Liverpool BNP's neo-Nazi links exposed
Liverpool Anti-Fascists | 04.05.2010 21:48 | Anti-racism | Liverpool
violent neo-Nazi extremists and followers of Hitler.
Photographs published on Liverpool Anti-Fascists website show BNP
candidates and activists with members of the Racial Volunteer Force and the British Freedom Fighters - both openly Nazi organisations which have seen members jailed or awaiting trial on terrorism and race hate charges. Its members make no attempt to conceal their Nazi sympathies.

These groups are encouraging and preparing for a race war in Britain - and the BNP in Liverpool is happy to be associated with them. Today's revelations also show that Liverpool BNP members have joined the English Defence League and attended their demonstrations - in defiance of orders from party leader Nick Griffin not to do so.
Perhaps Peter Squire, Liverpool BNP's organiser, would like to comment on the photographs and the links?
Perhaps Gary Aronsson, the BNP PPC ousted from Knowsley, would like to
talk about his friends in the BFF and RVF?
Perhaps Steven Greenhalgh, the current candidate for Knowsley, would like to comment on why Aronsson was replaced and why neo-Nazis were present at Aigburth People's Hall?
Perhaps Clive Jefferson, the BNP's North West regional organiser, would like to comment on the activities of Liverpool BNP?
Perhaps Nick Griffin would like to comment on today's revelations, and
explain why a Liverpool BNP candidate who attended EDL demonstrations
against his express wishes is still representing the party in Liverpool?
A spokesperson for Liverpool Anti-Fascists said today:
"In this election, the BNP has tried to cover up its fascist past and its ongoing links with violent neo-Nazis. Yet in Liverpool, this subterfuge is only skin deep. Scratch the surface and the connections between a legal political party and far-right paramilitaries are plain to see.
When people read the BNP's election material, they should be aware that they are not being told the truth about this race hate party. People thinking of voting BNP on Thursday should think again - do you know who you are really supporting when you cast a vote for the BNP?"
Liverpool Anti-Fascists


Liverpool Anti-Fascists