Conchetta Social Centre, Milano: Eviction and mobilisation
MR | 24.01.2009 17:28 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles | World
and we are partecipating with the Cox activisties and other centri sociali and people of Milano
to all the demostrations. Also we are tryng to help thru our communication projetc
so on our website there are news (photos/audios) and also english translations on this eviction
and from the demos and actions for Cox18 and against all evictions.
So take a look on our web site
Photo Gallery:

or directly go on the ENGLISH feature
We are sorry for our english (a really big matter for all the italian movement :(
we'll promise we'll try to improve it ...
but by the moment if you wan't to help to improve our traslations
or if you are able to write english news or if you want to take voice against this eviction
in solidarity with Cox18 and the centri sociali of Milan under attack
you can directly write on the web site, just visiting the i-report link

We just remind everybody Expò 2015 is scheduled to be in Milan
you can just immagine how much big is the economical interest on each square feet of the city....
As last, We remind every body today Saturday 24th, hour 3 pm
in Milan (starting from porta Ticinese) there is the demo against the evictions.
Stop all evictions !!!
Let's make our Expò !!!
Cantiere crew
RSK multimedia / RadioShocK Communication Project
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24.01.2009 19:04