FIT Teams shut down in Brighton
Fitwatch | 04.05.2009 12:39 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Policing | Repression | South Coast
People have physically pushed, shoved and kicked them out of the demo. A mobile CCTV van was blocked and forced to drive away. Two FIT officers trying to stop someone from doing graffiti were pushed away.
This shows what can happen when we collectively resist our oppression. We no longer have to be passive victims to this policing - we can fight back and we can shut them down.
Congratulations to all those involved in Brighton and good luck for the rest of the day.
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fuck yes
04.05.2009 13:13
i hate work
nice one
04.05.2009 13:14
Way to go
04.05.2009 13:20
Keep it up.
Smash the state, and smash EDO too!
Great news!
04.05.2009 13:34
04.05.2009 13:53
Bob Bob
04.05.2009 14:06
well done everyone in brighton.
04.05.2009 15:10
enough of F.I.T abuse!, intimidation and harrassment!
well done everyone!
sick of fit
Well done!
04.05.2009 18:21
slight but forgivable exageration
04.05.2009 18:31
It wasn't just FIT out with cameras as at least two teams of real police evidence gatherers were out as well.
FIT, as usual, were little more than a side show but nice to see people giving them the amount of resepect they deserve (ie,. none)
lens cap
05.05.2009 08:54
From the very beginning FIT teams struggled to operate. Sussex police evidence gatherers were forced out of the demonstration. The Puiblic Order Intelligence Unit mob with their stills cameras got very few pictures, and could operate only for short periods. There was a level of focussed hostility from the crowd against the FIT that meant they could not safely operate from within or close to the edge of the crowd. There can be no doubt that their operation was severely affected.
FIT teams operating at the head of the march outside the main 'targets' got little or no footage of events, although they were using substantial force, including baton strikes to keep FITwatchers at bay.
Later on, when people's energy levels were down, and they were protected by lines of police in riot gear, they were able to operate from behind police lines. But that is a far cry from what they used to be able to do.
Shutting down the FIT in this way was not the result of a handful of people with cameras and banners. It was the result of a lot of people taking action whenever FIT appeared. Huge respect to the Brighton demonstrators who consistently dealt with the FIT in such a determined and courageous way.
It was undoubtedly empowering to be in a space not dominated by FIT and their cameras. Brighton have shown the way in how to effectively deal with these low-life. More of it.
fighting fit
well done
05.05.2009 10:56
A very inspiring day, and a bloody nose to the forces of oppression!
just a note, I spotted at leastone definite FIT team on the day with regular riot gear and not the usual blue and yellow jackets. know their numbers and their faces and tell them to **** off!
cs 206 and cs 49, both highly undesirable scum who were born too late to be gestapo.
black rat 5
Exercise to keep FIT!
05.05.2009 11:50
Lets make sure this is the reception they get everywhere.
FIT for nothing
06.05.2009 14:05
CS49 was a busy little boy over the weekend. Not only was his well known portly and rotund figure observed during the mayday protest but along with three car loads of his cohorts he turned up at Hove Greyhound Stadium on Sunday to try to imtimidate the 8 or so protestors campaigning to end the horrors involved in this so called sport.