Serco's 'Protest Response Plan'
IMCista | 20.06.2009 16:47
Incident (protestor) response plan
1 Introduction
This plan outlines the responses of all occupants of the Serco Hand Court building should a protest develop outside the building. Where we are aware of planned events we will aim to provide physical security guaranteeing to help safeguard the occupants and premises.
2 Responsibilities
Reception will monitor CCTV at the front of the building as well as ensuring only authorised persons are permitted access through the main entrance, using CCTV to confirm the individual's identity before releasing the door lock.
Where planned protests are highlighted, Reception must ensure all occupants are aware of the event and should provide telephone/email updates as any events develop.
Security (when present)
During normal working hours they will monitor access by guarding the front door into the building. They will ensure that any protest or incident is reported to the police quickly.
All building occupants must co-operate with instructions provided by the reception team or security guard. During periods of protest activity occupants should:
1) Ensure tailgating is not permitted through the main entrance, ensuring external doors are locked behind them.
2) Ensure all confidential date (electronic and paper) is securely stored, limiting the amount of paper data open and available on desks.
3) Limit the need to leave the building during any external protest activity.
3 Response plan
In the event of an incident developing:
1) Reception will notify Security of any incident or gathering of people at the front of the building if detected on CCTV.
2) Security will lock down the front door and monitor the situation.
3) Reception or Security will call the Police using the 999 system – ensure full address details are to hand.
4) Reception team will notify building occupants of the incident by either telephone or by walking round telling them to stand by for evacuation of the situation escalates. At this point the Reception team [will highlight?] to staff and visitors as to the alternative escape route from the building.
5) [...] should move away from the front windows of the building to ensure their safety from [...].
6) [...] who will arrange for a response from the Detoitte contract where the [...] emergency boarding and locksmith services.
7) [...] the property (smashing front windows) all occupants should [...] quickly.
8) [...] of the incident and a business continuity.
Unfortunately that's all we could see. It would have been interesting to see how they planned to respond to more 'dramatic' situations.
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20.06.2009 18:46
'An emergency is when a crime is happening, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, someone is injured, being threatened or in danger'.
A demonstration is not a crime!
How do Serco justify using the 999 system to call the police to monitor a demonstration? And who is denied the real emergency service if they are actually being threatened or in danger because Serco abuse the system? You guys there on the ground should ask these questions.
Video of speeches and graffitti at London solidarity picket
21.06.2009 00:09
The Justification of the 999 Call
21.06.2009 03:28