Oakwood residents campaign againts Tesco expansion
marker | 02.06.2009 19:50 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles
Tesco has submitted a planning application to alter their Roundhay Road site. Though the development was advertised to local residents as “improvements to their local store”, the plan actually consists of demolishing the current Tesco and Homebase stores, and erecting a new super-store and a petrol garage. To give an idea of scale, the proposed sales floor is more than double that of the current store, and only slightly smaller than that of the Tesco at Seacroft.
Detailed plans of the proposal are available to view at Oakwood Library or at the Department of Planning in town at the Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington Street, Leeds, LS2 8HD. The plans are not yet available to view online."
One particularly innovative aspect of this campaign is that the campaign website uses javascript to allow you to generate an objection letter straight into the planning department, and tracks the number of times it's used. Nice one.
Hide the following 7 comments
02.06.2009 21:05
Yeah, those middle-class people really know how to do this kind of shit.
Hey Cynic
03.06.2009 11:46
My personal view is that Tesco as an outfit are bad for working class communities, and should be resisted. I also think that self-empowerment of working people through literacy and self-education has a long and respected tradition. And I don't see why computer literacy should be excluded from that.
But if you'd care to spell it out for us a bit more perhaps it would all become clear.
Blessed are the geeks...
04.06.2009 01:44
We just need to learn to channel our energy into positive stuff over criticism and start to believe that we can use this equipment in a better way than the filth can in my opinion.
For everyone
11.06.2009 21:30
Comments here are interesting - you should know I am designing site so it can be used for other group/community planning objections, such as wind farms and other carbuncles. All the features of the site will be available to each group objection. Each group will be able to edit their own content online, it will be really easy! I agree this kind of ePower should be available to ALL who want to campaign against an objectionable planning application in this very efficient way and it will be!
I will add other cool features in next week or so ... such as a Google
cluster map showing which areas are making objection and maybe other useful stats graphs. If you have ideas as to what you would like to see on the site, please share them with me using the email link below... or join the site forum and discuss with other forum members...
Once the planning side is finished we want to add other facilities to the regarding public opinion on other issues - maybe ID cards or whatever .... just to make it easier for each and every one of us to HaveOurSay !
Cheers for now
e-mail: brigzy@ntlworld.com
Homepage: http://www.haveoursay.co.uk
Official Forum for this subject
11.06.2009 23:00
Ed - Many Thanks
e-mail: brigzy@ntlworld.com
Homepage: http://www.HaveOurSay.co.uk
Response Map
14.06.2009 02:16
richard david briggs
e-mail: brigzy@ntlworld.com
Homepage: http://www.HaveOurSay.co.uk
All Comments Now OnLine
23.06.2009 23:41
all of the comments we have gathered and passed on to Leeds City Council are now available to view online! ...
The comments make very interesting reading ... so please gve us another look
www.HaveOurSay.co.uk - Select "Your Comments" from the left hand menu.
Cheers for now :)
richard david briggs
e-mail: brigzy@ntlworld.com
Homepage: http://www.HaveOurSay.co.uk