Gaza appeal projected onto BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place 2.2.09
fil | 02.02.2009 23:23 | Palestine
In light of the BBC's continued refusal to air the Disasters Emergency Committee aid appeal members of the UK section of the International Solidarity Movement, have decided to utilise the BBC's Portland Place Broadcasting House building as the backdrop for a public projection of the appeal.
The rejection of the BBC to air the appeal has sparked outrage amongst its license fee payers, public figures such as the Archbishop of York, members of the government as well as it's own journalists.
The BBC has claimed that airing the appeal would be detrimental to it's position of impartiality. Nonetheless, John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York has stated that "By declining the request, the BBC has already taken sides and forsaken impartiality."
If the BBC are not willing to screen the appeal, then we will. The members of the public have a right to see it and to determine for themselves whether they wish to contribute or not. It is not for the BBC to take the decision out of its fee payers hands.
Additional Information:
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a non-violent global movement dedicated to resistance to the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli state. Based predominantly in Palestine international activists alongside Palestinian citizens seek to challenge the Israeli occupation through non-violent means and through dissemination of information and the realities of the occupation.
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