CDG UK – United
Client 2 | 07.02.2008 19:30 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
It told them that change is not always bad and that the errors of the past can be healed but it would take time and that they need to sit down with us the clients. It will take them a long time to earn the trust of the clients and start to bring the clients on board but they have showed promise in doing this.
05.02.2008, CDG announced that they would be bringing in a change to to the way things will be ran. The clients will be given things that they can choose to do and go from there. Instead of being told what to do the clients are being treated like respected human beings and being given a chance and give trust that they can work together with them to make a change.
This is a very risky strategy but something has to be done so that the clients and staff no longer fight themselves. However there are still things that need addressing before a impact is truly felt. Clients need to be trusted and the one way to do this is to turn blocking of on the internet only focusing on blocking pornography.
If people wish to waste their time playing games and not using the time to find a job then it's their loss because a world is out there. If there is no way to agree on this then why not make it so every client has their own login name and password so you can monitor what does go on through this way.
The fact that clients and being monitored and cannot be trusted using a computer seems very much like a government similar to China. In this day and ages everyone should be treated like first class citizens so something like this must be addressed. We all know that trust is to be earn but why cannot you give it and if someone breaks it then take away their privileges?
We have come so far and so much is possible that the clients are willing to work with the staff but a level peg must be met. The manager must finally see the light and give trust to the staff that they know what they are doing. If they have a gut instinct on something let them go with it and not fight them. You learn by your mistakes.
New Deal's time is running out and so it's now more than ever that a change is made and the voices are heard. The voices say we want change and they will forever. More and more people will stand up and say, I want what's coming to me but im willing to work for it. Give them the trust and we can make today and tomorrow a successful one.
Let us no longer be dived, let all work together as one so that we can start paving the way to a better future environment for all. We can show people that a difference can be made and change the lives of many giving them hope and something to build upon. The foundations of change have been set it's now time to build upon them for we it owe to each and everyone.
All the voices are asking for change CDG, you cannot silent them, they will grow louder and more will unite to gain power and hope and seize what they want. No longer divided, we are united.
Client 2
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moving forward
08.02.2008 18:14
What now needs to happen is that the Job Centres terminate their contact with CDG and the Charity Commission withdraws their charitable status.