The Romanesia Project is now underway
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group | 08.10.2007 16:29
At the same time, the Romanesia Project will promote an awareness of the culture, art, traditions and history of the Roma and Sinti people, as well as the setting up of memorials and monuments dedicated to the Porrajmos (the Gyspy Holocaust). As a warning against anti-nomadism, the project will involve the preparation of exhibitions and public collections on the “nomad” culture, and on the Porrajmos and the various persecutions. The Romanesia Project will also develop educational projects in order to prevent young people following in their parents’ footsteps which tend towards prejudice, racism, false accusations and violence against the Roma and Sinti people.
The disgrace of the camp clearances and deportations to nowhere, the “pogroms” carried out by the police force, the shame and the “legality pacts”, are products of racial hatred which will likewise be deconstructed legally and opposed.
In the meantime our thanks go to the Institute of Gypsy Studies in Paris, to Roma Right Watch, to the Union Romani, the Union Gypsy, Opera Nomadi and Circolo Pasolini of Pavia (http://, true anti-racist forces dedicated to social progress.
EveryOne Group will continue its commitment, both “in the field” (with its many emergencies and shameful episodes of intolerance, while politicians and authorities chase after votes and privileges instead of pursuing social and moral development
- not to mention the Church!) and in promoting cultural activities. There is talk of a film on the Fire of Livorno: a new project so that people will not forget this symbolic episode of how racial hatred can blind even the most educated, open-minded people, of how prejudice can transform human beings whose job it is to promote justice and human rights into butchers.
For EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Dario Picciau, Glenys Robinson, Steed Gamero, Fabio Patronelli, Ahmad Rafat, Salvatore Conte, Aisha Ayari, Laura Todisco, Loredana Marano -

Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group