UCLA Vivisector Gets Return Visit from ALF
Animal Liberation Press Office | 07.02.2008 21:21 | Animal Liberation | Health | World
February 6, 2008
Fire Damages Home of Primate Vivisector Edythe London
Los Angeles- After promising to return if she continued torturing non-human primates in her UCLA laboratory, animal liberationists have again targeted the home of notorious primate vivisector Edythe London. According to the Los Angeles Times, an incendiary device damaged her home today; no one was home at the time. London was targeted by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) last October for her role in torturing non-human animals to death in outdated and unnecessary experiments; in that incident, tens of thousands of dollars in damage was reported after her home was flooded by a garden hose. The ALF claimed to target London for her sadistic routine of addicting non-human primates to methamphetamine; she has also published data on primate addiction to nicotine, and addicting baby lambs to cocaine.
The communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office last October promised:
"One more thing Edythe, water was our second choice, fire was our first. We compromised because we in the ALF don't risk harming animals human and non human and we don't risk starting brush fires.It would have been just as easy to burn your house down Edythe. As you slosh around your flooded house consider yourself fortunate this time. We will not stop until UCLA discontinues its primate vivisection programe."
ALF communique:

Media video:

In an article last September in San Francisco Gate, London was critcized for her "secret" experiments at UCLA on cigarette smoking, as she is being funded by a $6 million dollar grant from Phillip Morris. Attempts to obtain more information by that periodical were met with documents so heavily redacted by UCLA that they were useless; London and UCLA had both refused to comment. London, a pharmacologist, has admitted publicly that her nicotine research on animals demonstrated there was so much inter-species variation in drug receptors, that no definitive statement could be made with regards to human effects of the drug.
Press Officer Jerry Vlasak, MD states: "London's research is a colossal waste of taxpayer money, and soliciting money from industry groups to study their retail products is considered unethical by most physicians interested in research that might help their patients. Of course, not being a clinician, London appears to have no interest in helping people, but instead derives pleasure in addicting primates to 'Crystal Meth' to further her own personal goals of academic and monetary enrichment. This recent attack should come as no surprise to London; I wouldn't be astonished if she remains a target until she stops her heinous experiments upon these innocent and unconsenting primates."
In recent months, activists legally picketing against UCLA primate vivisection have been met with unlawful obstruction and interference with their rights to exercise free speech activity by Santa Monica police including John Adams, a captain of the UCLA campus police who has threatened and harassed activists; a Federal lawsuit is pending in that matter. Underground organizations such as the ALF have historically stepped in when legal means of redress have been squelched; in all struggles throughout history, when individuals who protest are persecuted, those watching from the sidelines in frustration find themselves intervening.
For media articles, click here:

The activists are currently worth $110,000*, which is twice as much as the ALF/ELF activist Justin Franchi Solondz who is on "FBI's Most Wanted" domestic terrorists list with a $50'000 reward for "information leading to an arrest".*

Animal Liberation Press Office
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07.02.2008 21:59
08.02.2008 07:26
Fuck 'em
Do your research properly
08.02.2008 14:59
Communiqué from the ALF activists
26.02.2008 22:02
Date: February 21, 2008
Institution targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisector Edythe London
Received anonymously
Edyth London, you and your work are deplorable. You are given paychecks in exchange for addicting primates, the closest kin that the human species knows, to numerous sickeningly addicting drugs like crystal meth. For forcing these innocent and sensitive beings to suffer through a type of hell that they would never encounter if it wasn't for your deranged science you deserve to know true justice.
This is why on February 3rd 2008 we left an incendiary device at your house at 1246 Shadybrook in Beverly Hills. Edyth, the fire that night was exactly ther size we wanted it to be. It was just a little outreach because we want to see you make the sound ethical choice to stop vivisecting primates. We know what we are doing and fires can be much larger.
Edyth, your secrets are very ugly and the spotlights on them are getting brighter. The LA Times says that you plan to expand mad science to include teenage human beings. They also pointed to the fact that you torture monkeys and Phillip Morris picks up the tab. The LA Times didn't ask but we will, "Do you get rich while animals (and soon humans) suffer all in the name of making tobacco products more addicting?"
You make us sick and you inspire us into action Edyth. As each day begins and nothing that you own is burning consider yourself lucky.
Now is the time to stop vivisecting.
We don't back down.
-the Animal Liberation Front
London's Burning