DE: Searches against Antifa in Berlin and Dresden | 20.01.2010 14:14 | Anti-racism | Repression | World
230 groups and organisations as well as 800 individuals (among them musicians like Bela B (Die Ärzte), Konstantin Wecker , members of the Bundestag from “die Linke” and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, members of the Landtag from SPD, the mayor of Jena, union secretaries and priests) participate in the nationwide association “Dresden Nazifrei”, which calls for mass blockades.
In the meanwhile a wave of protests and solidarity demonstrations are taking place in Germoney, by yesterday spontaneous demonstrations happened in Dresden, Berlin (2), Leipzig, Munich, Halle, in Hamburg a solidarity demonstration will take place at Thursday.
Pictures from the searches in Berlin:

Articles about the searches:

List of groups/organisations and individuals who participate in the association “Dresden Nazifrei”:

Mobilisation against the Nazi’s march in Dresden: