VIDEO - What is the Democracy Village?
visionOntv | 14.05.2010 13:53 | Mayday 2010 | Climate Chaos | Culture | Free Spaces

Come to the ACTION
Parliament Square Guerilla Gardening
A few people at the Democracy Village on Parliament Square have decided that Parliament Square in Westminster is in need of a make over.
So..... we are very happy to invite you to a Guerilla Gardening event to brighten up the square - this Saturday starting at 12 PM (with entertainment til late)
We want to transform the place into a beautiful and productive paradise, to let our government and everyone else know what kind of world we want to see.
If you can, please bring veggie or flower plants, seeds and food for a picnic. There will be music and an open mic (we've got a marquee if the weather turns wet!).
The Democracy Village started on May 1st by people who want to see changes along many issues, including peace, justice and freedom. This is direct democracy.
Directions: Westminster tube is 1 minute walk from the Square.
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What did that first guy say on the vidio ?
14.05.2010 15:06
The soldiers don't have a choice. They have to go and fight unjust wars, or some thing like that
What has that guy been smoaking ?
Every soldier choses what he dose, as dose every individual member of all the governments armed forces. No one is conscripted to the forces let alone forced, they do it of their own free will. Here is their oath:
I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.
Every soldier repeats and signes this when they join.
Dose it say anything about defending the country or the working class?
Soldiers are not heros.
A Leveler
great action awful vid
14.05.2010 16:45
don't be a prick leveller
14.05.2010 17:24
by and large they're working class kids, who are suffering far fucking more as a result of capitalist war than most people who post on this site
saying that, everyone should get down to Parliament Square tomorrow and noise things up a bit
the tories just got elected for fucks sake