum effort to find out who the individuals and groups are that carried out the attacks in New York and Washington. Then, these people should be tried in an international court and, if possible, convicted and punished for causing so many deaths. Such a trial, accompanied by actual change in U.S. policies, would show that some people on this globe are at least trying to move closer to more just and decent behavior in human relationships around the world.

At the second level, the short term, the task should be to immediately set to work as hard as is humanly possible to defeat in this year’s congressional election any candidate who refuses to support a no-holds-barred investigation of 9/11 by the Congress or a high-level international court. No more evidence than is now available is needed in order to begin this process.

A manageable volume of carefully collected and analyzed evidence is already at hand on both items ONE and TWO above. Such evidence should be used right now to buttress charges that elements within the Bush administration, as well as possibly other groups foreign or domestic, were involved in a massive fraud against the American people, a fraud that has led to many thousands of deaths.

This charge of fraud, if proven, involves a much greater crime against the American people and people of the world than any other charges of fraud connected to the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. It is a charge that we should not sweep under the rug because what is happening in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, and Iran seems more pressing and overwhelming. It is a charge that is more important because it is related to all of the areas just mentioned -- after all, the events of 9/11 have been used by the administration to justify every single aspect of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East since September 11. It is a charge that is more important also because it affects the very core of our entire political system. If proven, it is a conspiracy, so far successful, not only against the people of the United States, but against the entire world. Finally, it is a charge too important to ignore simply because the U.S. government refuses to discuss it. We must force the Bush administration to discuss it.

Discussions aggressively pushed day after day about what really happened on 9/11 will be one of the most important tasks between now and early November. Such discussions can, one hopes, provide progressives with a way to jolt voters out of their apathy and inchoate willingness to support the status quo that they think gives them security -- and encourage more voters to stop supporting Bush, the Republicans, and the wobbly Democratic politicians who might as well be Republicans. A major issue like this, already supported by many voters, may prove particularly important in a congressional election year when new uncertainties in the Middle East, new possibilities of terrorism against the U.S. in retaliation for recent large-scale acts of Israeli/U.S. terrorism in Gaza and Lebanon, and the corrupt almost-single-party U.S. political system combine to make it more likely that supporters of Bush will retain their majority this November.

In terms of electoral impact, it would not matter whether heavy publicity did in fact force the administration to accept a new high-level investigation of the 9/11 events. Initially, the principal goal would be to contribute heavily to the defeat of both Republicans and Democrats who refuse to support wholeheartedly a major new investigation by Congress or an international court. This might result in the defeat of more Republicans than Democrats in November, but ultimately the hoped-for goal should be the end of a system in which Democrats are barely different from Republicans, along with cutbacks in the political power of wealth and the foreign and domestic lobbies paid for by wealth. These are the dominant features of our system today that have practically eliminated meaningful democracy in the U.S. This failure of democracy has happened before in U.S. history, but this time it is likely to last longer -- at least until U.S. policies begin to pay as much attention to the needs of the world as they do to selfish or thoughtless needs of the U.S. and of its military-industrial complex. Attacks on the criminal events surrounding 9/11 might speed this process.

Virtually no members of Congress, Democratic or Republican, will relish calling for a further investigation of 9/11. For right now, in addition to other motives, the issue should be used to go after those political prostitutes among elected office-holders who should also be defeated because they are so easily seduced by money and power to vote for immoral wars against weak enemies.

At the Los Angeles meeting of the American Scholars’ Symposium, one of the main speakers, Webster Tarpley, summarized his own views on the events of 9/11. He emphasized that “neocon fascist madmen” had perpetrated the 9/11 “myth.” He went on to say, “The most important thing is that the 9/11 myth is the premise and the root of the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War and the coming attack on Iran. ... We must ... deprive [the myth’s perpetrators] of the ability to stampede and manipulate hundreds of millions of people [with their] ... cynically planned terrorist events.”

Let’s give Webster Tarpley and other mistakenly labeled conspiracists who have labored in the wilderness for so long three cheers.

Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies. He can be reached at:

The fact remains that, regardless of which version of events you support, 9/11 was a conspiracy, plain and simple.

The difference is that, while I don't adhere to a particular theory, and simply acknowledge that a real investigation is needed, Bush/PNAC Apologists demand that we take on faith a Conspiracy Theory peddled by liars and killers, which has not been supported with evidence.

Only people with something to hide would fear the prospect of a real, independent, and hopefully international criminal investigation, which would seek to ascertain what truly transpired that horrible day, and most importantly, who was responsible.

Lest we reward the guilty, while continuing to (severely) punish the innocent, and in the process, become what the world hates and fears the most, that which we claim to oppose.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

Conspiraloon Nonsense

27.05.2007 13:31

I'm sure that readers here have more than enough sense to look at or in order to see how easily most of the "Truth" movement's stories can be set at naught. However in the interim, looking at the previous post:

1. The 9/11 commission were tasked with looking at the causes behind the attack (blatant US imperialism in all matters foreign would seem like an obvous start, eh?) not the actual technical issues around the collapses themselves. They're in the wholly seperate NIST reports, and the one for WTC7 has yet to come out. So much for your first claim.

2. That's right, it's so obvious that they've fooled pretty much every credible engineer, architect, and structural expert in the world. Including the likes of Edinburgh University, Ove Arup, and Sheffield University. How incredible (literally).

3. I think you need to get your story straight; if it was controlled demolition, why bother with paying hijakers? Just a minute - are you suggesting that it was Pakistani intelligence that planted the demolition charges? No, no, hang on - I thought you'd previusly claimed there were no planes, just missles? Why do they need to pay pretendy hijackers?

4. The hole in the Pentagon is an old canard. It would be different if the 911 Truth sites showed the initial pictures, before the front wall (with the huge hole in it collapsed), or those which showed the debris (hey! bits of plane), or those which showed human remains! Or can they explain the hundreds of witnesses who reported seeing a plane? I think not.

Or in short, it's the same old usual sort of nonsense which should really be posted on sites such as Loose Change, not on an activist board such as Indymedia.


Official Conspiracy Theory Unsupported By Evidence

27.05.2007 22:41

Oh, sorry, were you finished? I was waiting for you to actually say something. Disseminating the same old tired Disinformation, which only highlights your inability to support the Conspiracy Theory you're here defending for a group of LIARS, killers, and Neo-Fascists, isn't the same thing.

What are your credentials again, Richard?

Spot the Freeper

Note: There are other ways to attack truth, but these listed are the most common, and others are likely derivatives of these. In the end, you can usually spot the professional disinfo players by one or more of seven distinct traits:

Stop Belittling The 911 Truth Movement
Bill Christison

Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies. He can be reached at:

The fact remains that, regardless of which version of events you support, 9/11 was a conspiracy, plain and simple.

The difference is that, while I don't adhere to a particular theory, and simply acknowledge that a real investigation is needed, Bush/PNAC Apologists demand that we take on faith a Conspiracy Theory peddled by liars and killers, which has not been supported with evidence.

Only people with something to hide would fear the prospect of a real, independent, and hopefully international criminal investigation, which would seek to ascertain what truly transpired that horrible day, and most importantly, who was responsible.

Lest we reward the guilty, while continuing to (severely) punish the innocent, and in the process, become what the world hates and fears the most, that which we claim to oppose.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

Tired old Conspiraloon nonsense

28.05.2007 14:42

As usual when the stories of the 911 "Truth" movement are questioned, we see the tired old accusation that it's all part of a secret dark-ops disinformation campaign. How boring.

There is a conspiracy about 9/11. It's a conspiracy about how the US and UK governments used the attack by 19 determined men as an excuse to go and invade a couple of countries who apparently had little to do with it. But instead of focusing attention on the real scandal, all the 911 "Truth" movement does is distract attention in favour of bizarre "no planes" theories, death rays, magic fire proof steel, and claims that WTC 1 and 2 had hundreds of explosives charges magically planted without anyone noticing.

Restrict yourself to your fellow fanticists over at Loose Change. If you want a fight, away with you to JREF where you can argue till you're blue in the face. But why you feel it necessary to spam an activist board with this nonsense escapes me completely.


Focus is interesting

28.05.2007 16:34

It's dubious how certain people choose to completely ignore the real holes in the 9/11 Commission's report in preference for some barking mad theory that the Jews did it- based on no evidence at all.

They'll never ever be convinced of by any other information. It's become identical to a religion. Proof is a matter of faith. Unbelievers are heretics who should be shunned as evil (Monbiot, Chomsky et al.)

It all reminds of the Evangelical zealots in the US who want Creationism rammed down the throats of every school child- again a theory based on no proof.

Isn't zealotry the ultimate expression of denial?

Nazi Surfers...

Yawn ...

28.05.2007 22:26

Richard/Architect, you can Spam us with the same misrepresentation, sophistry, and Nothingness all you wish, but you can't hide the fact that you lack the evidence to make a reasoned argument, because the Neo-Fascists' Conspiracy Theory, that you're here weakly defending, hasn't been proven, in almost six years.

Spot the Freeper

Note: There are other ways to attack truth, but these listed are the most common, and others are likely derivatives of these. In the end, you can usually spot the professional disinfo players by one or more of seven distinct traits:

Stop Belittling The 911 Truth Movement
Bill Christison

Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies. He can be reached at:

The fact remains that, regardless of which version of events you support, 9/11 was a conspiracy, plain and simple.

The difference is that, while I don't adhere to a particular theory, and simply acknowledge that a real investigation is needed, Bush/PNAC Apologists demand that we take on faith a Conspiracy Theory peddled by liars and killers, which has not been supported with evidence.

Only people with something to hide would fear the prospect of a real, independent, and hopefully international criminal investigation, which would seek to ascertain what truly transpired that horrible day, and most importantly, who was responsible.

Lest we reward the guilty, while continuing to (severely) punish the innocent, and in the process, become what the world hates and fears the most, that which we claim to oppose.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

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All Topics
Animal Liberation
Climate Chaos
Energy Crisis
Free Spaces
Ocean Defence
Other Press
Public sector cuts
Social Struggles
Terror War
Workers' Movements
Major Reports
NATO 2014
G8 2013
2011 Census Resistance
Occupy Everywhere
August Riots
Dale Farm
J30 Strike
Flotilla to Gaza
Mayday 2010
Tar Sands
G20 London Summit
University Occupations for Gaza
Indymedia Server Seizure
COP15 Climate Summit 2009
Carmel Agrexco
G8 Japan 2008
Stop Sequani
Stop RWB
Climate Camp 2008
Oaxaca Uprising
Rossport Solidarity
Smash EDO
Past Major Reports
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Global IMC Network

satellite tv


estrecho / madiaq
la plana
northern england
nottingham imc
united kingdom

Latin America
chile sur
cmi brasil
cmi sucre
puerto rico


South Asia

United States
hudson mohawk
kansas city
minneapolis/st. paul
new hampshire
new jersey
new mexico
new orleans
north carolina
north texas
rogue valley
saint louis
san diego
san francisco
san francisco bay area
santa barbara
santa cruz, ca
tampa bay
united states
western mass

West Asia


fbi/legal updates
mailing lists
process & imc docs