The Art of Racial Discrimination as practised by the Commonwealth of Australia
downunder | 03.10.2007 00:28 | Anti-racism | Repression
The Art of Racial Discrimination can only succeed with the deliberate and concerted efforts of the 3 branches of a "democracy": the Executive (the Prime Minister), the Judiciary (Judges and Laws) and the Parliament (Law makers):

a. The Prime Minister, the dishonorable Mr John Howard and the Federal Attorney general the dishonorable Mr Philip Ruddock have been engaging in human rights and racial discrimination against refugees and asylum seekers and depriving the aborigines community of self-determination, and encouraging "black deaths (of Aborigines) in custody" with no conviction of questionable members of police force. They have enacted questionable laws.
b. Questionable laws can be enacted and should be repealed; however, the Commonwealth of Australia has enacted the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act (Cth) 1986 (HREOA), and the Racial Discrimination Act (Cth) 1975 (RDA); the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Justice Mr Black OA indicated with his silence that Australian Citizens with SouthEast Asian descent should not have access to his administration of the Federal Court; every effort has been made to seek his directions and decisions on duty Judges to decide Notices of Motion on pending cases and other issues. The Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Justice Mr Black OA has refused to reply in writing or otherwise; Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Justice Mr Black OA instructs his registrars to refuse filing of documents in the Federal Court and the High Court without proper reasonings in writing or otherwise; Equality in front of the Law and access to the Law are paramount to successful democracy and are universal Human Rights;
c. The dishonorable John von Doussa QC, President of HREOC, refuses to investigate the racial discrimination complaints against the Commonwealth and others, under RDA; refuses to terminate complaints against the Commonwealth, against the President of HREOC and others, under HREOA, such that I cannot have access to the HREOA in order to have my case heard in the Federal Court of Australia; Equality in front of the Law and access to the Law are paramount to successful democracy and are universal Human Rights;
d. The dishonorable John von Doussa QC, President of HREOC, refuses to investigate the human rights complaints against the Commonwealth and others, under HREOA; refuses to report to the Federal Parliament, human rights violations by the Commonwealth, under HREOA, such that I cannot have access to the HREOA in order to have my case heard in the High Court of Australia; Equality in front of the Law and access to the Law are paramount to successful democracy and are universal Human Rights;
e. The institutionalized Racial Discrimination affects all levels of society, and has a trickle down effect to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and other tribunals; The federal Court Judge Anthony Max North authorizes and encourages perjury and falsification of documents by the Commonwealth of Australia; the Senior Member John Handley of AAT engages in falsification and encouraging perjury by the Commonwealth of Australia;
f. The Commonwealth of Australia set Australia Citizens of ethnic background up to fail, and when they fail, they are labeled inferior;
g. Phuong Ngo is a Vietnamese community worker set up to fail, and institutionalized discrimination has had him locked up for crimes that he has been deprived of proper legal defense; I urge the UNHRC to demand a full investigation into the conduct of the police force, the prosecution and the Attorney General into the running of his numerous mis-trials and whether the jury has had knowledge of immunity deals made to the "alleged" killers.
h. a writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum on Phuong Ngo will be filed and we would like the human rights of equality and access to the law restored; We urge the UNHRC to act urgently on an innocent man framed and abused by institutionalized discrimination by the Commonwealth of Australia, illustrated here and elsewhere;
i. Aborigines deaths in custody and lack of conviction and referrals for trials of perpetrators: aborigines groups are contacted and are asked to add further submission; it would seem the lives and deaths of Aborigines are less important then other peoples';
j. Mr John Wilson, dentist, has contacted UNHRC regarding denial of access to the laws and the court system, and will be encouraged to submit further documents;

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