Scots census awarded to Abu Ghraib torturers
Danny | 04.08.2008 17:34 | Iraq | Repression
On Oct. 2, 2003, during a surprise inspection of Abu Ghraib, the International Committee of the Red Cross discovered Mr. Al-Janabi naked, chained and bruised in a cell in the "hard site" of the prison. He was a so-called "ghost detainee" who was intentionally hidden from the Red Cross for 10 months on subsequent inspections and held without appearing on the prisoner lists.
Among the defendants in this case is CACI interrogator Steven Stefanowicz, also known as "Big Steve." Mr. Al-Janabi was:
Subjected to physical and mental torture in sessions where the defendants acted as interrogators and translators;
Transported to a detainee site in a wooden box and covered with a hood;
Scarred on his face when his eyes were clawed by an interrogator;
Exposed to a mock execution of his brother and nephew, and told by defendant translators that he would be executed or crushed by a helicopter or a tank;
Hung upside down, with his feet chained to the steel slats of a bunk-bed until he lost consciousness, and hung by his arms;
Repeatedly deprived of food and sleep; and
Threatened with dogs.
This is the condemnation of the CACI torturer from the US Army investigation into Abu Ghraib:
Executive summary of Article 15-6 investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba
11. (U) That Mr. Steven Stephanowicz, Contract US Civilian Interrogator, CACI, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, be given an Official Reprimand to be placed in his employment file, termination of employment, and generation of a derogatory report to revoke his security clearance for the following acts which have been previously
referred to in the aforementioned findings:
* Made a false statement to the investigation team regarding the locations of his interrogations, the activities during his interrogations, and his knowledge of abuses.
* Allowed and/or instructed MPs, who were not trained in interrogation techniques, to facilitate interrogations by "setting conditions" which were neither authorized and in accordance with applicable regulations/policy. He clearly knew his instructions equated to physical abuse.
12. (U) That Mr. John Israel, Contract US Civilian Interpreter, CACI, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, be given an Official Reprimand to be placed in his employment file and have his security clearance reviewed by competent authority for the following acts or concerns which have been previously referred to in the aforementioned findings:
* Denied ever having seen interrogation processes in violation of the IROE, which is contrary to several witness statements.
* Did not have a security clearance.
13. (U) I find that there is sufficient credible information to warrant an Inquiry UP Procedure 15, AR 381-10, US Army Intelligence Activities, be conducted to determine the extent of culpability of MI personnel, assigned to the 205th MI Brigade and the Joint
Interrogation and Debriefing Center (JIDC) at Abu Ghraib (BCCF). Specifically, I suspect that COL Thomas M. Pappas, LTC Steve L. Jordan, Mr. Steven Stephanowicz, and Mr. John Israel were either directly or indirectly responsible for the abuses at Abu Ghraib (BCCF) and strongly recommend immediate disciplinary action as described in
the preceding paragraphs as well as the initiation of a Procedure 15 Inquiry to determine the full extent of their culpability. (Annex 36)