Nude torch run against Olympic flame in San Fran, April 9th
GHFG | 07.04.2008 12:48 | Health | Social Struggles | World
This is the only U.S. city on the Torch's world tour. The national and international media will be here. A nude torch run is being planned to coincide.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make an indelible statement for human rights.
12:30 pm sharp
near the front of Tacqueria Pancho Villa
Pier 1, the Embarcadero (waterfront side)
[ the next building north from the Ferry Building]
Look for faux "torch" labeled "Human Rights"
After the Official Run passes (estimate 1:10 pm), we will jog/walk fast to Bay/Embarcadero. When the Official Torch Run returns from the Marina District, we will follow the Official Run to the closing ceremony at Justin Herman Plaza. I estimate the total distance at a little over one mile.
We are not exactly a protest.
We are positively pointing out:
(1) The original Olympic Athletes participated nude;
(2) We support Human Rights, EVERYWHERE.
The original Olympic athletes covered themselves
with olive oil. I will bring Baby Oil for those who
wish the classical look.
[ Optional:
Make a faux-torch or two, labeled "Human Rights."
If you don't have one, don't worry. I am happy to relay a torch to you. Don't makle a real flame, because of Fire Marshall and permit issues. ]
Be sure to pass on this invitation to all interested parties.
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Go, SF nudes
08.04.2008 18:30
And of course, the local bloggers pounced on this:
Wrong, ANSWER--again
The folks over at International ANSWER appear to have gone off their medication again. You remember them-- the "anti-war" group that cheers Hamas and Hezbollah rocket attacks against Israel; the self-proclaimed commissars of rallies against the US war in Iraq that have managed to shrivel the public turnout at their events down to a few thousand at a time. Basically now irrelevant except to the hard core cadres who show up because of ANSWER's other agendas--Israel-bashing, China-excusing, Darfur-denying and so on. They have now gone as far as to admit that they have accepted dhimmi status with regard to their radical Moslem constituency. Having been instructed by their Moslem groups that they would be offended by public nudity, ANSWER begged the "nudes for peace" contingent not to show up at their recent rally. Of course, ANSWER doesn't view as offensive the "Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs" chants or the sonorous voice of Hatem Bazian chanting "intifada, intifada" like some kind of crazed jihadist mantra (wait, that actually IS a crazed jihadist mantra!), or the signs at its rallies displaying naked anti-Semitism. They ignore the fact that the Islamists whose boots they lick are homophobes who excuse "honor killings" and the genocide in Darfur.
We also were able to find out that at least one group allied with ANSWER places its racial/ethnic agenda even ahead of its core political position--opposition to the war in Iraq. Witness these e-mails received by Direct Action to Stop The War about last week's anti-war actions in San Francisco which were aimed not only at US Government offices but also those businesses who were deemed complicit in the war effort:
"Hey all,I just got a call from S---- S---, the owner of the Sprint store at --------, which is on our direct action menu. He told me that that store is an authorized Sprint dealership that's owned by him - it is*not* owned by Sprint. He said that he strongly opposes the war and strongly supports what we're doing, and hopes that we won't target his business.Please make whatever decision you see fit based on this information.(Personally, I think we should let the poor guy off the hook.)Thanks,Adrian"
"I just got an e-mail forwarded to me from someone re: the sprint storeowned by S---- S---- he is a Palestinian who's grandfather passed away 3 days ago, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drop this off your target list. I understand the need to target war profiteers, but i wish more research had been done on the targets. some people are just trying to feed their families, and have almost no choice but to partner with companies such as Sprint. thank you, M----- S---- (S----- is my cousin)"
How did we get these e-mails? Maybe somebody on the inside took offense at not holding Palestinians to the same moral standards? Maybe this person felt that just because you're Palestinian or other "oppressed" Moslem that you can be held accountable for the choices you make, same as everyone else? Naaahhhhhh..... Palestinians are excused for celebrating the cold-blooded murder of yeshiva students so why should a little war profiteering be an issue between friends?
What's next-- is ANSWER going to insist that all women wear burkas to its next rally?
GO SF Nudes!