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'Wipe off the map': The Tip of an Iceberg

Anneliese Fikentscher & Andreas Neumann | 18.08.2008 17:03 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Other Press | World

Still at the centre of the threat scenario is the alleged statement of Iran’s president of 26/10/2005 saying Iran wanted to wipe Israel off the map, wanted to raze Israel to the ground (with the atom bomb). We have often proven that this alleged statement originates from a falsification and that Iran’s president has actually given expression to his expectation that the regime occupying Jerusalem - the Zionist regime as he often calls it - will disappear. To insinuate that the Iranian president wanted to destroy Israel – and thus the Jews – is – and that cannot be emphasised enough – as though you wanted to assert that the demand for the end of the Apartheid regime was the same as demanding the destruction of South Africa.

source: David Horowitz Freedom Center
source: David Horowitz Freedom Center

‘Wipe off the map': The Tip of an Iceberg

A strategy for the falsification of the statements of Iran’s president

"Iran's talk of destroying Israel must not be lost in translation." That is the header of an article in the 'Jerusalem Post' by Joshua Teitelbaum of the 'Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs' [1] on 22 June 2008. If the assertion that Iran wanted to destroy Israel (with an atom bomb) “be lost“, then - so we have to conclude - a threat scenario, built up with great effort, would collapse and a war against Iran would lose all legitimation. For this reason, Joshua Teitelbaum is sounding the alarm [2] [3] [4]. His statements are a essential part of the Israeli reactions to the revelation of the fact that alleged statements of Iran’s president are the result of a falsifying translation.

Still at the centre of the threat scenario is the alleged statement of Iran’s president of 26/10/2005 saying Iran wanted to wipe Israel off the map, wanted to raze Israel to the ground (with the atom bomb). We have often proven that this alleged statement originates from a falsification and that Iran’s president has actually given expression to his expectation that the regime occupying Jerusalem - the Zionist regime as he often calls it - will disappear. To insinuate that the Iranian president wanted to destroy Israel – and thus the Jews – is – and that cannot be emphasised enough – as though you wanted to assert that the demand for the end of the Apartheid regime was the same as demanding the destruction of South Africa.

Numerous media in Germany have admitted the error, including two news agencies: ap and dpa. afp at least sees an error in the use of the term “map“. Wilm Herlyn, chief editor of dpa, wrote on 13 June 2008: "The dpa will, in the future, pay attention in reporting to the fact that Iran’s president, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, did not demand the destruction of Israel or its being wiped off the map." Also the 'Süddeutsche Zeitung', 'Spiegel Online', the NDR (in particular the '') and the ZDF have admitted the error. The chairman of the ZDF assures that all colleagues of his establishment have been informed about this occurrence and will, in the future, take the correct translation into consideration.

On 1 June 2008, the cabaret artist, Georg Schramm, alias Lieutenant Colonel Sanftleben, draws attention in the ZDF programme “News from the (Mental) Institution“ to the incorrect translation and assesses it as part of the propaganda for a war in which at first Iran is to be attacked by Israel and then to be caught in a pincher via the two neighbouring countries already brought under control, Iraq and Afghanistan, all this with the ultimate goal of appropriating resources such as oil and gas. And then he comes to a decisive statement: "This sentence [which Iran’s president actually formulated] is, according to international law, a fully correct demand. A few weeks ago, the Catholic bishops expressed themselves even more drastically about Israel’s ghetto policies". The end of a condition contrary to international law, as it has arisen since 1948 with the expulsion and exclusion of the Palestine population step by step, is an objective which must speak from the heart of every human who is interested in peace.

Iran has no plans to attack Israel

Again and again the argumentation crops up that there has to be something in the (falsely reproduced) statements of the Iranian president as he does not raise any objection to the falsification. Such an assertion is clearly false. “Iran has no plans to attack Israel”. That is what Iran's president, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, said on 08/07/2008 in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where he participated in the summit of the Group of Islamic Developing Countries [5] [6]. He thus answers the question as to whether the Iran intended to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jewish people. He added: "The Zionists accuse us of preparations for a possible attack. But that is a lie. The Iranian nation has never in her history attacked anyone."

In an interview with the Italian television RAI, during his stay in Rome at the beginning of June 2008, he was confronted with the statement, he had on several occasions reinforced the thesis that Israel was doomed “to vanish from the surface of the world“ and was then asked: "Do you not think that this position contributes in any way towards Iran being isolated from the international community?" To this he answered, amongst other things: "What I said about the Zionist regime was, above all, an announcement. What I announced was that this regime will soon dissolve and collapse." [7] [8]

Only four days after the speech of the Iranian president, into which the ”map“ quote was foisted, it was Ayatollah Khamenei, who refuted the false accusations and clarified that there was no intention on the part of Iran to attack Israel with atomic weapons. He criticised the 'tumult' which has been staged in connection with the speech of the Iranian president on 26/10/2005: "The influence of the Zionists on the western and European states unfortunately causes such tumult. And then they also exploit the opportunity to link it up to an ‘atom energy problem’! That ignoramus who said this for the first time […], has not understood at all that the atom weapon is not fit for eliminating governments and systems and regimes: Systems and regimes do not disappear with the [help] of the atom weapon; the atom weapon can only destroy people and swathes of land.“ With this, Khamenei makes it more than clear that the disappearance of a regime and the destruction of a country are two different things – that the second lies completely outside his world of thought. Similar to Ahmadinejad, Khamenei predicts the "collapse of the Zionist regime" [9] [10].

It is not possible to see it other than the deliberate suppression of information when such clarifications are not reported.

Iran yearns for the end of an illegal status

Another reaction with which we have been confronted several times consists of the indication to reports of the Iran news agency IRNA, which is said to use the phrasing 'wipe off the map' itself. This indication is correct inasmuch as it is true that IRNA has indeed used this wording on its English-language service – even if only rarely, possibly only one single time. The assertion is, however, wrong that this wording corresponds to that which was actually said.

The IRNA release of 03/06/2008 quotes Iran’s president as having said: "...the Zionist regime, which is a usurpational and illegal regime and a cancerous growth, has to be wiped off the map." And: "...the Zionist regime is moving towards its absolute end … the corrupt element will be wiped off the map." [11] These are two sentences from statements which would have to be correctly given as follows: "Oh dear Imam [= Khomeini], You had [once] deigned to say, “that the Zionist regime is a usurpational and illegal regime and a cancerous growth, which must vanish from the page of time. Today, I submit to you respectfully [my answer]: This illuminating and path-breaking speech and this, your yearning, are on the threshold of carrying fruit: The Zionist regime has given the philosophy for its existence away (....) The Zionist regime is in an absolute cul-de-sac and your wish (Imam Khomeini) will soon become reality and this seed of vitiation will disappear." [12] That is, of course, not a homage to Israel but it is not the threat of a destructive strike (by means of an atom bomb). Iran’s president yearns with clear words for the end of an illegal status.

Further, we have to see: The incorrect “map“ quote from the speech of 26/10/2005 is then just the tip of an iceberg. It all looks like a deliberately developed strategy within the framework of which statements of the Iranian president are again and again misrepresented. Let’s take a few examples.

‘Wave of moral’ becomes ‘strike wave’

In reports of of 26 and 27/10/2005, the following quotes are made from the speech of 26/10/2005: "There are no doubts: The new wave of attacks in Palestine will blot out the stigma in the visage of the Islamic world." [13] [14] The languages service of the German Bundestag translates it, however, as follows: "I do not doubt that the new wave which has begun in beloved Palestine and which we see today in the Islamic world, is a wave of morals. It has grasped the whole Islamic world and will very soon eliminate the blot from the lap of the Islamic world." [19] The wave of morals thus becomes a wave of (terror) attacks. This is also an irresponsible falsification which has to be regarded as malicious.

‘Decaying’ becomes ‘destruction’

On 14/04/2006, Iran’s president compares, according to IRNA, the "Zionist regime" with a decaying, rotten tree which will fall with the next storm [15]. 'abcnews' turns this into “Iran Leader: Israel Will Be Annihilated" [16] and afp "The Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad has threatened the State of Israel with destruction.” The Jewish state was “on the way to destruction’".

‘Disappearing’ becomes ‘annihilation’

On 12/12/2006, the Iranian president said, according to IRNA: "As the Soviet Union disappeared, the Zionist regime will also vanish and humanity will be liberated." [17] With ap this becomes: "Ahmadinejad: Israel will be annihilated as once the Soviet Union".

‘Decay’ becomes ‘destruction’

Bahman Nirumand draws attention in the June 2008 edition of the Iran Report to the fact that Iran’s president Mahmud Ahmadinejad had said on 14 May 2008 that the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of Israel’s existence would not preserve the state from its ‘decay’. This term was translated in parts of the German press by ‘destruction' or ‘death’. [18]

‘Deign to say’ becomes ‘order’

In a paper, which is being forcefully disseminated to the public, Joshua Teitelbaum of the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs’ concerns himself with statements by the Iranian president. He gives the whole procession of false translations of the “map“ quote quite a new turn. He makes the Imam ‘order’, "that this Jerusalem-occupying regime must be erased from the page of time." [2] - there, where it should correctly read: "Our dear Imam [Khomeini] deigned to say, the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the annals of history." Teitelbaum’s wording "order, that ... must ..." is even purely grammatically wrong. What Joshua Teitelbaum of the 'Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs' fables, sounds like the recorded deployment command for a campaign of destruction. It is a malicious innuendo of a different type. ‘To deign to say’ is not 'to order'. It is a traditional expression of respect towards persons held in high esteem or reverence.

Holocaust denial?

Also in respect of the assertion the Iranian president would deny the Holocaust, everything speaks for the fact that this accusation is not true. Mahmud Ahmadinejad puts the crimes of Israel, the Holocaust against the Palestinian population – as he calls it with sharp words – into the focal point of his observations. The formulation that the ‘massacre of the Jews’ was a ‘‚fairy tale’ – as often spread about – originates from a (maliciously) false translation. Ahmadinedschad speaks about the myth which was created in connection with the Holocaust for the legitimation of new crimes.

Federal Central Office for Political Education falsifies again

The Federal Central Office for Political Education (bpb), which, for a long time, had introduced its so-called “Anti-Semitism Dossier“ first of all (up to April 2008) with the sentence “With his statement, that he wanted to wipe Israel off the map” Iran’s president Mahmud Ahmadinejad provided in October 2005 worldwide for outrage” and was then forced to take leave from this incorrect assertion, now has replaced it with a new false assertion: "Iran’s president, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, provides again and again for sensation through his Israel-hostile and anti-Semitic statements. Sometimes he threatens the country, as in his speech at the conference ‘A World without Zionism' in October 2005: 'This phase will not take long and when we shall have successfully put it behind us, the elimination of the Zionist regime will be smooth and simple', sometimes he describes ...'" [19] [22]

Here also a statement is generated through falsification. In actual fact, the statement of the Iranian president would have to be rendered as follows: "This is a short phase. When we shall have successfully put it behind us, then – God willing – the process of disappearance of the regime occupying al-Qods [= the Holy, Jerusalem] and the setting up of the national government of Palestine will be a smooth and simple one." [21]

There is a serious problem in the fact that the basis of the translation prepared by the languages service of the German Bundestag is the speech as given at ISNA [20]. This version contains only extracts with bridging comments and gives especially the passage under review here only incompletely. The passage ‘Setting up of the national government of Palestine’ is missing in the ISNA version. This results from a comparison with the version furnished with a copyright endorsement as it was available for a long time on the web site It is therefore misleading when the Federal Central Office for Political Education heads its page containing the speech with "Wording of the Controversial Speech of Ahmadinejad.' It thus wrongly suggests that it concerns here the complete original speech. All speaks for the fact that the languages service of the German Bundestag and/or the Federal Central Office for Political Education which commissioned the translation, did not research the source situation at all.

‘Threat situation’ stood on its head

To outline it once again clearly: There are apparently circles in Israel, the United States and other allied countries which have an increased interest in an attack on Iran. The falsifications of statements of Iran’s president are to be seen in this context. These falsifications are serving the goal to stand the threat situation on its head. The potential perpetrator presents himself as victim which is threatened by an "atomic Holocaust'. That party, which is actually threatened by an (atomic) attack is meant to be put forward as the perpetrator. That is what it is all about.

(Thanks for indications, translation, linguistic analyses and support of various types: A. Schmidt, Katajun Amirpur, Sabine Schiffer, Dieter Keiner, Bahman Nirumand, Armin Fiand und Thomas Immanuel Steinberg)



afp: Agence France Presse
ap: Associated Press
bpb: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Central Office for Political Education - close to german government)
dpa: Deutsche Presseagentur (german news agency)
NDR: Norddeutscher Rundfunk (german TV- and Radio-station - one of the broadcast stations producing the TV programme 'Das Erste - The First', responsible for the news broadcast 'Tagesschau' and the corresponding website '')
ZDF: Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (german TV-station - the second in the history of german TV)



[1] "Iran's talk of destroying Israel must not be lost in translation" - Joshua Teitelbaum, Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs, 'Jerusalem Post', 22/06/2008

[2] "The Iranian leaders in their own words about the annihilation of Israel: a plea against apologetic campaigns to exculpate the call for genocide" – German-language publication of the 'Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs' by Joshua Teitelbaum, 03/07/2008:

[3] "What Iranian leaders really say about doing away with Israel: a refutation of the campaign to excuse Ahmadinejad’s incitement to genocide" – English-language publication of the 'Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs' by Joshua Teitelbaum, 2008:

[4] Self-presentation of the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs:

[5] “Iran does not intend to wipe out Israel” – release from PressTV, 08/07/2008:§ionid=351020101

[6] “Ahmadinedschad expects Israel’s self-destruction” – release from RIA Novosti, 08.07.2008:

[7] Italian-language transcript of the interviews of the Italian television channel RAI with Mahmud Ahmadinejad during his stay in Rome, beginning of June 2008:

[8] Video record of the interview of the Italian television channel RAI with Mahmud Ahmadinejad during his stay in Rome, beginning of June 2008:,,News%5E0%5E91917,00.html

[9] Farsi-language report on the speech of Chamenei of 30/10/2005:

[10] Farsi-language, complete reproduction of the speech of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on 30/10/2005 (8. Aban 1384):

[11] English-language IRNA release of 03/06/2008 about statements of Ahmadinejad on 02/06/2008 – with the phrasing 'wipe off the map':

[12] Farsi-language reproduction of statements of Ahmadinejad on 2/06/2008 in the newpaper 'Roozname-ye hamvatan salam':

[13] "Wipe off the map – Iran’s President demands the destruction of Israel” – release from of 26/10/2005 23:02 Uhr:

[14] "Wipe off the map – Iran’s President demands the destruction of Israel” – release from of 27/10/2005 08:07 Uhr:

[15] "The Zionist regime is a decaying and crumbling tree that will fall with a storm." – Iran’s president at the third international Jerusalem conference for the support of the rights of the Palestine people on 14/04/2006 in Tehran according to IRNA

[16] "Iran Leader: Israel Will Be Annihilated" – Title of an ap news based release by abcnews regarding the speech of the Iranian president on 14/04/206:

[17] "Just as the Soviet Union disappeared, the Zionist regime will also vanish and humanity will be liberated." – Statement of the Iranian president on 12/12/2006 according to IRNA

[18] Iran report Nr. 06/2008

[19] Antisemitism dossier of the German Federal Central Office for Political Education in the version from the end of April 2008:,0,0,Antisemitismus.html

[20] Speech of the Iranian president of 26/10/2005 as given by ISNA (Iranian Students Association):

[21] Speech of the Iranian president of 26/10/2005 as reproduced with the note 'Copyright 2006 Presidency of The Islamic Republic of Iran' on the web site of the president (there, at present, not available, but on the website of Dr. Y. Schmidt):

[22] Speech of the Iranian president of 26/10/2005 as translated by the languages service of the German Bundestag on the basis of the ISNA version, available on the web site of the Federal Central Office for Political Education:


The text in german:

'Von der Landkarte tilgen': Die Spitze eines Eisbergs

Eine Strategie zur Verfälschung der Äußerungen des iranischen Präsidenten

- von Anneliese Fikentscher und Andreas Neumann (29. Juli 2008)

Anneliese Fikentscher & Andreas Neumann
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Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Turkish TV - Interview

19.08.2008 15:26

CNNTurk: "[…] Again on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, we know your stand very well. Today I researched a little your statements related to Israel. Two things stand out: To wipe Israel out of the map, and your repeated mention of pushing the Jews into the sea. You have a very harsh attitude. I'm curious to know, how will the peace come to the region? With this harsh attitude, or through some other initiatives? What do you think? What is the solution for the region?"

Ahmadinejad: "Our attitude is not only Ahmadinejad's attitude. It is the region's attitude. It is the attitude of the peoples of the region. You can also ask the Turkish people. The Turkish people will say the same things that I say, the people of Iraq will say the same, the people of Syria will say the same. Also in Saudi Arabia, in Egypt, Jordan, in Lebanon and in Palestine. Because these are the true words [of Allah]. We are speaking words of truth.

"As I said earlier, the Zionist regime is based on lies. There was no regime like this in our region. The people of this regime are brought to this region. And the people of this region have been exported out of there. This is a great cruelty.

"If in Europe some wrong has been done against the Jews it does not mean that Muslim Palestinians or Christians should be made to pay. This was exploitation, a way of putting pressure on the people of this region."

"Since this [Israeli] regime came here, it is killing, murdering people. Look at it - there are daily bombings, arrests, massacres, or blockades. There are wars. This regime made three wars against its neighbors. It continuously attacks the Palestinian people with tanks, bombs and helicopters. These people [the Israelis] don't belong to this region. They must go!

"But what we offer is a humane solution. Our solution is a referendum. We say, let the Palestinian people make its choices. Whoever is Palestinian should have a say. What we say is in line with U.N. rules, in line with international laws. This is a humane offer. If there is such a referendum, this regime [Israel] will automatically be eliminated. And a regime based on its people will be erected. Then the meaning of what we are saying will become clear.

"As you know the Soviet regime was eliminated from the map. How was it eliminated? Because the people wanted this. With the vote of the people. And it must be accepted that the vote of the people votes should rule.

"I am really amazed that the big powers, that always talk about human rights, and democracy, when it comes to Palestine they side with dictatorship, they side with murder. Palestinians are a people, of course, and they have been under oppression for 60 years. Hold a free referendum, let Palestinians express their views. Whatever the results are, everyone respects. Let's allow the Palestinians to choose their way. This is in the interest of everyone. It is in the interest of the European countries, even the U.S.

"Because this regime is dishonorable. And every day that this regime lives it increases the weight of the files of the big powers. Naturally the murders of this regime are being added on the accounts of the [Western] nations."

"Therefore these [Western] nations must separate their accounts from this [Zionist] regime. There is nothing they have to gain, nothing to benefit from this regime. It's all losses. As in the case of an old car, the expense is more than it's worth. Like an old car that has stopped running; all you spend on it is wasted. This is loss for everyone. For Palestine, for Middle East, for Europe and for America.

"They have to resolve this problem. And the way to do it to ask for the free opinion of the people. Let them prepare a referendum. This is not a difficult task. We can help the U.N. Let them prepare a referendum. Everybody will be happy. And this situation, wars and oppression will be eliminated. Our method for resolution is very clear."

NTV: "There is talk recently about the rise of Iran in the Middle East, and some countries in the region are concerned about this rise, about this power. It is said that you have influence over Hizbullah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine. Some countries consider these terrorist organizations. Posters of Nasrallah posters are seen in the streets of Tehran. How do you view these two organizations, what do they mean to you, and are you really supporting them?"

Ahmadinejad: "[Hizbullah leader] Hassan Nasrallah is a well-liked figure. In Turkey people love him. You love him too. Everybody loves him. People who love freedom love him. Hassan Nasrallah stood against the Zionists' aggression and defended his land. He defended his people. This is the right of all the peoples. It is the right of every person. It is the duty of every person - just as every Turk would stand against those who would attack Turkey.

"Seyyid Hassan is a hero today, for he destroyed the myth of the Zionist regime. Of course we know that the Zionists don't like Hassan [Nasrallah], and those who support them do not like him. They are disturbed by him.

"But we, and all the countries in the region support the territorial integrity of Lebanon. We are in contact with all the Lebanese groups. We encourage them all to unity and to cooperation. Iran had an input in their reaching an agreement. Any fragmentation in the countries of the region benefits only the enemy. We are making every effort to maintain unity."

"Of course Iran is a big country. Always has been. Turkey too is a big country. Iran is a big power. So is Turkey. But our power is for peace and friendship. We have cultural power. Not in order to attack others. Our strength is different than that of those super powers. We never want to attack others or occupy lands of others. We do not want to take away the rights of other peoples. We respect all peoples. […]

"Their security makes us happy. Our strength gives a message of peace and friendship and justice. Iran is historically a great country; so is Turkey. Iran's and Turkey's power is for the good of everyone. Of course, the Zionists do not want that. But this is not important."
CNNTurk: "I would like to expand to the global perspective. Iran's nuclear program created problems with the U.S. Things are tense and we saw that the Geneva talks did not bear fruit. At that time Israel conducted an exercise with 100 fighter planes. Following that you conducted an exercise in Iran with Shahab-3s. What does this mean? Are tensions rising? Is diplomacy failing, and you are showing each other your muscles? How should we read all this?"

Ahmadinejad: "Your question has several parts. One is the nuclear issue. We think that the nuclear issue is on the right path. The talks were good and they will continue. We think of them as a good beginning. And now it is being followed up. We are not thinking that it was a failure. Nobody thinks that.

"Naturally the negotiations were intense. They have been trying to solve this for the past 30 years. It can't be resolved in one session. Everybody knows that this nuclear issue is an excuse. The real issue is that these big powers do not want our people to advance. This is the real matter.

"But now negotiations have begun and it is good. We are not going towards a worse situation. This was one part of your question.

"As for the Zionists: If they have carried out exercises it is their business. It concerns them alone. But everyone knows that the Zionist regime cannot measure up to Iran. They cannot challenge Iran even in their wildest imagination. Everyone knows and they know. They don't even have it in their program. That is, they may have such thoughts in their makeup, in their wishes, but they will carry away these wishes [when they go]. They are tiny. They say it themselves.

"As you also know, the Zionist regime is breaking apart. They live only if they attack. Let me tell you about an interesting point. When they [Israelis] came into being, they had a slogan that said 'from the Nile to the Euphrates.' That is, all of Iran, Turkey, Egypt, the Gulf, Iraq and Sudan. All of the Islamic world.

"Had they realized their dream their existence could have been of value. Then, great powers would have supported them. But in what shape is this regime now? It is building a wall around itself in order to survive. This means their devastation, this means their annihilation.

"It [Israel] has no existence. Their existence is about frightening, attacking, occupation and exploitation. Now they cannot do this, they must examine themselves. They do not exist.

"The sooner they leave [the region], the better it is for them. The longer they stay, the worse it is for their supporters. The Western countries should not support them [Israel] that much.

"The life of this regime has come to an end. They brought some pitiful people, wanderers, to there and gave them the Palestinians' homes and these people are now hostages of that regime. Open the doors and they will all run away. They [the Zionists] shut the doors."

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