Immediate mutual aid needed for our Greek visitors!
@ | 18.03.2010 20:01 | Repression | Social Struggles | World

•Do you have access to a video projector we can have?
What was taken
1.One window of their vehicle (which must be replaced for their tour to continue)
2.One high end (2200+ lumens) projector: THIS IS THE LARGEST LOSS
3.One pair of professional DJ headphones
4.3 External Hard Drives
5.3 boxes of books !!!!
◦1 box of the new book We are an Image from the Future
◦1 box of Peter's book Anarchy Works
◦1 box of Anarchy Works, How Non-violence protects the state, and others
6.Pamphlets (for distribution)
7.Paperwork, and ephemera
How to help
•$20 via Little Black Cart

•$5 via Little Black Cart
