London: Photos/video from demo against fascist and state attacks in Greece
solidarity | 06.02.2008 03:14 | London
"Police and Nazis, same shit"

Detailed report and a longer video will follow shortly. For now, here are a few photos of the event and a video of the greek flag being burned...
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greetings from greece
06.02.2008 07:37
The fight continues...
06.02.2008 10:33
Nice militancy
06.02.2008 12:12
You've just done more than most groups in this sad liberal movement of ours in the uk.
I just hope your militancy catches on here. It's about time it did!
Revolutionary Moves
06.02.2008 15:57
Fascists of this world are a minority who need locking up∨ reconditioning,
their dictators need encouragement to do what Hitler did to himself.
Police are a professional militia, the February St Petersburg 1917 revolution included police & soldiers who rebelled. Then Lenin got his proletarian dictatoship Marx advocated in the October "peace"coup which gave the Ukraine to Kaisers axis powers who payed for it & his sealed train.
Anarchists had militias & prisons in Ukraine & Spain for fash, etc.
Masking up & propaganda of the deed is no replace for a well organised revolutionary libertarian municipalist movement with large syndicalist unions organised together on a united platformist strategy advocated by Mackhno. Then we can evolve from the corporatism that sponsors the various dictators & fascists completely.
Global ecological disasters & moves by corporate state to using unsafe robots & military UAV's from workplaces to the battlefield are a imminent threat to all, that at same time should unite the human race like climate change.
Black Cossack
The text handout for the demo
06.02.2008 19:56
stoke on friend
What is with all the pro-police stuff?
06.02.2008 21:42
Tomorrow's Bacon
06.02.2008 22:47
And yes, UK police ARE fascists as well, despite of what you have to say about it.
british police! facist?
07.02.2008 20:50
thankfully i had me wits about me which saved me from the promised beating and RAPE.
though of 78 known arrests at this one rts (nottingham as happens), i was the ONLY ONE to escape unscathed........
no body in particular