Huntingdon Life Sciences doomed financial status
SHAC | 14.08.2009 07:34 | SHAC | Animal Liberation

A good analysis of the pending merger and proxy statement is provided by a New York Times financial blogger, here:

The Proxy Statement makes it abundantly clear that animal rights campaigning has had a tremendous impact on LSR/HLS' financial predicament and has caused them to have limited options for the future. An in depth analysis was contracted by a special committee appointed by the Board of Directors and carried out by Plymouth Partners LLC. The Plymouth report cited the influence of animal rights campaigners over and over again, in relationship to investors, market makers, trading platforms, customers and suppliers.
Also of note in the Plymouth report was the fact that LSR/HLS was in imminent danger of defaulting on their long term debt and additionally that they were in imminent danger of being delisted by the NYSE Arca for failure to maintain the minimum levels of capitalization for continued listing. All in all, the report gave a very grim picture of LSR's financial position. A more detailed analysis and publication of selected excerpts from the reports will be forthcoming in the near future.
Meanwhile, SHAC, Win Animal Rights and other animal rights groups will be moving ahead with plans to focus on HLS' primary customers. It's only because of campaigners across the world who have in any way supported the campaign to stop the killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Every action, every protest, every letter and every phone call contributed to the results that are now clearly exposed by these recent SEC filings.
It is time to put this dying monster of a company out of it's (and our) misery. Let's get to it and make it happen for the animals being tortured inside HLS.
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