The Nazi Nail-Bomber & The BPP
K.Bullstreet | 07.12.2007 15:47 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
Good company? Eddy Morrison & Martyn Gilleard
Gilleard tucks into an aryan bagel!
The cause celebre of the armchair psychotic
Future cellmates (or more?)
For Martyn Gilleard, the neo-Nazi recently arrested with 4 nail bombs, plans to bomb mosques, and a range of other 'terrorist' material, it must be comforting to know that while he's sitting in Belmarsh maximum security prison, his 'racial comrades' are fighting his corner - from the safety of their computer stools that is! Over on the 'Blood & Honour' Guestbook, where Gilleard used to post as 'Mart88' (the '88' of course standing for 'Heil Hitler'), his fellow Nazis are queuing up to slap him on the back, compare him to 'Brixton Bomber' David Copeland (who he'll hopefully soon be joining shuffling round the corridors of Broadmoor), and generally ruin any defence he could possibly ever have had - With 'comrades' like this, who needs enemies?!
It's probably no coincidence that it was our old friend, the rat-faced fantacist and small-time coke dealer, Tony Foye (AKA 'M.I.B.') who first raised the matter on the Benson & Hedges forum. But others quickly joined in, including one Nazi who tells us, with typical regard for the English language): "The comrade arrested was mart88 yes the yorkshire organiser of the BPP.I know him quite well and have seen the nail bombs the police talk about on webcam, there are instructions on the internet on how to make them and belive me they are very simple.I just wish martyn could of let the bombs off down the local mosque before he was arrested, he has done time before and wont have a problem doing it again.This kind of activism is whats needed comrades, HAIL MARTYN AND HAIL COMBAT 18 NO SURRENDER, NO RETREAT 1488 " In another post the same Nazi tells anyone that cares to visit the site about seeing some of Gilleard's "other artilery" (sic.) Top mate eh?!
Understandably perhaps, the Nazis quickly ask how their 'fallen comrade' was nicked, was he grassed? British People's Party Leader Kevin Watmough, who runs the forum, together with 'Redwatch', quickly steps in to claim that the BPP's Goole and East Yorkshire Organiser was not in fact 'grassed'. Well he would wouldn't he? Watmough, along with Eddy Morrison and Robin Steele, is one of at least 3 police informers in the BPP, and they probably have far more. Morrison even used to sell the names and addresses of his fascist comrades to Leeds AFA for beer money! Hanging out with this lot Gilleard, who seems to be an idiot with no sense of security at all, wasn't going to last long.
After more than a month, Watmough and the BPP have finally 'claimed' Gilleard, "a trusted comrade and loyal member ", saying they did not speak out before "as we have not wanted to prejudice his case and because of the law of sub judice." What utter rubbish! Gilleard is unlikely to go to trial before next Summer, and it is hard to think of anything more likely to 'prejudice' his case than a connection to Kevin Watmough, the rag and bone man of swastika-selling, and his odious organisations. Unfortunately for Gilleard, his connection to the neo-Nazi Right is as concrete as the BPP's connection to the cops - And now to 'terrorism'.
If anyone would like to contact the sick would-be nail-bomber they can do so at the following address Martyn Gilleard, TT8096, HMP Belmarsh, Western Way, Thamesmead, London, SE26 OEB. We doubt he'll be visiting his home at Pool Court, Pasture Road, Goole, East Yorkshire for some time.
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Further info sought
08.12.2007 13:31
Making Further Enquiries
08.12.2007 15:45
Robert Cottage BNP election candidate pleaded guilty in 2007 to possessing the largest haul of explosives ever found in the UK. Cottage attended a BNP meeting two weeks before his arrest and among his possessions police discovered a letter written by BNP leader Nick Griffin thanking him for his hard work for the party. The police asked the BNP for assistance but this was refused - so maybe asking the BNP what they are doing to other "comrades" is out of the question.
Funny how its Muslims who are in the headlines and fascist doing serious harm. Funny how its Labour and canoeists getting all the flack for Fraud and Financial Irregularity. But ask Mark. He knows who knows.
Nick Griffins Accountant
08.12.2007 16:09
08.12.2007 16:17
Blub & Dishonour
08.12.2007 20:31
Jimmy Choo
Why Williamson?
09.12.2007 11:53
Charges Made
09.12.2007 14:47
* preparation of terrorist acts (Terrorism Act 2006 - Section 5)
* possession of material for terrorist purposes (Terrorism Act 2000 - Section 57)
* collection or possession of information useful in the preparation of an act of Terrorism (Terrorism Act 2000 - Section 58).
* possession of live ammunition (Firearms Act 1968 - Section 1)
A 31-year-old man from Goole who was arrested in Fourth Avenue on October 31, on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act 2000 and has now been released without charge. The second 31-year-old man arrested in Dundee on Saturday 3rd November remains in police custody at this time.
The everpresent Redwatch seems to have a flaw in it - something that makes it a liability not an asset. Oh, Technology how wicked you are. Which may have helped in investigations. Good to see that the spirit of Tony Malski, Freya Aswynn, phoney names and betrayal are all strong in the farce. There is such a need to betray people over and over again.
Nick Griffins Accountant
13.12.2007 09:38
Is this real?
17.12.2007 17:48
Indymedia scrapes the barrel-surprise, surprise!!!
27.12.2007 13:25
Martyn Gilleard (you lot can't even summon the benefit of accurate spelling so one must question the general reliability of your 'stories'!) has been supported interminttently on the Blood and Honour Guestbook by numerous comrades, myself included. He has not committed any more atrocious crimes than numerous Antifa thugs, the only difference being he subscribes to the oppressed 'right'. I am not going to attempt to justify his actions, I will await his trial before surmising, as we all should. As I understand it, stickies expire on the guestbook after an allocated period of time, so once again, your proclamation that the BPP have 'removed' it after having a sudden change of heart is completely unfounded. You fail to engage in enough research to even get his surname right, you allege you are conversant with all the logistics of a guestbook, well here's a snippet of FACT for you for a change-you are an acerbic, deluded bunch with absolutely no notable degree of acumen whatsoever. Ninety percent of the 'information' on this site is dreamt up by a traitorous ex fascist Chantroll and you deluded fools soak it all up like a sponge! Honestly, it would be pitiable of you lot weren't so contemptible.
The hills have eyes!
The Deluded Ramblings Of Another Sad Nazi
07.01.2008 12:16
Black N Red
Confirms what we thought...
11.02.2008 22:35
Antifa Know...
Blub & Dishonour
21.02.2008 14:59
How does this idiot think we get half our information? These 'men of honour' only have to have a minor spat on the internet to start posting up each others names and addresses. Reference to previous antifascist threads on Indymedia (as well as the Nazi's own sites) shows that quite irrefutably. Who posted up Tony White's wedding pics on Indymedia, or Sid Williamson's home address for example, it wasn't any antifascists. 'Blood and Honour'?! More like 'Blub and Dishonour'?
Wrong Spelling?
28.03.2008 11:10
Martin Gillarse
How's that for a spelling mistake you fascist twat,
Fash Hater
By The Way....
28.03.2008 16:07
Mind you, so does being a Nazi scumbag, so I guess it's water off your back really.
"Hills Have Eyes" - wasn't that a film about inbred idiots on a murder spree? Says it all really doesn't it?
Fash Hater
Sex Charges?
20.06.2008 01:19
Cheap goods
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