Trident on trial: Judge defends nuclear proliferators Rolls Royce
dv | 22.10.2008 13:52 | Anti-militarism | Other Press
Judge dismisses idea that R-R work at factory was 'unlawful'
Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 07:30
PROTESTERS appearing in court charged with trespassing on Rolls-Royce property have had one of their main arguments quashed by a judge.
The campaigners blockaded entrances to the Raynesway factory in Derby, on April 28, because they believed the company was breaking international law by producing nuclear submarine parts.
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Anti-Trident campaigners will be out in force on Monday 27 October at the Big Blockade of the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston near Reading, organised by Trident Ploughshares and supported by CND, Block the Builders and the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp. Accommodation, vegan food, transport, training, briefings and legal support provided. Arrest is optional.
Aldermaston Big Blockade blog:
Blockade briefing:
E-mail: blockawe [at]
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