NPC MASS Rally For Decent Pay, Decent Pensions, Decent Public Services
Stalingrad O'Neill | 19.10.2009 21:13 | Health | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham
Roger McKenzie WMTUC
Joe Morgan GMB
Ron Dorman NPC
Unfortunately George, for the workers mothers children, pensioners and students, the wallet is quite likely to remain so innit with woteva Alpha shower inhabit the top tree in that Parliamentary zoo? No really, com'on George! Really, your talking utter ef'in' unmitigated bollocks intcha! Wagging your finger at the Bosses and Bankers and saying "we reserve the right to take further action and that includes using the tax system." Oh yeah! Blue bricks mate! and in that grand speech there.... you forgot to mention exactly which century you are "going to stop more and more pensioners being driven onto the means test."
Please reader forgive me if I skip the Labour cheerleading, coz it looks like that shower of ejits will be killin’ each other to be crowned leader of the opposition
The rally?... Ahh yes... Apart from the various National Pensioner Convention Branches, it was attended by a solid group mostly delegated committed Trade unionists! A sloppy and lazy way to get this last group to pack a 'Mass Rally'! Tisk, respectable but woefully inadequate!
As a few wry and wary pensioners indicated to me ~ If this is the start of the fight back then we are going to get kicked to the kerb! Pull your finger out for Christ’s sake! You Union Illuminati, coz I think we're going to need to be a wee bit more inventive than that
Birmingham has one of Britain's biggest social services departments. It serves a population of 250,000 The Council promised to overhaul the service after it was criticized over the death of seven-year-old Toni Ann Byfield way back in 2003
An' wad'cha know, an 2009 social services audit by a Birmingham City Council scrutiny committee has identified a catalogue of failings, including a shortage of experienced staff, inadequate monitoring, etc The inquiry was "shocked and dismayed" by the standard of some council children's homes had The report concluded amongst other things urgent investment was needed.
Well! I mean to say ..........if no action has bin takin' since 2003! Wots the chances off this happin' then? ~ Them feelin' so shamed by the report, they do a mad rush to get every thing in order before they start their topography on the auld council budget huh!

Photos copyright Stalingrad O'Neill - permission is required for third party usage
Stalingrad O'Neill
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19.10.2009 21:34
S O'Neill