Oxford Tree Protest Brings Fences Down
Westgate Centre Preventer | 12.01.2008 18:34 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces | Oxford
This tree has been occupied for ten days and counting
The fence starts to go up, the protestors start to sit down
The security guards aren't delighted as activists block the fence-building...
...but passing shoppers are fascinated and a large crowd gathers
Dozens of people spontaneously join the protest, to the cops' dismay
Each fence panel becomes a battle as more people invade the square
Fun on the frontline for first-time protestors!
That piece of fencing isn't going up...
Local press and TV looked on as young protestors made their point
Victory! The Council admits defeat and takes down all the fences.
Westgate Centre Preventer
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Freedom To Protest
12.01.2008 19:10
Westgate Centre Preventer
well done
12.01.2008 19:34
joe m
12.01.2008 19:58
Your world Your life Your streets!
remain strong
12.01.2008 22:53
im the guy in the grey hoodie and fluoro belt and i have that rather violent looking pic
all day every day
16.01.2008 12:42
Monday was a different story. Security fencing was errected round protesters who were then arrested with no warning and later told they would be charged with aggravated trespass despite initially being on a piece of public pavement. Monday people go to work, school, lose interest, the will to live etc.
Until we get hundreds of people doing this kind of stuff all day every day we are still on the runaway train people!
Bonn square is now a tree graveyard. But other trees still to defend around westgate centre.
Also if everyone would try to get a tree protection order put round all the trees, well, everywhere! then we might be on to something.
citizen smith