Minutes of Manchester NO2ID Meeting, March 2009
Dave Page | 31.03.2009 23:18 | Social Struggles | Technology
Thanks to Helen for taking and typing up minutes; a version with links is at

Manchester NO2ID Logo
ACTION: Dave to post a list of trade unions (BALPA, BATA, Usdaw and CWA) to the Manchester NO2ID list. We need someone to find contact details for the Manchester Airport, Manchester or North-West branches of these unions.
ACTION: Paul to contact Manchester Airport UNITE and Prospect.
ACTION: Tom to contact crewconnected.com and pprune.org.
ACTION: Dave to put PDF for airport workers’ flyer on website.
ACTION: Dave to put Tom in touch with NO2ID web people in London.
ACTION: Sarah to contact the Women’s Officer at UMSU, to get contact details for the Women’s Institute.
ACTION: Dave to ask for a UCLan speaker on the Manchester and Preston local NO2ID lists.
ACTION: Matt to work on the constitution needed to open the bank account.
ACTION: Sarah (Treasurer) to get details of permitted Student Society expenses from UMSU.
ACTION: Dan to send Dave details of the UKBA incident with foreign students, and to write a press release for Student Direct.
ACTION: Sarah to draft the NUS LGBT conference NO2ID motion.
ACTION: Dan to draft the NUS conference NO2ID motion.
Convention on Modern Liberty
Apart from a few technical glitches in the morning, this event went really well. Over 120 people attended the convention, and we received positive feedback from many who attended. A huge thank you to everyone who helped out on the day - both stewards and those who turned up on the day to lend a hand. Anyone who has paid expenses for this event, please contact Dave for reimbursement.
March Street Stall
This was hampered slightly by high winds, but no excuse for not campaigning against the Database State. Thanks to Arthur, Eileen, Barry, Matt, Olly, Benji and Helen for braving the elements.
Another Paradise
This thought-provoking comedy by Sayan Kent highlights one of the very real nightmares associated with the ID Scheme – "Computer Gets It Wrong". Several members of Manchester NO2ID attended this play and thought that it was smashing. One member described it as "The Importance of Being Earnest meets the Database State".
The Coroners and Justice Bill
Good news! Clause 152 – NO2ID’s least favourite clause of this Bill – has been dropped today (18th March)! Our personal data is (fairly) safe for the time being. However, ministers are planning to revise Clause 152 and possibly introduce it in future legislation. There is still work to be done. A huge thank you to everyone who has written to his or her MP regarding this matter.
Manchester Airport
We were unable to take ID card-related information to a local airport workers’ social event on 3rd March due to technical problems.
We were planning to flyer airport staff on 21st March 2009. This was postponed, as it would have coincided with a No Borders demonstration on the same day. We also need permission to flyer from the airport owners, as the airport is private property.
ACTION: Dave to post details of trade unions (BALPA, BATA, Usdaw and CWA) to the Manchester NO2ID list. We need someone to find contact details for the airport branch of these unions.
ACTION: Paul to contact Manchester Airport UNITE and Prospect.
ACTION: Tom to contact crewconnected.com and pprune.org.
ACTION: Dave to put PDF for airport workers’ flyer on website.
We are looking for people experienced with Drupal to get involved with a NO2ID-wide web project. Please contact Dave on

ACTION: Dave to put Tom in touch with NO2ID web people in London.
Regional News
On Friday 13th March 2009, Dave gave a talk on the Database State at Bolton Social Club.
ACTION: Sarah to contact the Women’s Officer at UMSU, to get contact details for the Women’s Institute.
Dave is due to give a talk to a university class at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston. Due to work commitments, Dave is unable to make this engagement, and requires volunteers to talk on his behalf.
ACTION: Dave to send request for help to Manchester and Preston local NO2ID lists.
N.B. The more people volunteer to help with local activities, the more local groups Dave (in his role as North West Co-ordinator) can help set up.
Bank Account
Sadly, Manchester NO2ID still does not have a bank account.
ACTION: MATT to work on the constitution needed to open the bank account.
Students Against ID (SAID)
However, SAID now has a bank account.
ACTION: Sarah (Treasurer) to get details of permitted Student Society expenses from UMSU.
The SAID AGM is pencilled in for Wednesday 6th May 2009, location and time to be confirmed.
However, the UK Borders Agency (UKBA) has ensured that all international students are stranded in the UK over the Easter holidays by a visa "computer error". Sensible.
ACTION: Dan to send Dave details of the UKBA incident, and to write a press release for Student Direct.
Any Other Business
ACTION: Sarah to draft the NUS LGBT conference NO2ID motion.
ACTION: Dan to draft the NUS conference NO2ID motion.
We are slightly concerned about the Barclays Bank contactless credit cards. They seem to pose a theft and ID fraud risk.
Upcoming Events
Street Stall, Saturday 11th April 2009, 2pm-4pm
Monthly Meeting, Wednesday 15th April 2009, 7pm-9pm
Dave Page