Fitwatch at Carnival Against Vivisection
Fit watch | 27.08.2008 18:21 | Stop Sequani Animal Testing | Animal Liberation | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | London
The animal rights movement has suffered vast amounts of repression over the years - repression which only seems to be getting worse.
Solidarity for Sean Kirtley -
PC Bacon getting upset: Novartis anti-vivisection march, April 2008
FIT are on the run, and even they are admitting the successfulness of what we are doing. Our tactics are working, and we need to keep up the pressure.
Join us, and join the fight back against police bullying and repression.

Fitwatch is a tactic to fight the FIT by all means necessary. Anyone can fitwatch, and it can be as confrontational or pacific as you want.
Another call for Fitwatch

Carnival Indymedia feature

Fit watch