Indymedia UK - Meet the editors and get involved
Croatian Tony | 31.12.2007 23:13 | Analysis | Indymedia | Other Press | London
For those who are interested in attending the network meeting and getting involved in the running of Indymedia UK the details are here.

The site says that you must register in advance but only those approved by the current admins are allowed to register. A clever trick to ensure anybody like me is blocked but of course I and my friends will be there anyway, we have notified the kollective via email - details here

As can be seen current admin "ekes" has replied so no chance of anybody claiming they never received the email as was tried in the past.
Anybody who feels they are unhappy with the current direction Indymedia is taking should attend, become an admin and work with us.
I will be attending together with some friends with three aims.
A) To attempt to become an Indymedia admin. At the moment some of the admins are attempting to stop me, others are being supportive. We will see how this develops over the course of the two days.
B) To get the kollective to accept the anti semitism has no place within Indymedia and that anti semitic posts are hidden without any rights by individual admins to block hiding and attempt a long drawn out discussion thereby allowing anti semitism to remain on the newswire.
C) To confront face to face a current Indymedia admin who sent me threats via email for my anti semitic stance and who has showed cowadice when asked to stand up and face me like a man since then;
I would welcome others to come along and become involved in the running of Indymedia and work with me in removing from power those who have perverted the site for their own ends.
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31.12.2007 16:05
For anybody who is coming to the meeting we are having a drink on the Friday night before at the Horse and Groom in Radford Road Nottingham. Should be there about 6 ish then we are going to Cafe Nomad in Hucknall Road which we have been told is a really good Veggie/Vegan restaurant for a meal.
An apology by Mike
31.12.2007 16:13
I have been informed that using the phrase "face me like a man" is unacceptable on Indymedia and as such I apologise. What I should have said is,
"Meet me face to face rather than sending threats by email."
I feel sure the person will be there and will be happy to repeat the threats so the two of us can discuss it.
attending the meeting
31.12.2007 16:41
I am sorry to say I can't be there but I will pass on the details to others who might find it interesting to attend.
Good luck with becoming an admin for the site, I'm sure others would support you as well.
General Public
Croatian Tony
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