Open Cast Coal site request for help
keep it in the ground | 18.06.2008 10:55 | Climate Chaos | Sheffield
See attached document for directions.
Wish list:
Water: Please bring lots when you come as there is currently no running water on site.
scaffold, tarpaulin, planks, large nails, polyprop especially 8mm, 10mm and 12mm (but any rope is good)
sand and cement
Climbing tat - ropes, harness' carabinas, belay plates, d-locks, padlocks and chains, cargo netting,
Blankets, carpets, quilts, sleeping bags, hammocks,
bowsaws, burners, plastic sheets, shovels and other tools, torches, hurricane lamps and head torches.
Axes, batteries (car and torch), bolt croppers, buckets, candles, fishing line, flexiflue and cutting gear,
food (tinned is good, dried food particularly things like fruit and nuts is fantastic, fresh fruit and veg is really appreciated) cooking pans and cutlery, mugs and plates first aid, generators, paraffin, refuse sacks, rope, string, tents, thermos flasks, tin storage (ammo) boxes, water butts.
Nylon crane netting, pulleys, loudhailers, parachutes, rucksacks, steel cable,
Clothes, Boots, warm clothes and socks, waterproof clothing, wellies.
Musicians, climbers, mechanics, carpenters, healers, bakers, solicitors, sponsors, poets, friendly shop keepers, trader exchange, nature-lovers and everyone else too!
Bicycles and tools.
keep it in the ground
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concrete lockons
19.06.2008 00:28
old builder
Time to Get Real
20.06.2008 00:17
While-ever we're forced to spend ever increasing amounts of fuel bills, most just haven't the cash or know-how for utilising eco-alternatives, which at present are only available to the wealthy ('Who Killed the Electric Car' is a must-see documentary free-to-view on 'veoh').
As a vegan, it is of course extremely upsetting that wildlife is being destroyed, but strongly feel we must start loudly demanding new technology, rather than constantly wasting time & energy on fighting the big corporations/vampires. I'm in favour of eco-energy because I loathe petro-pollutants, I simply do not accept the ridiculous claim that the 0.03% of carbon "humanity" has contributed is really responsible for global warming; we're currently in the throes of a magnetic-pole reversal (can take up to 300 years) and during this period, Earth's temperature does increase due to increased levels of solar radiation.
I'm not at all surprised that the rich are now burdening everyone with guilt, for the mess they've created; guilty people tend to keep quiet. But whether we stop using fossil fuels or not, the climate is changing, nothing we can do will stop that - the question is; are we prepared?
Climate Change Denial in Sheeps Clothing
20.06.2008 09:17
Wake up and smell what you shovelin' girl.
Oh, and yes; massive respect to the Derbyshire posse for this magnificent action.
Sheila Potemkin
Good effort!
20.06.2008 10:26
I do think cement should be used as little as possible. It contributes significantly to the huge quarries in the Derbyshire hills near the mine site, pollutes watercourses, requires transporting in lorries, releases loads of CO2 in the chemical reaction, and it isn't even vegan. But there's not many other options for a decent lock-on, is there?
Keep up the good work squatters!
resistance is fertile
we need the coal and the jobs
21.06.2008 11:47
ex NCB/BRITISH COAL employee
protest the protestant work ethic!
21.06.2008 21:06
not just workshy but work autistic...
Banm the Burn
24.06.2008 16:39
If such plants are supported we're still burning, which I'm sure you will agree is quite a Neanderthal thing to do - so hurry up and get that solar panel on your roof (ours got to 61.3 today)and get down to the site with your ideas for a wind turbine
solar panels and wind trubines
25.06.2008 00:04
re:dam the burn
26.06.2008 10:26
peter wingfield