Pix-&-Vidz of National Climate March, London (3 of 3) – 06 Dec 08
Tim Dalinian Jones | 10.12.2008 16:00 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | World
1) NO to a 3rd runway at Heathrow and runaway aviation expansion
2) NO new coal – no new coal-fired power stations as planned at Kingsnorth in Kent
3) NO to the expansion of agrofuels – with negative impacts on forests, the climate, and world food supply
4) YES to a renewable energy revolution and green jobs – a "Green New Deal"
Nine of these pix were shot by Chris Knight – (CK) appended to caption
To follow, as links in a comment below, once the editing and uploading are complete.
L1. Light weight placard – painted expanded polystyrene
L2. Planes pollute preposterously
L3. East Alglian resistance
L4. Biotic rights
L5. United under the Red Flag
L6. Friendly, familiar, free – fan-blinkin-tastic (& hanx 4 the hug, bro)
M1. Climate change rally
M2. A sea of climate change concern
N1. The Green Bandwagon
N2. Less farting cattle = reduced methane emissions
N3. Backlit by the setting sun
N4. Know One Can Be Aware
N5. Piling up the placards
P1. So, what account will you be able to give of your actions?
What’s Next?
Please do take a look the More Info & Take Action Links sections in Part 2 (see links in a comment below), to glean the information you need to motivate you to take action on climate change. As you’ll see, there’s everything from letter-writing, email-sending and petition signing through to mass direct action initiatives. Many would argue, including me, that the most effective tactic is the latter – from swarms of Santas dumping dirty coal all over E.ON’s Coventry boardroom [14], to Plane Stupid’s magnificent airfield occupation at Stansted Airport [15], the vigourous demonstration of folk applying their political power co-operatively and directly (rather than individualistically giving it away to a bosses lackey politician in a bourgeois election) gives hope for an increasingly participatory green future. Below are three direct action opportunities in the UK for the months ahead.
Heathrow Decision Day Flashmob – We’re In It for the Long-Haul
With Geoff Hoon, the new Transport Minister, expected to announce the Labour Government’s decision on Heathrow expansion in December, we’ve announced our plans for a Decision Day flashmob back at Heathrow Terminal 5 – where it all started earlier this year.
Here’s the plan: unless *all* expansion plans for Heathrow are dropped, a Stop Airport Expansion flashmob will take place at Heathrow Terminal 5 on the first Saturday after the decision is announced. We will be unveiling our T-shirts at 12 noon (on the dot!) in the departures section of Terminal 5. Be ready to come! Red T-shirts are desirable but not essential!
The flashmob will be an immediate chance to demonstrate our feelings if expansion is given the go-ahead – and show that opposition to expansion is not over for the Government by any stretch of the imagination.
More info: T5 Flashmob – http://t5flashmob.wordpress.com
Dinner at Domestic Departures – Mon 12 Jan 09
On Monday 12 January 2009 at 7pm the Climate Rush and the Government of the Dead will hit Heathrow, Terminal 1. We will arrive in Edwardian dress (under a big coat!) with hampers of food to have our 'Dinner at Domestic Departures'. This will be an action against the construction of the third runway and the unsustainable use of short-haul, national flights. It will take place on the day that the MPs return from their winter holiday.
When the string quartet plays its first note we will reveal our dress and share our food. Ours will be the first peaceful sit-in of the environmental movement. Hundreds will join us and together we will make history. We have waited too long and been misled too many times. It is time for us to take control and to lead social change.
More info:
Government of the Dead – http://tinyurl.com/GotDead-DDD
Climate Rush – http://climaterush.co.uk/whatnext.html
Fossil Fools Day – Wed 01 Apr 08
Take Direct Action to End the Fossil Fuel Empire
On April 1st last year, people around the world celebrated Fossil Fools Day. Over 150 actions took place across four continents. Oil, gas, coal and aviation were all targeted. Fossil fuel extraction, production, financing, PR and greenwash all felt the jester’s wrath. Actions spanned the full spectrum from the simply subversive to the downright disruptive: office occupations, banner drops, street theatre, Big Carbon blockades, city centre parades, spoof product launches, subvertising, leaflets, lock-ons and even a laugh-in. The tentacles of the carbon web were exposed for all to see, more people saw the empire for what it truly is – a sinking ship awaiting abandonment – and here and there, the carbon machine even ground to a halt. This year Fossil Fools Day will be bigger, better and bolder.
Our actions are amplified when we act in unison, so this year, in the build-up to the UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen in November, let’s see if we can reach over 1000 worldwide! Fossil Fools Day is about taking action in the name of carbon common sense – leave fossil fuels in the ground, abandon false solutions, and build real and just alternatives. Dismantling the fossil fuel empire is a massive task, but every action we take takes its toll, and there is no doubt that our resistance is growing and our struggles are uniting year by year. So whether you’ve been looking for a chance to dip a toe into the growing climate action movement, or have had your kick-ass action planned since last year, now is the time to do it – whatever it is.
On April 1st, join the global day of resistance and pull a prank that packs a punch.
More info: http://www.fossilfoolsdayofaction.org/2009/
When my nephews and niece ask me, “Uncle Tim, what did YOU do in the Great Climate War?”, I hope I’ll be able to give them a good account of the responsible actions I took to help avert Catastrophic Climate Change – and in a similar situation, I hope and trust that you will be able to do so too. Let’s mobilise!
Up the Revolution,
Tim Dalinian Jones
[14] Swarms of Santas dumping dirty coal all over E.ON’s Coventry boardroom:
▪ Pix-&-vidz of ‘E.ON's early christmas surprise’ – http://www.ameliasmagazine.com/amelias_blog/2008/12/eons_early_christmas_surprise.php
▪ The E-On 'Face-Off' begins... Kingsnorth Shut Down – http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/12/414372.html
[15] Plane Stupid’s magnificent airfield occupation at Stansted Airport:
▪ ‘Plane Stupid shuts Stansted Airport’ – http://www.planestupid.com/?q=content/plane-stupid-shuts-stansted-airport
▪ ‘Climate activists held after Stansted runway protest’ – http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/dec/08/stansted-runway-protest
All these photos and video clips are 'CopyLeft'
This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
> Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
> Accreditation: tim.dalinian.jones@googlemail.com
NB: These pix are edited and downsized versions (up to 640x640px, 0.39Mpx, 116 to 232 KB) for onscreen display. If you would like the free, edited, full-sized versions (up to 3072x2304px, 7.1Mpx, 1.1 MB to 2.9 MB) for print, poster, placard, banner, etc, please email your request to tim.dalinian.jones [at] googlemail.com quoting the picture title(s) you'd like.
Tim Dalinian Jones
Global Day of Climate Action – Links
10.12.2008 16:53
Pix-&-Vidz of National Climate March, London (1 of 3) – 06 Dec 08
Pix-&-Vidz of National Climate March, London (2 of 3) – 06 Dec 08
Pix-&-Vidz of National Climate March, London (3 of 3) – 06 Dec 08
This story also available both internationally and locally in a single article:
Indymedia Climate – http://tinyurl.com/NCM-LDN-06-Dec-08
Indymedia London – http://london.indymedia.org.uk/articles/378
Pix-&-Vidz of Climate Bike Ride, London, UK - 06 Dec 08
Indymedia Climate – http://tinyurl.com/CBR-LDN-06-Dec-08
Route Map – http://tinyurl.com/CBR2008-map (custom GoogleMap)
▪ ‘Climate Change Critical Mass and March Pics’ by Rikki – http://london.indymedia.org.uk/articles/366
▪ ‘Climate change rally 6 Dec 2008 - pics, audio and video’ by Simon – http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/12/414680.html
▪ Sustainable Transport speeches by Roger Geffen and Dr Mayer Hillman, outside Department for Transport – http://london.indymedia.org.uk/system/file_upload/2008/12/06/14/climate_speeches.mp3
▪ Video of Climate Bike Ride 2008 by Doug – http://www.archive.org/details/bikeride6-12-08
Global Day of Climate Action – http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org
Campaign against Climate Change – http://www.campaigncc.org
Plane Stupid – http://www.planestupid.com
T5 Flashmob – http://t5flashmob.wordpress.com
AirportWatch – http://www.airportwatch.org.uk
Stop Heathrow Expansion (Greenpeace UK) – http://stopheathrow.org
Stop Stansted Expansion – http://www.stopstanstedexpansion.com
Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign – http://www.gacc.org.uk
Stop Bristol Airport Expansion – http://www.nobristolairportexpansion.co.uk
E.ON – F.OFF! – http://www.e-onf-off.org.uk/home.html
Climate Camp – http://climatecamp.org.uk
Rising Tide – http://risingtide.org.uk
Coal Action Network – http://leaveitintheground.org.uk
The Coal Hole – http://thecoalhole.org
No New Coal – http://www.nonewcoal.org.uk
Give Coal The Boot (Greenpeace UK) – http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/gctbpage2
Biofuelwatch – http://biofuelwatch.org.uk
Food vs fuel – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_vs_fuel
Biofuels: green dream or climate change nightmare? (Greenpeace UK) – http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/blog/climate/biofuels-green-dream-or-climate-change-nightmare-20070509
Tim Dalinian Jones