Weymann has now been charged with ‘Conspiracy to commit violent disorder’.
underclassrising.net | 21.03.2010 10:18
Dora Kaplan makes some telling pointson on Ian Bones Blog
The trots, at least the SWP, will never stop campaigning for tighter controls on public assembly for right-wing groups, and they will always be the first victims of the counter-protest policies they’ve lobbied for.
Is it too much to hope they might learn? Probably. People who regard a police run, welfare state as the highest form of social organisation are not likely to change their approach to state control of other (anti) social movements.
Dealing with EDL will require a more sophisticated approach than chanting ‘nazi scum, off our streets’ and hoping that the police will play by the rules agreed between George Galloway and the Central Committee of the SWP.
Incidentally, the conspiracy charge may be a temporary expedient to ensure the police get the bail conditions they’re after. It’s a standard tactic. Bennett will probably end up facing lesser charges, but his arrest was clearly planned, and I suspect he may be dragged before a court at some point on public order charges. None of this happened spontaneously, and somebody in forward intelligence collected evidence before the arrest.
It’s interesting to speculate why this has happened to a senior SWP arse at this late stage. I suspect it’s because the UAF are rapidly becoming an embarrassment to the TUC and Labour Party in the run up to an election. Bennett may well have overplayed his hand in assuming that UAF’s connection to the Labour government would ensure protection from serious charges. I think the message of his arrest is ‘back away from any set piece confrontations with the EDL before the general election, or face legal sanctions.’
In addition, Searchlight pulled the plug on the UAF a few months ago, which means they’ve lost any friends they once had in MI5/MI6. It’s Searchlight that determines who is a ‘respectable’ anti-fascist and who isn’t. And the UAF has been found wanting. The clock was ticking for Bennett and SWP CC from the moment Searchlight gave the thumbs down.
I could be totally wrong, but I suspect that if he walks away without charges it will mean a distinct change in UAF policy, with a shift away from confrontation and back to the comfortable territory of lobbying Labour MPs and the trade union leadership.
In regard to the previous post on Weymann’s arrest. Some us did not know UAF had fallen out with Searchlight – what were the ostensible reasons for the fall out? It may well account for the high up decision to arrest Weymann now that the shield of protection offered by Searchlight’s state security connections has been removed.
The UAF leadership may at last wise up to the fact that calling for state bans and police prosecutions of their opponents was always likely to rebound on them at some point – see countless posted by me on this blog.No doubt however the desire to portray themselves as victims will simply enable the UAF leadership to build a ‘ DEFEND WEYMANN’ campaign in alliance with their usual allies of left Labour MPs, trade union bureaucrat and the wallahs of multicultural quangoism.In the meantime continued cries of ‘Non passaran’ as repeatedly chanted in Bolton yesterday – presumably ‘cos they couldnt think of anything to shout in English in case it be deemed racist – will fall on stony ground.Will Weymann’s arrest lead to the formation of a genuine anti-fascist movement on the streets or simply another excuse to build up the SWP with Weymann with an onion up his sleeve touring student unions for the next year?? Despite these reservations
We have to show solidarity with Weymann against this cocky state repression – whether many will bite that bullett we’ll have to see.
Hide the following 15 comments
21.03.2010 12:52
As much of a self-serving utter cunt Bennet is, we shouldn't let him get treated in such a blatantly unfair manner.
It bodes ill for anti-fascism if one of it's fluffiest figures is arrested under conspiracy.....
Buther MCBlisset
Police PR tactics
21.03.2010 14:46
Out of the loop???
21.03.2010 15:34
Weyman Bennett has yet to be charged with anything
21.03.2010 17:35
The one report on the bbc that mentioned he was "later charged" was taken down and changed and is only longer on their site. There is no corroborating evidence of the fact. Maybe let's wait till some facts do emerge eh?
Jesus, it like a bunch of hyper active ADD kids pumped full of ritalin at a school disco. Calm down for fuck's sake
Law and pre-order
Getting your house in order
21.03.2010 18:30
Quote me where Weyman ( that’s one 'n' ) Bennett says
‘ at least the SWP, will never stop campaigning for tighter controls on public assembly for right-wing groups’
And again ‘Dealing with EDL will require a more sophisticated approach than ... hoping that the police will play by the rules agreed between George Galloway and the Central Committee of the SWP.’ The SWP split with Galloway over 2 YEARS ago, So what are you talking about?
You do admit that ‘Some of us did not know UAF had fallen out with Searchlight – what were the ostensible reasons for the fall out?.... ‘Searchlight pulled the plug on the UAF a few months ago’ again Searchlight left UAF about 2 years ago, what is the point of just making things up??
The Anti Fascist movement needs debate, but come on, more facts, less crap journalism based on hear say. Look, I know that some people on this site hate the SWP, where others may disagree on this or that.
But I think the most productive thing you say is ‘Dealing with EDL will require a more sophisticated approach than chanting ‘Nazi scum, off our streets’ PLEASE ELABORATE?
The fact is that in Bolton yesterday UAF members and locals were fighting in the streets with the EDL as well as having to defend themselves against police attacks. But then most of the people writing on Indymedia would not know that because they were not there!
I think that the endless debating on Indymedia about the EDL’s Nazis nature or not is navel gazing because of the lack of a real movement to deal with them. Its very easy to slag others off from the sidelines, but I am interested to hear what you are organising?
The EDL have;
When are the contributers on this site going to get off their computers and organise against the Fascist gangs marching through our cities??? COME ON!!! Put on transport to the demos, build meetings, etc
Yours in solidarity
a grassroots member of UAF and SWP
Just to be clear...
21.03.2010 18:42
P-er-leez Rick!
21.03.2010 18:53
The EDL have;
Some people who have gone along in support of the EDL have. This also happens on a daily basis. What are you doing about this?
See above.
See above
See above.
When are the contributers on this site going to get off their computers and organise against the Fascist gangs marching through our cities??? COME ON!!! Put on transport to the demos, build meetings, etc
Idiotic rant. See above.
Arthur Church
Remember the lessons of the 1930s!
21.03.2010 21:16
Unfortunately, last month in Stoke, the counter demo was too small, add to this the police operation, the Anti Fascists were hampered from stopping the EDL, which meant that the EDL could rampage.
The EDL are a single-issue united front group, who’s leadership come from the BNP and loyalist backrounds. They are hoping to put some meat on bone of BNP electoral successes.
If the Left do not understand this, then there will be a very high price to pay! The EDL are small (at the moment) and can be defeated. But if they are not destroyed now, do want to wait until they are able to attack the Anarchist Book Fair, Climate Camp, Notting Hill Carnival etc in they 10s of thousands? REMEMBER THE LESSONS OF THE 1930s!
who is Weymann and what did he do?
21.03.2010 21:54
reply to rick
21.03.2010 22:44
However the UAF (and SWP) have made some terrible tactical mistakes. Calling for a vote for "anyone but BNP" is bullshit. What do the Tories / New Labour / UKIP / Lib Dems offer the working class? Fuck all! And many people know this. Why call for people to support mainstream politicians when these same people are the ones who have fucked us over, and support the system that exploits us? This strategy then alllowed Griffin to be elected in the Euro election. If you're gonna resort to electoral politics to defeat the BNP at least show some brains. If all the people who voted for the Socialist LP, for example, had voted Green, then we would have no BNP MEPs. But UAF (and SWP) showed no grasp of the situation and called for a vote for anyone but BNP! This allows the BNP to set themselves up to be seen as some kind of radical alternative to all the other parties. Where I live the UAF even wrote to the local paper thanking all the prties in the election (including UKIP) for being "truly democratic" and oppossing the fascist BNP. That's a disgrace. I don't thank UKIP / Labour / Tories for anything! And the fact is that this isn't an electoral struggle. It is a fight that will be won (or lost) in our communities and workplaces. It requires a lot of hard work, and building day to day struggles of resistance to capitalism, and offering libertarian solutions to the way we build and organise (not top down dictats from your Central Committee).
Having said that when it comes to getting people out on the street to prevent the EDL going on the rampage then we need to forget these political difference and stand together - this happened in Bolton, and despite the EDL turnout a repeat of Stoke was prevented.
northern anarchist
Weyman bennett NOT been charged - OFFICAL
23.03.2010 13:54
He has however held a press conference at Westminster with a government MP to demand a full scale enquiry.
Mr Bennett told journalists: "I was arrested and bailed on suspicion of conspiracy to organise violent disorder. But I have not been charged."
A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said on Monday: "Weyman Bennett has been released on bail pending further inquiries until May 10."
now, less hysteria more strategy
Law and pre-order
Photos and video
23.03.2010 21:33
The best place to conduct a defence is probably in the court itself and not in the pages of the
It could end up prejudicing any trial that takes place of both himself, and anyone else
that was arrested, and be viewed with concern by the courts.
Plus it might be a bit presumptious to officially label the police tactics "violent" at this stage. Has anyone actually made a formal complaint to the Police Complaints Commission yet? As seen after G20, they are actually very fair and even-handed, and aren't shy of coming down hard on the occasional bad apple when it's justified.
The chances of a full-scale inquiry into alleged police brutality, even when called for by a lone MP, are practically zero anyway. But they are definitely zero if not even one single person has actually made a formal complaint of police heavy-handedness or violence.
If there was police violence, was anyone assaulted or hospitalised as a result? If so it goes without saying that any photos and video footage should be kept safe.
re: The best place to conduct a defence
23.03.2010 23:51
newspapers. It could end up prejudicing any trial that takes place of both himself, and anyone else
that was arrested, and be viewed with concern by the courts."
Sometimes the publicity you can get from shouting about your arrest is worth way more that the potential legal risk to yourself. It's a tried and tested way of showing something up as a political show trial.
The state wants you to be quiet and mumble about it in court where the media can misquote you or ignore you. I'm no fan of trots and I've no idea if Weyman is one or not, but in this case I think he is doing exactly the right thing.
RE The UAF & Searchlight
24.03.2010 14:51
Shortly after UAF was launched, to replace the ANL, Searchlight agent Terry Fitzpatrick tried to buy his way onto the UAF steering committee by donating them several grand of his own money. He then fell out with them (as all non-trots do) and decided that his donation was a loan and demanded it back. They refused so he took them to court and lost, losing even more of his hard earned. Neither faction has spoken since especially as both the UAF and Hope Not Hate (Searchlights front group) are in direct competition for all that Trade Union cash.
Left geneoligy
re videos and photos
24.03.2010 20:00
Were the 70 odd others that were arrested invited or given a platform to speak?
It's typical of the selfish, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing, line-their-own-pockets antics of the assortment of middle class toss-pots and gas bags in the UAF leadership.
The sooner the UAF realise that anti-racism and anti-fascism needs no leaders (particularly them), and that the people at the grassroots know best, the better.