PAD Cardiff Social Centre - OPENING
PADista | 21.06.2007 11:31 | Free Spaces
from 3pm (come earlier if you wanna help)
food, music and all the usual treats, find out more about what's going on in the pad.
There's also a work day on friday in the pad from 12noon.
118 Clifton Street
seats by the window
118 Clifton Street, Adamsdown, Cardiff has been transformed into a collectively run social centre. The “Peoples’ Autonomous Destination” (PAD) is due to be open in June. It will be a place, independent from government or commercial control, to socialise, meet other like-minded people, share ideas & enjoy food, drink, music & films. Importantly, the PAD will be a place for people to come together & organise around social struggles both locally & globally.
The PAD is run voluntarily so nobody gets paid & nobody makes a profit, everyone involved can have a say in how it functions, with no leaders or hierarchies. Anyone can come along to a meeting to help organise & take part in making decisions about the PAD. The space will be inclusive, open to all individuals, with discrimination not tolerated & diversity respected. For more about upcoming events or to get involved, e-mail

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Nice one boys and girls, but be careful
22.06.2007 02:52
UK sub
07.09.2007 13:54