Chios: The Greek Junta rears its ugly head again, in a 'Socialist' state!
Chios Seperatists, Greece | 17.11.2009 20:13 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Central Athens occupied, by cops
Report of shoppers being dragged out of supermarket and arrested

News that the democratic state is pressuring the head of the Metsovo (poytechneio) university to shut the Greek indymedia!
Some photos are here

Chios Seperatists, Greece
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no go
17.11.2009 20:59
athens indymedia is slow, but should work eventually...
17.11.2009 23:25
227 arrests, 7 (or 8) facing court tomorrow
2 held for previous demo, and maybe the 8th above was arrested before the demo today
"Nearly all" arrestees have been/will be released (without charge?) Police chief 'happy' with 'peaceful characteristics of demo, but also of those wrongly arrested, especially kids" Ο αρχηγός της Αστυνομίας τους διαβεβαίωσε ότι όλοι σχεδόν θα αφεθούν ελεύθεροι και ο κ. Λαφαζάνης δήλωσε αμέσως μετά ευχαριστημένος από τον ειρηνικό χαρακτήρα που είχε η πορεία, αλλά όχι και από τις αθρόες προσαγωγές, κυρίως παιδιών.
Media: police chief to 'decent' left wing party rep
new workings in conjunction with university authorities
2,500-3000 (-6000?) Anarchists, pig-penned
Cops collecting stones off the street and putting them in coats and bags of detainees, repeat of Simon Chapman, anyone?
Οι μπάτσοι μάζευαν πέτρες από το δρόμο και τις έχωναν στα μπουφάν και στις τσάντες των συλληφθέντων.
meanwhile photos here:
Chios Seperatists, Greece
18.11.2009 01:13
conquer the repression!