Latest news and comment from the Cambridge Occupied Law School
Manos (IMC Cambridge) | 26.01.2009 02:39 | University Occupations for Gaza | Education | Palestine | Cambridge
The decision making structures are still a weird mix of consensus decision making signals and impromptu votes when the consensus is not clear. People have complained that consensus decision making takes ages, and the meetings are indeed rather tedious. As I witnessed them, the long times to take decisions are more due to the micromanagement of the general assembly’s about how decisions will be implemented rather than the consensus decision making process itself. Everyone has an opinion about “how” things are done rather than trusting those in charge to do the reasonable and common sense thing. As the occupation progresses, functioning working groups are set up to deal with different aspects of the action, that hopefully should minimise the discussion of practicalities during decision making.
At the end of the meeting a couple of people, representing others, expressed their concern about making the political space inclusive for all voices and being aware of hierarchy and power. While some nodded disapprovingly, as if this was a side issue, more agreed and it was decided that the matter should be further discussed in a proper day meeting.
The occupation continues until the demands are met!
Manos (IMC Cambridge)