Cardiff Total closed in Burma protest
Val | 07.10.2007 12:14 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
no business for total
burma solidaritay action at Total
Pickets effectively shut the garage down
Despite the normal threats of arrest from the police, activists blocked the entrance and exit routes to the garage, shutting it down. The garage remained closed by the action for three hours. There were no arrests.
The level of public support for the action was amazing, and car horns were beeping their support almost constantly. Even the motorists that turned up to use the garage were (on the whole) supportive, and happily drove off to find somewhere else to fill up.
This was an effective and successful action - it would be nice to see more of these in the weeks and months to come.
Text of leaflet that was goven out
07.10.2007 12:29
French Oil Company Total is the biggest corporate investor for the undemocratic, military dictatorship of Burma. For the last 45 years a military dictatorship has ruled Burma with an iron fist. Total oil has provides the dictatorship with 30% of there export revenue, which is estimated at $450 million.
This is the largest foreign investment supporting the brutal regime, and Total is fully aware of this. It has been funding the regime since 1992, which has permitted them to execute some atrocious human right violations including:
70,000 child soldiers.
One of the largest armies in South East Asia, despite no external enemies.
Rape of women and children as a weapon of war.
Mass oppression of freedom of speech and opinion, which has lead to 1,350 political prisoners.
Almost half of the budget is spent on the military while only 19p is spent on health care per person, per year.
Total funded the creation of a 63-kilometer pipeline, secured by the army, which has lead to:
Between 600,000 and 1 million people forced from their homes and internally displaced.
Some of the worse forced labour abuses on thousands of Burmese people.
Forced transporting of weapons, beatings and torture.
And the use of civilians as human minesweepers.
Total Oil is funding and protecting this violent regime, to defend its assets and profits made form Burmese oil and gas.
In 1988 mass demonstrations occurred across Burma due to the brutality of the Military regime, and a 500% increase in oil and natural gas prices. This resulted in over 5000 people indiscriminately being slaughter by the army, and thousands more imprisoned, 1, 350 of which are still there.
2007 UPRISE - A REPEAT OF HISTORY – On the 15th of August, petrol prices rose by 500%, sparking mass protests for the next 2 months. The protests were lead by tens of thousands of social activist, monks and civilians. The military fought back with tear gas, beatings, arrests, shootings and pre dawn raids on monasteries.
It’s estimated that up to 3000 people, including elderly monks, children between 5 and 10 years old, nuns and women have been arrested, enduring atrocious conditions in prison. It has been internally estimated that 130 people have been killed.
Even though the media coverage is disappearing today, the oppression and violence directed towards the Burmese’s people continues to escalate.
Stop the military regime. Act now before another 5000 die.
Action To sign petitions pressuring Total and other corporations to withdraw investment in Burma. For up to date reliable news in Burma. A group of like-minded individuals into civil disobedience. To sign a petition targeting and pressuring China, the main supporter of the regime.
Local FIT at Total garrage
07.10.2007 17:36
Evidence gatherer
photographer (no visible Id)
Local Fit/Evidence gatherer team arrived and with usual tact photographed adults and children
in attendance. .Fit photographer did not have uniform or visible identity on show. They were challenged by many present as to why they could take pics and tried to hide theirs when pictures were taken of them
Hide the following 5 comments
07.10.2007 13:17
Good work!
07.10.2007 15:41
For some analysis of Burma from local eco-socialists, see:
Crazy Shepherd of Rebellion
Well done!
07.10.2007 19:36
keep it up!
If the FIT have no visible ID
07.10.2007 20:36
links to oxford action reports
08.10.2007 10:49
and last week's:
It's particularly inspiring to see Cardiff activists completely block the entrances. Sadly we only had a handful up for risking arrest so although we started off with a physical blockade we eventually moved towards pavements when threatened by the cops. Having said that we were still 90% effective just by having such a large visible presence, waving drivers past and leafletting/talking to those that did get through. Towards the end as people left the change was noticeable as more drivers were going through and filling up.
We're planning to set up a more permanent Burma solidarity type group in Oxford, linking with the existing student group. (If anyone reading this is interested in getting involved, keep an eye on the Oxford Indymedia calendar for details of the first meeting which should be fairly soon).
Anyway, nice work :)