Ravens Ait being evicted now!
Okupa! | 01.05.2009 07:41 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Cambridge | South Coast
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01.05.2009 10:12
they arrived in 27 black zodiac inflatables
they were wearing helmets, balaclavas, and flackjackets, and carried sidearms
overhead a low flying helicopter used thermal imaging to locate the approximately 20 residents who were sleeping at the time
the commandos kicked down doors and took people outside and off the island
the entrance to the tunnel and treehouse were guarded and nobody was in them at the time
most people left peacefully, but a few resisted eviction and were arrested
the last resister climbed on top of the outdoor marquee and the police pulled it down to arrest him
by 7.30am all residents were off the island, but lots of their posessions are still on the island
at least 50 more regular Kingston police have since arrived and are currently on the island
the former residents and their supporters are currently on the Surbiton riverbank in good spirits enjoying the sunshine, and request more supporters to join them to show local and national news crews how much support they have for their eco community centre plans

Ravens Ait supporter
pic + report : evicted
01.05.2009 10:12

Think there was an alt media gathering scheduled there today - so maybe someone has film etc
Hide the following 3 comments
01.05.2009 10:59
It's just bloody typical that the minions of a desperate dying system would rather use even MORE resources to evict in such a dramatic manner instead of working with people with great ideas and commitment.
Hope everyone from the island is well and in as good spirits as can be expected.
Why dig and not use?
01.05.2009 13:46
What's the point of having such defences if you aren't going to use them.
A massive wasted opportunity. :/
Lets just hope it gets re-occupied.
Why was there no resistance
02.05.2009 08:50
you do with them? Still, a good effort and with the level of force directed against
them there would have been little they could do even if they had been there.