Actions Report from Greece, 14 January
LA | 15.01.2009 00:13 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
More than 270 people have been arrested in connection to actions, since the beginning of the insurrection, on December 6th, in 15 cities. 67 of them have been detained, while 50 immigrants that were arrested the first 3 days, were rapidly condemned to 18 months of imprisonment and are being deported. 19 arrestees in Larissa face charges under the anti-terrorist law. Countless of people were brought to the police departments but were released with no charges in the end. ( 969401 )
On Saturday 17/01 there will be a nationwide demonstration in Larissa, for solidarity to the arrestees.
One person has been arrested and detained since yesterday in Thessaloniki. He is being accused for explosion (felony) and for organising a gang (minor offence, luckily not connected with the anti-terrorist law), related to the effort for arson for a police department. There was a solidarity demonstration, on Tuesday night, outside the Police Headquarters, where he is kept. He is going in front of the Interrogator and the Public Prosecutor on Thursday noon.
Liberated spaces
The building of the Journalists' Union is still occupied by young people and employees in the media. In solidarity to the revolt of December, they also focus on employment problems, pushing the mainstream media for alternative coverage of the actions, etc. 969449
A municipality cafe on a central street of Zografou district, has been ocupied by antiauthoritarians, in order for it to function as an open space for counter-information, discussion and co-ordination of actions(969647).
Solidarity to Konstantina Kouneva
Employees and workers from 27 first-grade unions, had a sit-in in the office of Evangelismos hospital, where Konstantinta Kouneva is being treated. This hospital is also using cleaning services by subcontracting agencies, similar to the one Konstantina was hired by. (969641)
The Worker Unions' Center in Volos, after having been occupied by activists for 2 days, was released in the morning. It was an action of solidarity to Konstantina Kouneva and the arrestees of the revolt in December (969909).
*Konstantina Kouneva, a woman, immigrant and unionist, was violently attacked with acid on her face, due to her political action against the employers.
Universities and High schools
A lot of general student union meetings have been taking place in Universities all over Greece, 62 faculties are currently occupied, while many of others stay open, due to the support by the communist, the socialdemocrat and the pro-government student parties.
An education-wide demonstration will also take place on Thursday in many Greek cities.
Parents of a high-school in Pireas, protest against the authorities of the schools, who terrorise the students that took part in the school occupation in October, where a lot of students were beaten up and sent to court.
The students of the 3rd High-school of Ilioupolis, Athens, have occupied their school, against the decision of the teachers to move 4 students to another school and not allow another 5 to attend courses, for 5 days (969734), as a punishment. They are also protesting for the surveilance cameras outside their school building.
Workers' struggles
120 people were sacked, last month, from the iron-nickel factory in Larimna.
3 people were fired from a local Athens TV station.
The employees of the water supply company in Thessaloniki are on a strike, staying in the building (despite being terrorized by their employers), making sure that there will be no problem with the water supply. . They are against the privatization of the company. the inner corruption and they ask for more personnel to be hired.
The Higher court decided for the second time against the construction of a mall in Eleonas (970278)
War in Palestine
A demonstration for the war in Palestine is being organised for Saturday 17/1. 969591
Arion, the ship of the Free Gaza movement, that transfers doctors and food towards the Gaza people, is threatened to be stopped by the Israeli authorities(969819). The greek government (970053) and the mainstream media (970281) didn't pay attention to the issue.
Meanwhile, people, student unions and organizations of the left have mobilized for a demonstration on Thursday, in order to prevent transfer of US weapons towards Israel, through the private port of Astakos, on the Aegean Sea (970041)
Mainstream Media reports
Mainstream media published the results of the official police ballistic report on Alexis Grigoropoulos' shooting, stating that the bullet hit a marble ball (functioning as a barrier in the edge of the sidewalk) which was next to Alexis, and then turned towards his body. Commentors (969787) think that this proves that the cop actually fired towards the young persons.
Mainstream media announced that the so-called "terrorist organisation" named "Revolutionary Struggle", (as it had been suspected by the police) issued a communique for the shooting against three police officers in Athens, resulting into the serious injury of one of them.
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shot cops could still be black ops - but...
15.01.2009 16:20
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