Climate and Coal Debate
David Douglass | 05.09.2008 14:49 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
Class, Climate Change and Clean Coal
the Climate Campers and The unions.
The Upstairs Lounge
The Bridge Hotel
Castle Garth
Newcastle Upon Tyne
1st November 2008
11-30 - 5-30
Speakers and Agenda
Davie Hopper, Gen Sec, Durham Miners Association
(NE Area NUM) Chair and introduction to conference
David Douglass, IWW (and retired NUM official)
A brief overview on ‘the environment’ and class in the politics of energy
Rachel Whittaker, Wrekin Anarchist Group, Climate
Direct actionist;
Arthur Scargill’ Hon President National Union Mineworkers. Which way for energy?
Paul Chatterton; Leeds University and Climate Camp Activist. Why Not Coal?
Debate and Discussion on first half of conference.
Dinner Break 1-30 / 2-30
(There are a great number of cafes and restaurants within five minutes walk of the conference
or the grounds of St Nicholas Cathedral & the Bigg Market is handy for eating bait)
Chris Kitchen; General Secretary NUM
Chair and introduction to second half
Mr Bob Crow, General Secretary, Rail, Maritime and Transport Union; How we view it.
Kev Grey, Green Anarchism and Climate Camp direct actionist. How we see it.
Ian Lavery, President NUM and International Energy and miners Organisation; Prospects for Coal Production and consumption worldwide.
Paul Morrison; Greenpeace and Climate Camp Activist.
Stan Herschel, Regional Organiser RMT. On or off
the rails on Energy and Climate.
Davie Guy, President North East Area of NUM (and DMA) Prospects for revival of the Great Northern
Discussion and debate and questions from the floor
End of conference 5-30
Social 7-30 with live bands in The Bridge, or the delights of the ‘the toon’ on a Sat night, or stay downstairs in the bar for a more leisurely drink _________________________________________
(Invited but not confirmed at time of publicity UNITE, Community, GMB, Powerfuel)
Organised by IWW Tyne and Wear in conjunction with The NUM and consultation with RMT and the ‘Green’ movement.
David Douglass
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