. . . . the people that leave MOD procurement to join US-based arms corporations seem to have got very little publicity in comparison to the MPs or political appointees that put a foot wrong to the tune of getting a couple of extra trips out of expenses . . . . the "rotten burrough" of westminster that threw poor people out of theit homes to install influential friends was checked out, but this creeping petty criminal coup of " you scratch my back i scratch yours" is asking for much sharper enquiries - despite the large amount of sacrificial patsies it has got waiting, "pseudo-group" omertas, or old pre-"cyberbullying" scams it twists.
Corporatewatch watches corporations, the media "watches" the political types - but "QUIS CUSTODIAT CUSTODIES" who watches the "administration" full-timer types - watchers, functionaries - the "back room boys" (etc). . . . who watches who "influences" the opinion influencers - inthe media or out.
Meeting to happen next month, in central london.
If you could put info into these comments to "influence" the time, date etc - this is a good moment to do so.
also - pointers to include?