pics from today's 'put people first' march in london
rikki | 28.03.2009 19:32 | G20 London Summit | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Workers' Movements
the front of the march
militant workers' block
baby class warrior
apocalypse now
united colours
the four horsemen
more horsemen?
the ritz hotel boarded up just in case!
tax the land
bankers first
eat chris knight?
police escort
things will get worse
hyde park thinning out after rain
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Thanks Rikki
28.03.2009 20:40
nice one
28.03.2009 22:02
I missed that one ... and that too
29.03.2009 00:46
So, let's reflect on this "action" boys and girls. What was accomplished? The blocs allaccomplished what exactly? Marched from A to B and I bet that that has the filth and the G20 quaking in their finest leather boots.
"Ooooh - they are protesting"
"No, really?"
"Yes - see there they go!"
"Thank god that they didn't actually do anything"
"OK back to bed boys (& girl)"
No doubt, this will be a mere variant on the dominant theme - so what really was accomplished here? A piss poor turn out, a great deal of frantic hype, but nothing on the ground? So much for the hyped summer of rage ... just an orderly march within the boundaries so carefully negotiated with the cops.
Did that make anyone have an epiphany? Has anyone seen the light, the error of the old ways and the necessity for change?
Has this helped herald in a new era of Aquarius, an era of fairness, equity, peace, tolerance? No - not the fuck it has. Instead, all the participants can wank themselves off thinking that they made a difference.
I've maintained on these fora before, countless times, such that I am already boring myself, that we should actually do something ... and a little march with our respective blocs is definitely not that thing.
V for Vendetta, Guy Fawkes ... now there's some English spirit for the masses. Burn the fuckers in their cozy HP, their rich enclaves, their police state enclosures.
There's some sport after all, matey. Now where is my blasted shotgun - I remain hopeful for a turkey shoot.
Don't get it.
29.03.2009 01:27
Mr Confused
29.03.2009 08:32
Was this lady fined?
29.03.2009 09:06
"You can't say that, miss, it's a State Secret!"
This was outside the Institute of Electrical Engineers. The Filth had just confiscated her banner on the grounds that it was "offensive", and are obviously using her passport as proof of identity. Was she being given a spot fine?
Presumably the slogans "Fuck the System" and "Bankers are Wankers" was more than the Old Bill could tolerate.
Gregory Beetle
Demonstrations in Germany
29.03.2009 19:27
Pictures from the demonstration in Berlin:
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