Climate Camp Scotland IS up and running
IMCista | 04.08.2009 16:39 | Climate Chaos
Spotting us with our tent and gear an older woman says she would've joined the camp if it wasn't for her bad health and other women on the bus jeer and promise food donations. A bloke immediately struck up a conversation telling us he used to work on the opencast mine and that his brother still does. He said he couldn't understand why they were so keen to reopen and restart work on the site. He'll more than likely be visiting the camp this week too.
We arrived at the 6ft wooden fence fitted with a door that is the main gate of the camp about 2pm - the driver making an unscheduled stop to drop us off at the camp entrance so we didn't have to walk back from the nearest stop - just as 2 local plod had managed to walk in wandering half way up the lane to the camp finding themselves quickly surrounded by climate campers convincing them to leave. Other than that, the lone cop with video cam at Lanark station and the chopper which hovered around for a few minutes a while ago, the authorities seem to be keeping a low profile. No FIT at the camp, in fact no police hanging around at all.
Although not very busy yet, the camp is looking solid: never mind the compost toilets, there's a bike-powered cinema, big kitchen tent, and solar-powered (indy)media tent. And plenty of camping space, of course. From the other end of the field we can see the wind farms on hills to either side of the camp.
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This is an interesting article and worth a read.
08.08.2009 12:01
Tom Levitt
6th August, 2009
The Ecologist