Bali Demo for Climate Justice
Almuth Ernsting | 11.12.2007 10:08 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | World
WALHI/Friends of the Earth Indonesia
Women Against Global Warming
Biofuels Banner
Many banners and slogans on the march were against carbon trading in general, and also specifically against the proposed inclusion of tropical forests into carbon trading (called Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, or REDD). Others were against agrofuels, nuclear power, against a toxic incinerator in West Java, and for justice for the victims of a mud-flow disaster in East Java caused by reckless drilling for gas. Those were not calls for governments to 'do something' or to strengthen the Kyoto framework agreement, but protests against the false solutions which delay real action on climate change and cause untold harm to communities in the global South. The march itself was very diverse, with many NGOs having their own different views and positions.
Almuth Ernsting