McDonalds Protester Found "Not Guilty"!
Not Guilty | 30.04.2009 20:27 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation | Repression | Cambridge | World

This is a small victory for the animal rights movement that has been under increasing state repression. “Lets take this as a collective lift to our self-esteem” said the cleared activist “I'm Mcloving it!”.
The case has dragged on but it finally came to an end with the magistrate finding the defendant not guilty “Animal rights activism may have been covertly outlawed in the UK” said the activist “but it seems not everyone has read the memo yet!”.
The campaigners Barrister put forward an excellent case with the help of the brilliant defence witnesses. As the Not Guilty verdict was read out the supporters in the public gallery began to applaud!
Not Guilty
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Keep on campaigning
01.05.2009 12:16
Whether your issue is animal rights or workers rights, children exploited through advertising or through the manufacture of happy meal toys in China, the misuse food for feed by the livestock industry or the effects of livestock methane emissions on the climate, every day can be a McCampaign Day, but here are a few specific opportunities:
Leafletting at McDonalds
First Thursday of every month in London:
Every 2 weeks in Nottingham:
McLibel: Anniversary of 1997 High Court Victory!
Friday 19th June 2009
Details from
The High Court ruled that McDonald's marketing has "pretended to a positive nutritional benefit which their food did not match"; that they "exploit children"; are "culpably responsible for animal cruelty" and "pay low wages". The Appeal court added that it was fair comment that their employees worldwide "do badly in terms of pay and conditions", and true that "if one eats enough McDonald's food" this may well lead to "the very real risk of heart disease."
Worldwide Day of Action Against McDonalds
Thursday 16th October 2008
Details from
Anniversary of 2005 McLibel victory at European Court of Human Rights
Monday 15th February 2010
Details from
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg declared that the notorious and long running McLibel case was in breach of the right to a fair trial and right to freedom of expression, thereby voiding any solace that McNasty may have enjoyed from the trial. The Court ruled that UK laws had failed to protect the public’s right to criticise massive corporations whose business practices can affect people’s lives, health and the environment.
So after spending £10million to suppress free speach, McDonalds find that the most widely distributed protest leaflet ever, continues to be distributed worldwide...
McLibel archive:
Animal Rights Calendar
Small claims court
01.05.2009 12:31
Street Law
@ Street Lawyer
01.05.2009 13:12
How do I do that? What would the claim be for? What are the costs? I really like that idea and would appreciate any advice.
Small claims details
02.05.2009 10:35
You could claim for any damage to property that happened during the arrest and /or personal injury (potentially including mental injury ??) it would be hard to put a monetary value on injury though. What would be funny is to claim under bad workmanship, however as you don't have a contract with the police that may be difficult. But the police job is to ensure that peaceful protest is allowed and in this case that officer failed.
Only thing to be careful of is to make sure no one can claim that your case is "malicious" in intent. Remember you are not doing it to punish the officer, you are doing it to get recompense for monetary losses to you for instance money lost due to loss of days at work.
Some of the activist legal eagles may be able to give better advice.
Courst Service