Press Release: Police confiscate climate camp crayons
Climate Camp media team | 31.07.2008 23:33 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Repression
For Immediate Release
Deeply undermining a previously good working relationship between police and protesters, yesterday evening over 100 police officers ransacked the Camp for Climate Action site. Items essential to the health and safety of the camp were removed, including pipes for the delivery of fresh water.
“We are really disappointed that after so many weeks of carefully building up good relations with the police, they would choose to behave in such an unjustifiably heavy-handed manner,” said camper Tanya Singh.
Undeterred, campers continued to get the site ready for Sunday's opening.
Although police claimed to be searching for materials that could be used on the 9th August day of action, their search focused on items such as guy-ropes for safely securing marquees, radios used in medical emergencies, and building materials essential for the construction of compost toilets. The seizures went as far as the confiscation of such ridiculous items as a bicycle repair kit, three board games and a pack of children's crayons.
“We never knew that our compost toilets posed such a threat to the fabric of society,” said Harry Lister. “It is particularly frustrating that this coincides with the launch of a new report that conclusively shows that the sustainable technologies that we are demonstrating at the camp are feasible on a mass scale across the country.”
The report, released today [1] by respected energy consultants Poyry, lays out in detail how it is entirely possible to meet emissions reductions targets and meet our energy needs without resorting to building new coal-fired power plants.
“E.ON's claim that coal is necessary is simply untrue. The only reason to keep burning coal in this country is to keep lining the pockets of E.ON,” said climate camper Singh.
“This new evidence provides even more reason for people to come down to Kingsnorth and stop this dirty, coal-fired plant from being built,” said Lister.
For comment from the camp, call Alex Harvey on 07932 096677 or Connor O’Brian on 07530 306267 To contact the media team in London, call 07772 861 099
Notes to editors
[1] The report can be downloaded from
Climate Camp media team
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Another fuck up by the cops
01.08.2008 10:09
good relationship?!? bollocks!
01.08.2008 11:13
Eh? What good working relationship? Checkpoints? Vehicles being searched, in some cases multiple times? Or perhaps a reference to last year's camp, where people were batoned, dragged around etc?
I realise this press release is mainly intended for the mainstream media, and is therefore aimed at a relatively mainstream audience, but even so, we should be honest about what the police stand for. They may not be the main enemy (ie the rich and powerful), but their job is to defend those elites and they always will do.
If we really did have a genuinely 'good working relationship' with the police, it would mean we weren't making ourselves enough of a threat to the status quo!
Get me there...
02.08.2008 18:15
to not to boil and spoil my blood, as I see that the cops want to rediculise
the whole event more then it does by its' own existence,
and they whish to say 'society want' drive the change'
I urge myself to go there and just rediculise them
saying by my presence 'No! this is NOT under
control...; this whole issse is OUT of control
and will wtay as long as we will not start doing
something about it, including you'...
the not thinking ones.
Now We drive you, cause we have to,
for our survival...
Go there whoever can to say,
yes, now (becuase of You) there is
more of us!!!
And get out of this argument!
Stop being redicolous,
think about yourself as well...