Fossil Fools Day, April 1st 2008
Rising Tide | 17.12.2007 14:56 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Birmingham | Cambridge | Liverpool | Sheffield | South Coast | World
April the 1st is Fossil fools day!
They would have us believe that we can escape climate change with techno-fixes, market mechanisms and offset schemes – all technocratic acrobatics that distract us from the truth: the only real solution to climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
For over a century the fossil fuel industry has been fooling with our lives. From extraction to combustion they have poisoned our air, polluted our water and ruined our climate. On April 1st, 2008, we’re going to turn the tables and show them who the real fools are.
Find a local fossil fool – the coal-mining clown, the offset contortionist, the aviator tripping on the high wire, the supermarket food mile freak show, the oily strong man, or any other fool that deserves your attention – and join with thousands around the world in taking one step closer to dismantling the fossil fuel industry.
On Fossil Fools Day, bring the spirit of carnival and mischief to the fight for climate justice.

(More info and resources coming soon... for now, put the date in your diary, spread the call-out above far and wide, and start scheming!)
Rising Tide
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Fools? no....RAT BASTARDS
17.12.2007 19:39
To the people of the world, we must apologize for our greedy actions in allowing the status quo to continue. You see, back in the beginning of the 20th Century as the industrialists were beginning to make millions of dollars off of the labor of the working class, they actually had no idea of the problems they were creating for the climate. It was truly an honest mistake, and we will give them that.
Well, now, at this time in history, with the looming problems of 9 billion in population by 2050, we don't feel any compulsion to change our money grubbing ways. We have been trying to think of ways to reduce the human population for decades, but we now see that it is quite simple. We just sit back and let water shortages occur (which will be the first crisis) and then droughts will diminish the food production so that millions will die and most likely begin fighting for resources amongst themselves and reducing the population to levels that we (the super rich) may have a chance to survive against. We get the reduction of population without firing a single shot. You see, we don't need the working class any longer, with the advent of computers and robots. So, it is a gift from heaven for us.
We certainly are not going to spend a dime on trying to slow the climate change that is ahead of the world. Rather, we look forward to it. We should be able to survive with our gigantic bank accounts and if you don't have one, we feel sorry for you. We will talk like we want to help, but in the end you will see that we will fight any changes to the status quo tooth and nail.
We have made soooo much money that even if the dollar collapses, we will still be millionaires on the world market, and we don't have much to worry about.
Yeah, the climate may get a bit nasty for a century or two, but that is something that we can live with as we have luxurious homes all around the world and private jets to get us to where it is livable.
And don't be too harsh on your Congresspeople as they are all in need of our campaign contributions to stay in office, and they are excellent liars and obfuscators or we wouldn't have given them the money.
That's the mindset we are up against, and it leads to cannibalism boys and girls.....and your boys and girls, and their boys and girls. It has happened many times in the past and they are going to allow it to happen again because they feel that that is their most economical solution.
The human environment has evolved far too much.
18.12.2007 11:39
Primates have changed.
But, we'll keep on driving around in our stupid cars, keep on eating and drinking from moulded plastic vessels, and keep on running around in just our underwear with the thermostat turned up high in mid-winter - until we can no longer, no more.
We will only stop using it when it ain't there. As Primate Change activists, we are of the realisation that only when Oil is recognised for the finite resource it is (and finally becomes too expensive for the economic artifice to continue functioning) only then will we see the kind of societal-shift necessary for change to begin... Something that some of us have been waiting a long time for.
In the meantime, our advice is that you ensure that your christmas illuminations are solar powered, and hold onto your hats as the Black Gold runs out and latter day capitalism goes into meltdown.So where do you stand when the night of unrest becomes a reality? Upon the former landfill of Darnall (Tinsley Golf Course), and if we can not get there, then Redmires. And from here we shall watch the demise of civilisation and be ready to begin again, hopefully learning from our past. In our future commune, love shall be free, as will all primates.
Erm i feel a human fools day coming into mind.. We do not desire your circus of fools in our city, look what happened last time you lot come to town and the g8 summit please go back to Mummy and Daddy..
M M Wallis:
http://The human environment has evolved far too much.
One week to go - resources and public actions
25.03.2008 14:35
-leaflet to hand out on the day: Explains the basics of Fossil Fools Day but has a big empty white space for you to add the specifics of why you are taking action in the way that you are, why you are at the location you have chosen and your website or contact details. Available at: (Loads of graphics and other goodies are here too if you want to make your own leaflet!)
-Media Q&A sheet for talking to journalists, covering Fossil Fools Day and tricky questions about the fossil fuel industry - email us (
that for your local release.
-15 ideas for action for last-minute action planners! At
Please, please, please phone or email us (07961 917 535 /
Also let us know in your email or on the phone if you’d like journalists to be directed to your action, and a phone number you can be reached on.
Although lots of people are keeping their plans under wraps, these three public demos have been announced (If you know of a publicly announced action, let us know and we'll list it on the website.):
*Fossil Fools Parade, Manchester*
Meet 10.30 AM outside AMC cinema in Deansgate
The Climate Circus is coming to Manchester. Take part in fun and games with some of our best known local Fossil Fools! That's right, this event is all about congratulating our sponsors, RBS, Manchester Flight Centres, Petrol Stations, The City Council and other, experts in pollution, climate change and destruction of our global eco systems. The parade will finish with a street party outside the Town Hall (by 12 pm).
Featuring music, madness and vegan cakes - lets make this a holiday at home and encourage people to leave fossil fuels in the past. Dress in suits, as clowns, come as a fossil fuel or a fossil fool but come!!
*Funeral for coal in Parliament square, London*
Meet at 11 AM in Parliament Square
The People & Planet network invites you to join us at an action and mass lobby. We will be building a coal power station complete with 12ft cooling towers in Westminster, while people dressed in Jesters hats and Gordon Brown masks will ‘burn’ a mock Climate Change Bill.
*Protest circus for a coal Fossil Fool, London*
Meet 8 AM at 1 Victoria Street (nearest tube: St. James’s Park)
The London World Development Movement groups are co-ordinating a hilarious protest outside the Department for Enterprise Business and Regulatory Reform (or BERR) to laugh at the minister for business, John Hutton. John Hutton is currently set to make a right fool of the government's climate policy if he signs off on EON's new Kingsnorth power station. Everyone's welcome to join in the collective hilarity and to demand Hutton takes the Kingsnorth decision very seriously. There will be a real circus feel, with jugglers, clowns and acrobats, so don't hesitate to bring juggling balls or wear your squeaky nose or silly hat.
Protest starts at 8am and will be over in time for you to be at work.
Contact Rachel on 0207 8204900 for more information.
That’s it – have a great Fossil Fools Day everyone!
Rising Tide
fuck you
02.04.2008 13:13
fuck you