London Daily Telegraph group lying on, making Harriet Harman legitimate
AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Big Business agenda | 14.01.2009 07:15 | Repression | Social Struggles
0715 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 14 January 2009
Harriet Harman's RECORD shows that far from being 'class warrior' she is very much a part of the 'ruling class'. The difference with her being that she is attached with an image that makes it easier to sell the package in the name of the 'working class'.
Harriet Harman and her predecessor at the former NCCL, Patricia Hewitt, have both shown that they have been quite effective couriers of the ruling class agenda.
Unlike some clearly consciousness-bitten members of the grotesquely-misphrased and paraded 'Blair Babes' who entered the UK House of Commons in May 1997, such as Clare Short, Harriet Harman has had no difficulty in doing the job for her class, Which has always been the ruling class.
As the occupant in the office for Poverty-Creation and Deprivation [now called the DWP], Harman did the same things that Peter Lilley had done.
And as their RECORDS show, her successors in that department, Blunkett, Hutton, Johnson, Purnell ET AL all have been echoing the language of the Lilley and implementing the agenda of the Tebbit.
Or carrying out the Dracula Doctrines as devised by that lethally corrupting ‘voice’ from Birkenhead [Frank Fraud Field] who has been allowed to pose as the voice of reason whenever he has called for the use of poverty and denial as a way to liberate the people from the
Violation of rights they are caused by the given state regime in Britain.
How is it that the likes of the Telegraph group get away with these lies?
The answer is to be found in the lying roles of the Guardian and the lying agenda of the BBC.
BOTH would contend that THEY are not like the DAILY TELEGRAPH or the Daily Mail.
The truth is that they are.
As the BBC Director General post-holder [and erstwhile Channel Porn chief executive] Mark Thompson exhibited in his shameless promotion of the MAIL ON SUNDAY when he appeared to do a routine commercial with the help of a stooged committee of MPs in the UK House of Commons in the wake of the Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross propaganda weeks.
The deprivation politics that Tony Blair continued, has become more ‘victim-assented’ in the past 11 years, in the sense that the people and groups who are the targets of deprivation, denial and violation of the universally defined human rights in the UK in 2009 have become increasingly categorised as having AGREED TO HEIR BEING disenfranchised..
One of those images that have been created to achieve this repression of rights in the UK has been Harriet Harman.
The corollary to that is of course Sadiq Khan.
Although Sadiq Khan, when compared to Harriet Harman is quite blasé in his style when he violates what he is licensed to claim to be HIS MUSLIM community – which he derides and is rewarded for doing so at every strategic point.
There is no media forum in the mass circulation sense to counter these layers and stages of lying and brainwashing.
There is no democratic parliament that is capable of holding the powers that be to account.
There is no international forum that has the freedom or the force to stand up for the people so deprived.
It is an era of darkness that is being carried on under myths and guises made to look ‘reasonable’ by mixtures of ethnicity, femininity added to the offices of formal power…
Real power remains with the original class warriors…
The ethnicity tokens and the gender tokens are doing their bidding.
The difference is one of gloss devised to cope with contemporary, programmed, subliminally transmitted and acquired tastes of the brainwashed and the zombified…
Harriet Harman is no class warrior. She never has been. She never could be..
AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Big Business agenda
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