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7th Anniversary of 9/11: London Events

Admin | 16.08.2008 07:45 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | London | World

Awareness, Activism, Action

We Are Change UK & TruthAction London have been granted permission by London Metropolitan Police to hold a 24 hour protest directly outside the United States Embassy from...

10am Sunday 7th September


10am Sunday 14th September

As well as maintaining a continual presence outside the US Embassy between these dates we intend to distribute 1000's of DVD's and over 50,000 fact based leaflets

On September 11th 2008 itself we intend to hold a silent and respectful vigil for the victims of the 9/11 attacks as well as the many innocent men, women and children of all nationalities who have lost their lives as a result of the ongoing illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the fraudulent War of Terror

Throughout the week we intend to hold coordinated actions and events around London raising awareness of this, the key issue of our time

Should you wish to participate and support this event in any way contact

Note that while we welcome anyone who wishes to be involved we are only asking for participation from those 9/11 groups & activists who respect and embody the 'TruthMove 2008 Declaration' (see: )

Please contact us if you wish to contribute financially. We will give out as many dvd's as we can burn and as many leaflets as we can print.

To keep up to date with developments visit (and save to your favourites):

For more information on the organisers please visit:
We Are Change UK -
Truthaction London -

More details to follow....

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Hide the following 13 comments

You are desecrating the graves of the 3000 killed on 9/11

16.08.2008 10:41

You are desecrating the graves and shaming the memory of the 3000 killed in the 9/11 attacks with you sick 9/11 conspiracy crap! Why don't you let the 3000 dead 9/11 victims and their families rest in peace?

9/11 was not a conspiracy.

That's the intention

16.08.2008 12:46

... to bring peace and justice to all of those killed by the Imperialist forces of US hegemony and expansionist policies. The US (w/ likely involvement of Israel ... or at least the Mossad, if not the Knessett) CIA was the probable instigator of 9/11. There are too many details to run through here, but Atta and his band of merry terrorists were under CIA surveillance since 1998; CIA Director broke protocol and briefed Bush II daily which would have ensured continuity of plans; and then the 1001 inconsistencies about bin Laden, NORAD, the names of the hi-jackers being "known" before the smoke had even cleared, the controversies surrounding the WTC1, 2 & 7 buildings and the Pentagon, and on and on.

There is a critical mass of circumstantial, physical, and document evidence that keep pointing back, time-and-again, to the Bush administration. His fingerprints may not be on the crime scene, but from a crimino-legal perspective, his administration's backers had already defined the playing field, the rules of the game, and the longer-range target and Bush II has done everything in his power to choke the pursuit of justice and accountability. His administration - with the help of the UK - has also dramatically increased global tensions with this phony war on a trumped-up terrorism.

So, whilst your concern for the 3000 dead Americans (& others!) pails against the war crimes of Bush II and his cohorts, backers, and foot soldiers, please be assured that whatever you think of the 9/11 movements, by-and-large they too are seeking for the dead to rest in peace and for the perpetrators to be brought to an accountable and transparent form of justice ... if such an event is still possible in these post-9/11 days.

On the same page

911 was insurance fraud of the highest most treasonous levels

16.08.2008 13:54

I was living in Nova Scotia at the time of 911 2001, with my three children.

An acquaqintance of mine named phil, had a brother who was on the privy council for the Nova Scotia Government and a father who was a grand poo pa for the local Masonic clan.

I was living in the Greater halifax Regional Municipality where the corruption ran so deep they amalgamated three cities to hide the cook books. Mayor Kelly was nepotism in a nutshell with his brother handling how many contracts from the city?

The G8 financde ministers met in halifax for the first time in the summer of 2001 and came back the summer of 2002 to congratulate themselves me thinks as they were never seen before then and haven't been heard from since.

Nova Scotia is a very small place and there are a lot of loose lips that are sinking ships hence the media blackout... another story I will end with.

All the planes were diverted from New York to canadian cities... sounds reasonable as they had to land somewhere. The planes could not land at ottowa or toronto as the cities were too densely populated so all planes were diverted to halifax Nova Scotia YHZ and Newfoundland where the population is ever decreasing as Premiere Hamm was quoted in the local papers as what he thought was a bonus as they like to keep things the way they were, where they are in control and nobody asks any questions.

The Shelburne boys school 'incident' was equivalent to the Jersey school 'happenings' over here and premiere buchanan had his filthy mits all over that cover up in which he was himself implicated... everyone was paid out, the boys and the teachers were also issued with a gag order along with a threat of financial ruination as no investigation were carries out according to the independent judge from quebec?

starting to get an idea of the mess canada is in?

there are some 60 planes out on the tarmac and i drove out to the airport to witness the following scene.

i expected that as i had seen on numerous videos onboard flights, once the planes had landed everyone would kick off their shoes, cross their arms and coming flying down the inflated slides, escaping from the planes that potentially carried bombs... the airport is located in the boonies and is well fenced off... there would be not much threat of terrorists escaping into susurbia out there...

Also phil was told of 911 before it happened and he bragged it up to me...

I took in four families from those planes.

when i phoned to new york police station and was passed further and further up the food chain... the nice cop at the top told me, " don't worry ma'am; we get thousands of calls from people like you".

I recieved a phone call from augustus augustus of the FBI and never heard from him or anyone else again.

I found out about 911 through canadian government ties... how wrong is that?

When i went back to halifax that summer i was amazed to see the destruction that had been caused to my city by Hurricane Juan. the eye of the hurricane had enetred the second deepest harbour in the world and ripped the shit out of the city so much so that the name Juan was retired.

It was only a country away where i was living months before and had indeed watched hurricane juan rip up the eastern seaboard from florida to new york and then no news about nova scotia... apparently it petered out and i learnt different with my own eyes.

that winter we had white juan... a snow blizzrd with 15 foot snow drifts and over 150,000 probably more without heat electricity in the dead of winter in a rotten blizzard - we were in a declared state of emergency for three days if i remember correctly.

I got it into my head to call over to england to the bbc and see if we were on the newswire when i took into account hurricane juan was off the newswire.

chappie at the bbc was very friendly and i asked if halifax nova scotia blizzard was on the newswire. he said no. i asked if he had internet and go to my local newspaper showing front page story and graphic picture.

chappie asked me if there was a media backout where i come from?

911 was an inside insurance job.

swissair 111 was a test run the summer before. those bastards took down a plane laod of passengers using the known fault with the kapton wiring. both insulating and coating is highly flammable in 747's and the like... pilots say it should have been replaced time ago... that was canadian sponsored state terrorism on the Swiss.

no wonder navel gazers get paid to write such drivel supporting the government line. reality is so insane, you couldn't write this shit if you tried.

Truth. trust.


Charity Sweet
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this is why i hardly bother with indymedia anymore

17.08.2008 01:02

Please stop posting this kind of stuff here, it makes the rest of us look stupid.


Time for Indymedia to take hard decisions

17.08.2008 08:14

I think the earlier poster has hit the nail on the head.

Indymedia's credibility is severely damaged by publishing 9/11 'truth' nonsense.

As a body, Indymedia at some stage has to ask itself "can we prosper if this sort of activity is so readily visible on our site"?

Many activists are already voting with their feet, and deciding that as a resource, Indymedia is fundamentally flawed.

Paul Stott
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Paul Stott

17.08.2008 08:47

You run at least 2 sites which are dedicated to the 911 'truth' movement and yet you think that you can order Indymedia to pretend that there is no truth movement at all - why is this?

It seems better to me that people who come across truth activism and come to Indymedia can get a whole picture of the 911 movement and its critics rather than having to rely on the 911 sites themselves for a full picture of what is going on.

This post is for a week long action outside the US embassy - ignoring it is not going to make it go away. I am sick and tired of the self-important arrogant 'activists' who think they know everything and that what they think is the only way to think.

If they were correct then activism would be in a healtheir state and would be achieveing something worthwhile. But they're not, and therefore Indymedia should be covering all actions ......

Go censor yourself!

defining an area of interest is not censorship

17.08.2008 16:07

Indymedia already 'censors' actions. If you think it should cover all actions, then why not fascist actions? Why not Fathers for Justice? Why not pro-vivisection campaigns?

Anti-capitalists hold a structural criticism of hierarchical society. We don't need to concoct conspiracy theories to know something is wrong. In fact, here's a conspiracy for you: shadowy agents of the state plant conspiracy theories to lure people away from genuine political activity and discredit the left. Woo, spooky eh? Still, by looking at what's going on and reverse engineering backwards I could claim as much veracity for that as the best 9/11, Bilderberg, illuminati or shapeshifting lizard mongerer. We've even got ex-spooks propagating 9/11 stories.


same old same old

18.08.2008 14:47

... from the openly offensive insinuation that to investigate a crime is somehow disparaging the victim, to the absurdist line that 'this' grassroots site need not bother itself about a major crime (911) that led to a genocide (yes, the deaths of millions MILLIONS of Iraqis and Afghanis) because there are so many other things it could report on ...

... the tired old disimformationalists keep on at it ...

Well, fuck you.

If [we] feel that it is worthy of our attention, investigation and, YES, speculation then who the hell are you to put obsticals in our path?

Throw into the pot, the kettle and decry both for their shade ... why not refer to me personally as a conspiracy loon ... why not mention the most far out hippyesq therories completly unconected to 911 to see if the far flung mud sticks ...

... No conspiracy!?! what not even from them evil terrorists?

The truth will out, including the depths to which the state and its agents acting HERE will go to blunt natural justice and meaninful understanding.

You sicken me (and no doubt an enourmous contigent of the passive silent readership).

Dov Zakheim

oooh, that told me.

18.08.2008 21:05

You would say that, wouldn't you, as you're clearly one of THEM. Black ops state sponsored misinformation, spreading rumours that 9/11 was an inside job. I see you! I see you!

I see your 'fuck you' and raise you a 'kiss my cock'. I have every right to raise my embarassment at being associated with this nonsense.

By the way, I don't have such a low opinion of people with darker skin tones that I believe them to be incapable of planning and successfully carrying out a reasonably complex (if murderous) plan.

Here's a question for you; shadowy elements of the bush administration can arrange mass murder without leaving any credible evidence (note - credible evidence, not something alex jones dreamt up), yet can't rustle up a few WMDs in Iraq?


open keyboard at comedy central or what!?!

19.08.2008 10:01

"I have every right to raise my embarassment at being associated with this nonsense."

Yes you do. Rather strange that you should make the effort to associate then innit? You could just STFU.

"By the way, I don't have such a low opinion of people with darker skin tones that I believe them to be incapable of planning and successfully carrying out a reasonably complex (if murderous) plan."

What a crass way to play the racism card!

"Here's a question for you; shadowy elements of the bush administration can arrange mass murder without leaving any credible evidence (note - credible evidence, not something alex jones dreamt up), yet can't rustle up a few WMDs in Iraq?"

NO "credible evidence" ... now that is funny. If you feel that your incredulous denials of what is in front of all or faces hold water and that you are somehow better qualified than the many commentators with actual qualifications willing to express their reasoned and usually mild disbelief at the series of coincidents that strung together make the 'official version', then stop insulting us (and wasting ours and your time here) and put up.

Or perhaps you are just another blustering frantic blowhard seeking recognition from a state/father figure in return for your loyal devotion to their murderous nonsense.

I note that you have studiously avoided the issues of genocide committed upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan by those same forces that you calmly tell us are victims. Still, the bigger the lie, the more time and effort needd to break through to the truth, so mission accomplished my commedian chum.

Dov Zakheim

Anyone who claims to know the truth is wrong or lying

20.08.2008 10:33

Actually I think a better way to "studiously avoid(..) the issues of genocide committed upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan" would be to ignore political and economic analysis in favour of wanking on about thermite nanoparticles and remote controlled planes.

Close economic ties between the Bush and Saudi royal families? "Look at this video showing a missIle fired from underneath the first plane!!!11!"
Should we resist government attacks on freedom? "No point they are capable of doing anything and keeping it secret." Except finding WMD in Iraq...

And there's no denying that there are huge racist assumptions in a lot of truthist rhetoric "Yeah, like a guy in a cave could bring down the world trade centre? Only the US could do that.



20.08.2008 21:14

This word seems to have a different meaning for "9/11 truth" types than for the rest of us. The most it amounts to is circumstantial flim-flam that actually proves nothing at all. "Proof" is another concept from which they seem to be detached. Their "proof" amounts to nothing more than suspicion unsupported by anything solid at all. They are wishful thinkers clutching at any passing straw and calling it a tree.

That said, we are right to be suspicious. When the calamitous political use which was made of the 9/11 events (in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere) is considered, we are right to be VERY suspicious. Suspicion is increased further if you consider the carelessness, cock-ups, security lapses and general incompetence of the people who apparently did it and wonder how the hell they managed to pull it off. (This is not racist. There are careless and incompetent people of all races, especially amongst those who fancy they have god on their side and can therefore cut corners.)

It is certainly credible that arms of the US state knew what was going to happen in advance -at least in general terms- and let it go ahead for their own ends. But there is no proof of this whatsoever and bugger all evidence. I have looked at all the "evidence" the 9/11 truth cult puts forward and it simply dissolves under any sort of rigorous examination. There was more in the way of "evidence" against the Birmingham 6 than against Bush & co. over 9/11 -and we all know how much "truth" and "justice" there turned out to be in that pile of crap. The Birmingham 6 were innocent. Bush & co, are guilty as hell, but whether they're guilty of the specific crimes alleged by the 9/11 nuts is unproven and gets less and less likely to be discovered the more they pollute the crime scene with their off-the-wall speculations and exaggeration.

The "9/11 truth" cult reminds me more and more of the CID attitude "Maybe he didn't do this robbery, but we know he's done loads of others, so we'll just fit him up."

Justified suspicion of murderous manipulation, however credible, is not evidence and certainly not proof of anything. There's no harm in voicing suspicions or speculating responsibly, as long you make it clear that's what you're doing. Dressing suspicion and speculation up as fact or "proof" just reveals you as irrational at best or, at worst, as a very iffy character best given a wide berth.



20.08.2008 21:16

This word seems to have a different meaning for "9/11 truth" types than for the rest of us. The most it amounts to is circumstantial flim-flam that actually proves nothing at all. "Proof" is another concept from which they seem to be detached. Their "proof" amounts to nothing more than suspicion unsupported by anything solid at all. They are wishful thinkers clutching at any passing straw and calling it a tree.

That said, we are right to be suspicious. When the calamitous political use which was made of the 9/11 events (in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere) is considered, we are right to be VERY suspicious. Suspicion is increased further if you consider the carelessness, cock-ups, security lapses and general incompetence of the people who apparently did it and wonder how the hell they managed to pull it off. (This is not racist. There are careless and incompetent people of all races, especially amongst those who fancy they have god on their side and can therefore cut corners.)

It is certainly credible that arms of the US state knew what was going to happen in advance -at least in general terms- and let it go ahead for their own ends. But there is no proof of this whatsoever and bugger all evidence. I have looked at all the "evidence" the 9/11 truth cult puts forward and it simply dissolves under any sort of rigorous examination. There was more in the way of "evidence" against the Birmingham 6 than against Bush & co. over 9/11 -and we all know how much "truth" and "justice" there turned out to be in that pile of crap. The Birmingham 6 were innocent. Bush & co, are guilty as hell, but whether they're guilty of the specific crimes alleged by the 9/11 nuts is unproven and gets less and less likely to be discovered the more they pollute the crime scene with their off-the-wall speculations and exaggeration.

The "9/11 truth" cult reminds me more and more of the CID attitude "Maybe he didn't do this robbery, but we know he's done loads of others, so we'll just fit him up."

Justified suspicion of murderous manipulation, however credible, is not evidence and certainly not proof of anything. There's no harm in voicing suspicions or speculating responsibly, as long you make it clear that's what you're doing. Dressing suspicion and speculation up as fact or "proof" just reveals you as irrational at best or, at worst, as a very iffy character best given a wide berth.


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