Water shortages and food takeovers in Australia
ownoiz | 10.03.2009 11:50 | World
"Hundreds of thousands of fruit trees have been pulled out, rice production has plunged by 93pc and vineyards lie abandoned as the "irrigation drought" continues unabated in Australia's southern food bowl."

'Murray towns 'living hand to mouth'
"Pupil numbers at local schools were falling much faster than the Education Department had predicted, but governments did not seem to recognise the alarm signals, said Bruce Simpson, agribusiness director of Peppin Finance in Deniliquin.
Some families could not afford $2 or $5 for school excursions and schools were providing breakfast because young students were not having it at home.
The president of the Ricegrowers' Association, Les Gordon, said: "The longevity of these industries and communities has to be a real issue.
"I'm watching farmers leave farms and get jobs … sell water entitlements because the banks told them to, or make premature retirement plans."
ownoiz - I am witnessing what is happening currently in Australia with record breaking drought and water shortages and there are many indications that something is not right. This is happening in other parts of the world also especially in food producing areas; western europe and california are two places that come to mind.
Just to brief you all on what I'm talking about, I will list some recent things which are happening in Australia especially in regards to the murray river and entire murray darling basin.
Federal takeover of the Murray Darling basin
The murray darling basin is located close to the major cities where most of australias people live, it includes the murray river and its tributaries, as well as massive supplies of groundwater which is used for human consumption and food production. The murray darling basin produces 40% of australias food, and supplies the population with drinking water in rural areas as well as cities such as Adelaide and Melbourne.
Some brief info about the MURRAY RIVER. The murray river is regulated with locks, weirs, storage lakes etc. Storage volumes and flows are measured at various points by the authorities in charge and this information is told to the public. You can only extract water from most of the basin if you have a water license. There are seperate water authorities/water boards for each secton of the river, which are controlled by the individual states. Water can be bought or sold on the water market, similar in a way to shares in a company.
In recent years we have all been given news that inflows into the river are poor, due to lack of snow and rain. Often with well rehearsed presentations by media spokepersons such as Wendy Craik from the Murray Darling Basin Commission ( MDBC ) or other politicians. Also we have corporations such as Macquarie Bank set up Agribusiness divisions and are buying massive amounts of water in the murray river. Most areas of the murray-darling basin allow you to buy permanent water licenses, for example you buy a 100 megalitre license for a one off price and that means you can use/take 100 megalitres PER YEAR from the system forever after. You can also lease water for only one years use and pay every year, or lease out permanent water you have bought to others on the open market.
Macquarie agri has bought ALMOST ALL of the permanent murray water offered on the water exchange market in the last few years. They can now use it to irrigate the crops they have planted from raising capital from investors , or lease the water out to others farmers at their will. The Macquarie Group which includes Bank and infrastructure divisions has quickly risen to be one of Australias most powerful corporations and has obvious ties to the Bush Administration and some of his personnel as well as interests worldwide ie building toll roads in Texas. One of the members of Macquarie Bank recently married a Rockefeller.
The effects of all of this...
-The government has now declared drought across the entire basin, river water and groundwater. Water Legislation has recently been modified and new legislation created to differentiate the rules between "irrigation use" and "stock and domestic". This means that the authorities can stop all irrigation or restrict irrigation whenever they want. South Australian premier Mike Rann has included areas where viable groundwater is present some of which were previously not part of the basin and the water present in the underground aquifers CANT be affected by surface water or drought, and are already well managed.
The federal government declared its intentions to take over the operation of the basin from the states. It accuses the states of mismanagement and blames them for the water shortages. After much resistance from the states including unexpected and suspicious resignations of leaders of TWO states and one state water minister, who refuse to sign the rivers over to the feds, the legislation comes together and the takeover is almost complete as i write this. The new leaders agree to sign. The federal government will then control every drop in the murray system. It was the John Howard Liberal government who was in power when the federal takeover was instigated, but since the 2007 election Labour is in power. The Kevin Rudd Labour government has the same policy as the Liberals and are continuing their work in taking over the basin. No suprises there !!!
-WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING: Food Producers arent allowed to use their full water entitlements. They can only use a percentage dictated to them from the water authorities who determine these numbers with help from appointed scientists/ experts/commissions and flow numbers. They can buy or lease more water so the percentage they are allowed to use is calculated from their original entitlement plus the extra they buy in. Food production has decreased, growers face financial pressures, this includes even larger companies who were previously very successfull and supply massive amounts of the fresh food AUSTRALIANS eat.
Small growers have left the industry, but most are waiting for the so called "drought" to pass and have spent large sums of money to temporarily lease extra water on the open market at inflated drought prices thinking the drought will pass. It isnt. They are spending so much money on water that its almost impossible to turn a profit. This cant be sustained for more than a couple of seasons, and many optimistic food producers are dipping into their personal savings or are taking out large loans to keep production levels up and keep plantings alive, waiting for the "drought to pass". They are being sucked dry and their net worths are decreasing.
Some big food producers have had enough and are selling out and have put their properties on the market, both in murray river and groundwater areas. Some of these companies have invested millions and would not be getting out unless something was really wrong in their minds, especially in the groundwater areas where the current water levels are stable and water extraction is at sustainable levels, and water restrictions have not yet been announced. THEY CAN SEE THE REALITY THAT THE RIVER ISNT DRY BECAUSE THIS HAS BEEN THEIR LIFE FOR YEARS. SO THERE MUST BE ANOTHER AGENDA One agribusiness company has declared "no further plantings in Australia" and is commencing expansion into Argentina, South America!! AUSTRALIA, THE LUCKY COUNTRY!!!??
WE ARE SEEING AUSTRALIA'S WATER AND AGRICULTURE TAKEOVER. THIS ALL TIES together with Water restrictions in towns and cities. Residents have had limits placed on how much water they can use, and what they can use it for. The media continues to bombard the 5 free to air TV channels and newspapers with a grim outlooks of drought and water is now perceived to be a scarce resource. The restrictions are all part of the plan to make water a "SCARCE RESOURCE" and to turn the problem into food production, and hatred between farmers/food producers and city water users.
THE Federal Government has announced water buyback in the murray basin. The Feds headed by water minister Penny Wong begin to buyback water allocations from irrigators under the BS guise of environmental flows. Irrigators have also been offered a one off payment of $150 000 to exit the industry. South Australian water minister Karlene Maywald , a member of the Rann Government announces assistance packages to give extra water allocations to SA irrigators to keep permanent plantings alive, suprise suprise, before the next state elections. A TOKEN JESTURE TO WIN THE ELECTION. NOT enough water for growers to get a crop or turn a profit but will passify them for the moment.
Federal environment minister Peter Garrett has begun to Heratige list millions of hectares of land, some of which are in northern australia where there is very little population but an abundance of water much of which is not used and flows out to sea. He also signals his intent that a large tract of the Murray River between Mildura and the outlet to sea may be soon be heratige listed!!!
Most people think this is all due to climate change/global warming?A convenient truth, especially considering huge amounts of the murray rivers water in the South comes from SNOW in the snowy mountains, not rainfall. And snowfalls have been consistently well.
Lies about the actual water levels and storages? We have had a wet winter, a good snow season and the system appears to be full of water along the entire length of the basin, except for the lakes at the end of the river. The murray river is linked to adelaide and barossa via pipelines. The river appears to be full until it gets to these points, then it is empty. The empty parts are always on TV. This water can and is pumped into the massive storages in the adelaide hills reservoirs. From here it services urban water users, through the local water authority SA Water and its owners Vivendi , (GOOGLE SEARCH ON VIVENDI WATER SHOWS TIES TO ROCKEFELLERS)but it can also technically be flushed out to sea giving the appearance of stormwater via the local patawalonga river during rains, as it is connected. It can also be connected to the torrens river, another local river which flushes out to sea, or connected to underground aquifers on the adelaide plains which have been depleted in the last 50 years.
More pipes have been added, the controversial Melbourne pipeline, so obviously the same applies here, large amounts of water are being diverted through Melbourne and put in storage or could be flushed to sea.
Also they have built the Wimmera-Mallee pipeline, 1000KM LONG !! another massive project of which most city residents are unaware, it is linked to the Murray River near Swan Hill to provide water to central Victoria for domestic use. NONE OF IT ALLOWED FOR IRRIGATION. BUT THEN THEY SAY THE MURRAY CANT BE SAVED WITH A PIPE FROM NORTH.
SO, what could be the REAL reasons for all of this?
1. Monopoly on food production? If they control what goes in our food, the possibilities are endless.
2. Reduce food production to assist in global population decrease?
3. They are using Australia's water as an excuse to 'illustrate' the effects of 'Climate change' and therefore introduce carbon taxes and monopolise energy/power production? ie: GE is doing clean carbon technology, no suprises there.
4. Monopoly on water assests and profiteering from the sale and piping of water to urban users together with an increase in population (more customers) while also controlling food production?
5. Communism/two tier society? Together with the financial crisis is it an attempt to reduce or nullify the net worth of individuals?
6. Combinations of the above?
In some parts of northern australia rainfall is measured in METRES not millimeters. The top of Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia have plenty of water. If anyone has seen the Ord river scheme and lake argyle as i have they will know what i mean the thing is a friggin ocean.

The government says we cant run pipes from any of these supplies to the south, or grow large amounts of food up there, and they are busy heritage listing these sites so no one can touch them. I say BS. They have already run thousands of kilometres of pipe in central victoria ( Wimmera Mallee Pipeline ).

They are currently running a pipe from a murray river tributary to melbourne to take millions of litres for urban sales, this pipe is all over the news this week, the greens and independant senators are attempting to stop the pipe, and the state premiers Brumby and Rann are calling them idiots.
Why would the state premier of South Australia Mike Rann be supporting a pipe that TAKES water away from his state? Because he is part of it, and that sell out has pulled so much shit that reeks of NWO in South Australia in so many areas that he deserves a new thread dedicated to him on here.
When ex queensland premier peter beatty wanted to pipe water INTO the system from northern Queensland, the 'experts' said it was 'not economically viable' . Mind you he also didnt want to hand control of the river to the feds, or put flouride in Queenslands water. Then he unexpectedly resigned and the new premier Anna Bligh not only came running to sign the river to the feds, she also happlily added flouride to the water so the 'kids teeth wouldnt rot' and subsequently ran a propaganda campaign on TV promoting the benefits of Flouride.
This is not drought, it reeks of government control, and there are too many contradictions in their policy, which when you look at it, spells out urban water sales at the least. WATER IS THE NEW OIL. The government knows that the murray darling basin has and always will have large amounts of water in it. The government would not be running a Melbourne pipeline which takes billions of litres of water out of the murray darling river system if they thought it was in trouble and needed all the help it can get.

They would not be pushing for large population increases in Northern Adelaide if they knew that water would be a problem, or excavating land around the river to build marinas which need hundreds of megalitres of water to fill.
I hope people have taken the time to read about what is happening in Australia in regards to water and food. For most people in Australias cities it is 'out of mind out of sight' with the murray river and where their food comes from, so it is so easy for the NEW WORLD ORDER to control/manipulate it. Personally I see family/Australian owned food production in Australia is coming to an end. But for what specific agenda/s, only the reptiles know. By reptiles, I mean the elites. I cant be sure if these people are human or not, but they are REAL. Just ask Dick, Bush, Barrack for OSAMA - Laden and the reptiles they work for, because the USA has yet another star on it's flag, and this one was the easiest yet.