G20 London Protests + Events List + Locations Map
transmitter | 24.03.2009 05:40 | G20 London Summit | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Workers' Movements

So here's a more accurate one of confirmed events and initiatives so far from various groups and coalitions (*more events are being announced).
For a GOOGLE map of events, times and locations see:

or full URL:

(copied from

Google Map of G20 Events at: http://tiny.cc/gZxZ6
Saturday 28th March
*Put People First G20 Demonstration "Jobs, Justice, Climate":

*Joint Denomination Service:
10.30am Westminster Hall, led by the Bishop of London
To join march en route at Parliament Square
*Student Bloc Meet up Point:
10.30am Brunei Gallery at SOAS, Russel Square
*Main Assembly Point for March:
11am Victoria Embankment
*Baby Bloc Picnic:
11am at the ‘Year of the Child Fountain’ next to ‘The Lookout’ in Hyde Park
Close to the rally location - for chilling out and awaiting the march arrival at the rally
*Militant Workers Bloc Meet up Point:
11am Victoria Embankment Gardens
*Put People First Rally in Hyde Park:
From 2.30pm List of speakers:

*Autonomous Speeches:
3pm Speakers Corner
NB anyone wanting to twitter news updates from the march, tag twitter messages with #G20rally
Don't know how to Twitter? see here:

(note: Twitter no longer send sms updates to your mobile phone)
Wednesday 1st April
The day before the actual G20 Summit at the ExCel centre, but with official meetings occurring across London.
*G20 Meltdown 'Banquet at The Bank' Financial Fools Street Party:
11am / 12 noon Four "Horsefolk of the Apocalypse" 11am Meet up Points split across themes and locations to converge on the Bank of England at 12 Noon.

*Moorgate Station: Red horse against War
*Liverpool Street Station: Green horse against Climate chaos
*London Bridge Station: Silver horse against Financial crimes
*Cannon Street Station: Black horse against land enclosures and borders in honour of the 360th full circle anniversary of the Diggers
*Climate Camp in the City:
24 hour action creating a climate camp in the heart of the city
12.30pm sharp at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW
Programme of workshops to be held now online, including Carbon Trading, New Economics Foundation and Copenhagen United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place at the start of December 2009
*nb organisers say location may change, see website for more details and to sign up to sms alerts

*"Climate Emergency" Ice-berg Demonstration @ G20 ExCel
12.30pm Excel Centre, Royal Victoria DLR
A demo for "Fossil Fools Day" 12.30 pm. to 7.30 pm. (evening rally 6.30 pm) With a giant ice block, participants dressing in white - all welcome.

*Jobs not Bombs Demonstration
2pm US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, then march to Trafalgar Square for Rally
Called by Stop the War, CND, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative

*Alternative G20 London Summit
4pm - 9pm at the University of East London, Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way
(Cyprus DLR, close to ExCel)
See website for list of speakers

*‘Your Party’s Over!' BP Centenary Fossil Fools Day Protest

Was to be 6pm at the British Museum’s Great Russell Street gate.

Thursday 2nd April - G20 Day
Various calls for actions around the G20 Summit
G20 Meltdown promises....
Early a.m. we're going to bang on their hotel doors, @ the Excel Centre, Canning town to deliver our message of a world beyond capitalism.

*Youth March for Jobs
9am Camberwell Green - jarrow style long march across london to G20 ExCel @ 4pm

For route see:

*Jobs Not Bombs G20 Summit ExCel Demo
11am at the Excel Centre.
Called by Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, The British Muslim Initiative and CND

See you on the streets.
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