Arrested! anti-GM protest pics
rooter | 01.07.2007 22:32 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Health | Cambridge
who says the young arn't interested in politics
keystone cops pose for team photo
moving off - numbers low but at least it's stopped raining
crowd control
And the Police Nature Photographer of the year award goes to....
"Doesn't know his own strength that one"
experimental gene modified potatoes already flowering and spreading GM pollen
Little electric fence to deter rabbits, nothing more
little house on the prairy moment
Chubb security man reads court injunction
Essex cops show off their expensive toy to cambridgeshire plod
insert corny caption here
any place, any where
Do you want fries with that?
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copyright statment is meaningless
02.07.2007 12:52
02.07.2007 16:29
Under Berne/WIPO the author's copyright is automatically assured at the point of creation (unless licensed, sold on or stated as public domain).
So, the author does not even need to assert any explicit copyright in countries that are signatories to such legislation, of which the UK is one.
In other words, all new works are assumed to be subject to copyright even if no details are given, even if the copyright symbol isn't displayed.
Think about it, if it weren't so, a band would have to announce ownership of the copyright to whatever material they owned before and after (and who knows during) the performance. Or, I could go into the Tate modern and slap my name on whatever I fancied.
The onus is legally on the re-distributer (user/borrower/seller etc.) to ensure their copying of a work is legal. Not knowing who the author is not an excuse. Otherwise, I could phone rip off the Rolling Stones back catalogue and just say, "well I didn't know who their publishers are!"
04.07.2007 21:01
05.07.2007 23:00
same coppers in manchester
07.07.2007 11:53